2016 Forbe's Highest Paid Comedians

>Kevin Hart ($87.5 million)
>Jerry Seinfeld ($43.5 million)
>Terry Fator ($21 million)
>Amy Schumer ($17 million)
>Jeff Dunham ($13.5 million)
>Dave Chappelle ($13 million)
>Jim Gaffigan ($12.5 million)
>Gabriel Iglesias ($9.5 million)
>Russell Peters ($9 million)
>John Bishop ($7 million)

What happened to comedy?

Other urls found in this thread:


>>Dave Chappelle ($13 million)

>two of the top five are ventriloquists

fucking why

Midwesterners who go to Vegas comedy shows.

How is Iglesias still making money. I've hated that faggot for so fucking long. His entire career is pretty much calling himself fat, or 'fluffy'


Not true at all

she is truly disgusting
whose ever jew dick she sucked must have dogshit standards

What happened to comedy? Man fuck what happened to society, the fools of the worlds court get millions? No wonder this world is fucked, people like them and actors get paid this much, we should all be ashamed.

I'm surprised Louis isn't up there

>Amy Schumer making less than Kevin Hart

And people say the wage gap doesn't exist...

T. Iglesias

Your opinion stopped mattering the second you typed a comment in the defense of that fuck

christ schumer is so fucking disgusting in every conceivable way. she has the facial features of a minority and a pig combined, the figure of an alcoholic housewife in her 50s, and the personality of a 18th century whore that works the docks. there is literally nothing redeemable about her.

It's bullshit. These lists are propaganda, PR, and nonsense. Fatty in OP's pic made 17 mil yet lives in a 1.5 mil condo. Ok. Media is so full of shit.


Is this list from 2008? How the fuck is Jeff Dunham even on there? Let alone top five

>Jeff Dunham ($13.5 million)

isn't he the guy that ate all those dudes he picked up from gay clubs?

Yea, probably.

Jesus christ, dude. Are you really going stoop that low and insult pigs like that?

The Jew dick she sucked was also sucking the dick of her Jew US Senator relative.

most of the top paid comedians have always been garbage. This is nothing new. Fucking Gallagher was the top paid comedian for ages.

The only good comedian on that list is Chappelle.

seinfeld used to be good. he's probably still got the same act so i think he's still count as good.

Seinfeld getting over $40 million for doing literally nothing.

This comedian sums up my feelings on the matter.

so this fat blonde trailer trash ho make more money then pic relate

>Entertains millions of people
>Gets paid way more than the average joe

This has been going on for centuries you twit

The real question is, why are men so much funnier than women?


Watch yourself user. This one is intersectional.

>Sweaty Schums is best Schums

>Terry Fator

literally who

God I fucking hate the current state of mainstream comedy nowadays, especially here in the UK. I used to really enjoy the panel shows we've got but now they're filled with cookie cutter shit tier 'comedians' who spew they same tripe every time they're on screen. David Mitchell and Sean Lock seem to be the only worthwhile humorists on British panel shows at the moment.

Don't be upset he thought of it first

>Jerry Seinfeld ($43.5 million)
How much of this is residuals from the show?

>Russell peters
Fucking how?

Amy who???

Can anyone out there, ANYONE, explain to me why Schumer makes so much money? Why? It's generally agreed her standup is weak, so is it her show? Why? Inside Amy Schumer gets absolute SHIT ratings. Don't believe me? Look it up yourself. An average episode of Inside Amy Schumer gets worse ratings than Sam Hyde's 15 minute spergest World Peace.

Why is it hailed as the second coming? Why did it blow up?

she lives in a 1.5 mil condo? OMG what a poor loser

Because she has a vagooba

>Amy Schumer has made almost twice as much money in one year as Bill Burr has made in his entire life

The comedy world is fucked up.

I had to google who Kevin Hart was

Jim gaffigan isn't bad.

Because she's a woman.


I think Kevin Hart made most of that from mk movies.

jim gaffigan wouldn't have made that much money

Azia a sari would have made more than most of them

She keeps getting roles in movies starring other popular comedians who also play her up constantly, for whatever reason.

She gets paid for all that shit too.

One of these shows is in its 4 season, in a primetime TV timeslot, stars a person who gets near constant media attention, has won a peabody award and multiple emmys, and has the full force of a huge network throwing their weight behind the advertising for it.

The other was made by an internet neckbeard no one's ever heard of, is in its first season, airs at 12:15 am, and has had literally no media coverage at all.


Yeah but I'm not fat.

Guess I win.

People need to stop pirating his shit! This funny man deserves better!

She probably doesn't. Media isn't real.

Saw her condo listed the other day. 5th floor walk-up (yet still fat kek). $1.625 mil (she bought it for $1.695 kek).

This is someone who was from a wealthy family and grew up on the UES.

Doubt she's banking like her PR person got Forbes to claim

shut up jew

>she isnt funny
>not in movies
>wonder why she works less and makes less

Americans must be the most unfunny people on earth

Good. That cuck deserves to wither away and never be heard from again.


>own tv show
>constantly touring
>podcast twice a week

how does this work.

Because all the good comedians are dead.

Pic related, this fat degenerate rapist will never be topped.

RIP Lamumba.

he still does standup

Dahmer did that, too.

Media isn't real. How do you kids not know this yet?

Half this shit is quid pro quo arrangements between PR firms.

I dunno why people like Kevin Hart. He's not even funny. Like Dane Cook when he was popular. I don't know people found him funny either.

hes mediocre but appeals to a large audience. somehow this is a style>substance situation.

same with iglesias.

it really is honestly stand up for plebs.

Shut up faggot

>Terry Fator

women like my gf like him, and that other young new york (?) comedian who's "totally not gay"

>a puppet guy is 3rd

>women like my gf

Cook had a lot of charisma to his act that was easy to get into, even just listening to it.
Hart I honestly don't get how he got so popular, but that just might be Hollywood being Hollywood because they needed a short black star.

hart has literally got the same amount of charisma as cook.

if anything theyre the same dude.

bad sense of humur

Maybe it's just bad taste in men.

>you will never make 1 million a year
>you will never make half a million a year

With that attitude you won't.


They literally put him in prosion for 60 days as a teenager for fucking a girl one year below him because she "couldn't consent".

Fucking Massachusetts and their beyond retarded romeo and juliet laws. That shit is legal in almost every state.

I'll bet my right nut the reason they fucked him over what because he was porking a white chick.

What happened to the days when greats like Carlos Mencia, Larry the Cable Guy, and Dane Cook were the highest paid comedians?

>only make 37k a year

Who else /crushing poverty/ here?

A decade passed.

You have no one to blame but yourself. There's plenty of ways to make money in the modern era instead of sitting around bitching how you don't.

Black men earn more than white women. #BlackPrivilege

>Top woman only makes 19% of what the top man makes
Ugh... could we... not?

>humblebragging on 4chin
wew lad

Holy shit I had no idea it did this terribly

Um user....37k is not a brag, humble or otherwise.

lmao anything under 40k is walmart tier

>less than 40k annual
You realize that's less than 20$/h right?

That's less than TEACHER pay.

>Cred Forums once again demonstrates their shit tastes

I made 13k this year
you don't know poverty

The question is though, do you still live at home?


>don't live at home
Unless you're converting to USD from a foreign currency, how big is the cardboard box you live in?

Yikes :/

all the truly great comedians are dead remember?

How much do you make an hour?

I'm actually pretty comfortable.
How much do you fucks spend on useless shit?

>>Kevin Hart ($87.5 million)

Niggers crying they're broke but they have 90 million to give a guy to tell jokes? wow so oppressed

this is largely true

these are estimates off of gross salary however a lot of that is lost to agents + management fees (can be up to 35%) then subtract taxes plus necessary expenses for "hollywood stars" to "remain relevant" and they probably are worth a quarter of the net worth estimates

He runs his own tours now. I went and saw him at the beginning of this year.

he gets to drive around in his favorite hobby with his friends getting his favorite beverage

It's hardly surprising. They're very popular. Half of them aren't even "bad" just really nothing spectacular, except Chappelle. With guys like Seinfeld and Hart their material is so non-confrontational that they can appeal to a large fan base without really alienating many people. Most people who aren't fans don't really hate them but rather just find them mildly irritating at worst and mildly amusing at best.

The only person I'm surprised not to see on this list is Aziz Ansari.

>>John Bishop ($7 million)

man I remember watching him start out on The Panel ten years ago. He was always drunk as shit and you could never understand him

you've come a long way, kid

Based Norm BTFOing hacks like Schumer:
>There's a thing you do in the book, where you take the kernel of a real-life event, and then craft an outlandish and obviously not-real story out of it, that feels very different from a lot of contemporary, more personally revealing post-Louie comedy. Did you ever have any impulse to write something more confessional?
'I do not like confessional comedy. I don't like it at all. Nothing can be easier than being confessional. Confessional is bragging. That's all it is.'

>It’s bragging to draw from your life experiences?
'People think things are tragedy. They're not tragedy. If you get cancer, that's not a tragedy. If your mother dies when she's 30, that's not tragedy. That's life. You don't yell it from the rooftops. It has no place in comedy.'

>There's also a parallel trend to the confessional comedy I'm talking about, which is comedy that's much more explicitly concerned with identity issues. I'm thinking of people like Amy Schumer or Aziz Ansari. Are you also disinterested in social-commentary comedy?
'If you can tell me one funny, socially relevant joke I'd give you a million dollars. Comedians, when they get really good, and nowadays they don't even have to get good, reach a point where they feel they should be philosophers. I've heard it said even that the modern-day philosophers are comedians. I read modern-day philosophers! I'm sure they're insulted when they're compared to people who work in smoky nightclubs and hit on waitresses for a living. Social commentary — I don't know. Have you tried watching Murphy Brown lately? Those Dan Quayle jokes …'


Its a kike degeneracy delivery system.

how many hours a week do you work? You're sub minimum wage.

Trips make it true

John Mullaney?

>he found his son?
That interview with Bob Saget was the funniest thing I've ever seen.

>Jeff Dunham ($13.5 million)

kek he made an anti hillary video and now I sort of like him

The show about nothing is giving him millions for nothing.

really makes you think

What do you reckon the break down on their income is like?

Like for Seinfeld it's probably like 60% residuals, and most of the rest is probably an investment portfolio.

As I understand Hart gets a lot of his money doing endorsements through his social media presence.

But like for these top-earners, how much of the money is actually from touring and how much of it is... say getting paid an option on a show, or endorsement deals.

Also who the fuck is this Terry Fator guy? A ventriloquist? Is he like the new Liberace, selling out Vegas to a bunch of middle-aged housewives laughing at his caricatured puppets
>Hahaha, recent events! So funny Mr. Fator!

A friend of mine linked me a video of his. It was him getting heckled for like fifteen minutes and telling the audience to fuck off the entire time. It was the least funny thing I'd ever seen and I literally almost killed myself after watching it.

Bill Burr isn't just unfunny, he is anti-funny.

Sad Norm Macdonald isn't getting paid more than these people
I miss Rodney Dangerfield too.

Man Patrice was great.

37k Year? Where do you live? You should be ok, not great but well enough. At least where I live that's decent for like a non college graduate.

>good taste

Where's Katt williams? Artie Lange?

I like Kevin Hart.

>Terry Fator
>21 million

Why have I literally never even heard of this person. Even after googling, still totally obscure to me.

The GOAT is worth 500k in while Amy fucking Schumer is at 17 mil.

Let that fucking sink in for a moment.

nah fuck that shit, we stick to our corn and cow jokes


Does anyone else feel really nervous watching ventriloquism because you're always on edge the guy is gonna fuck up the illusion somehow and be humiliated in front of the crowd?

his gambling problem might have something to do with that

Probably because Norm has never done any profitable lead roles in television or film.

when i watch a grown man ventriloquist performing in front of mostly other grown adults, i get embarrassed for both the performer and the audience. granted i can only watch about 1-2 minutes at best. It's so stupid it's painful

Wait, isn't Leno still touring?

Surely he'd be making bank?

This list is bullshit

>That's less than TEACHER pay.

>Paying their teachers poverty level wages

What the absolute fuck, no wonder you're all fucktarded

you're from philly aren't you

How is Chappele making money?

He's the only comedian that's actually funny on that list

Never heard of Kevin Hart in ma fuckin life.

>Amy "Wage Gap" Schumer

Why is it always the rich cunts who talk about the wage gap?

How do we fix the wage gap?

Same reason rich blacks talk about the white man holding them back

1/3 of that list isn't even American

This sounds like bullshit. Fallon may be terrible but he's definitely making more than these people


Poor thing.
Is she eating alright? Should I send her some money?
Should I send her my balls too?

This, if you are a touring comedian in high demand you can make a killing. Hart and Seinfeld both made most of their money there from touring.

Seinfeld's got a gig tomorrow night at NYC, and out of curiousity I decided to check the prices. Cheapest seat is $119. Center stage? $660. Touring is where the real money is, but it helps to make yourself famous outside of that so people will come to your shows.

How is Jerry still making money?



the freedom fries of comedy|/spoiler]

This. Midwesteners are why shit like God's not dead gets sequels as well.

Kevin Hart is great. He deserves it. One of the few stand-up comedians that is actually funny.

are you serios

Amy makes less than half of what Jerry makes 18 years after his show ended

While the fact that she makes money mind boggling it really shows how shit she is.

>Seinfeld makes most of his money from touring
This! He came to Fort Myers a few years back, and in the bumfuck theater he was in the cheapest seats were $85, and they were so far back you wouldn't have been able to see the stage clearly

uh, jerry seinfield is literally a billionaire he could just buy a bunch of bonds and outearn everyone who acts

>and I literally almost killed myself after watching it.

You probably should have faggot

>Hart, 87.5 Million

How? He's in shitty movies. That's it. No way.

>According to Forbes, Kevin Hart is worth 130 MILLIONS
>Made 85 Millions this year


>BS lists

lol this joke thief is still relevant?

You people must be desperate

Jim Gaffigan is based

American comedy sucks, has always sucked and most likely always will suck. Learn french and go watch stand up shows from quebec and france starting from the 80s.

>It's a Murricna don't count taxes on their salary episode

We're in that shit era of comedy
There are so many mediocrities being pushed by their high powered agents it leaves little room for new blood

damn shame tbph