
Whats with the loud fucking music
Can hardly hear what he's saying

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you sad sicilian knife fighter, you are not even white

I think he did it on purpose because he didn't have the balls to tell it like it is, or to tell what really happened on his part that cause him to "quit".

He's literally autistic.

how many of you will start listening again?

i know we're all sucking Sam's dick right now, i still think he blows. but ill be happy to get the worm in the mornings doing comedy without being curtailed by the dope.

>i still think he blows

His solo show is bad but he's good with Jim.

he's good in the sense that he knows how to let Jim do his thing, and give him material to work on, but that is about it imo.

i just can't stand his nasally voice and awful laugh. but i haven't listened to many of the previous shows they did, with guests or a full room, he might be tolerable.

in any case, i'm renewing my sub. Jim on the way to work without tits in the morning will be great.

When did you cancel your sub? Have you heard any of Jim and Opie's show? Shit's fucking terrible.

Here's Uncle Paul annoying Opie during their final show together: youtube.com/watch?v=l3Gs4_cK1kE

thanks, m8. haven't heard that, listening now.

i still had my sub for a while after Ant was fired. not very long, but long enough to hear how awful the show was. and of course clips here and there that got popular, such as the DL incident, Opie being pissy over uncle Paul, etc.

>he's going all out with it in this clip

this is why Sam will be tolerable. we get comfortable Jimmy, not greggshells Jimmy. and hopefully no more Judy fat kike Gold.

My pecka went stiff like a fuckin cliff edge went I heard de news.

They've been hinting at it but after having tits be in charge for so long I thought he'd hook the worm for another dreary contract.

Jim and Sam should be consistently decent. At least on the level of O&A during Ant's last year.
Expecting the redditfags to find reasons to despise it within a week though. But thats what they do.

Fuck, finally. Fuck Opie. Jim and Same is better than Op and Jim.

Though both suck when compared to The Bonfire. I get sick of Jimmy after a while, but Big Jay and Soder are great together.

Jim has been terrible for years. I got more sick of him than Opie. Opie has never changed, but Jim used to be amazing, now he can do hours talking about how eating candy is breaking his diet.

>tfw unironically would listen to Jim's AA propaganda hour through his shitty advice show

just fuck my shit up senpai. i know Jim will never be what he once was, but i still enjoy listening to the worm. something about his voice is easy to listen to while driving, or as background noise when shitposting.

Ugh, its like ma man Puff always be sayin, sign long term contracts in the twilight of your career

I'm so happy for Jim.

Hopefully Opie will realize someday how lucky he was. He had stellar funny guys carry him his entire career.

>Jim has been terrible for years. I got more sick of him than Opie.

I don't know if I agree. Opie would pull every conversation to a screeching halt even back when Anthony was around, to take fucking calls. Callers make everything suck. Stopping people from having great conversation because he read a really funny instant feedback that he lost because he took too long to say it.

Jim is a one trick pony but once in a while he can make you laugh. Opie is horrid. I can't listen to 5 mins of him babbling. Good riddance.

Crackle crackle

Opie doesnt bring much to the table. But if I have to listen to Jim talk about how he yelled at the gym smoothie girl for charging him extra for a large, I will kill.myself.

>keep your head on a swivel
Oh shit! He's getting back together with Ant.

a-are ant and jim gonna roast opie and his solo show on air like they did scott and todd?

I seriously thought that pic was from tim and eric for a second

One of the last clips I heard from O&J, or whatever the fuck it is called now, was Norton talking about how he was so uncomfortable to shit in public that, despite being across the country, he'd wait until he got home to do it.

His jail story and how the risk of shitting in front of others was completely traumatizing was also pretty funny.

I think his standup blows, his cartoon was an absolute shit and a fraud, but in bantz and casual talking, he's still quick, and he has funny stories.

>in bantz and casual talking, he's still quick, and he has funny stories.

When he's with other comics/funny people I agree, he's amazingly quick. Opie dragged him down though, I just wish this happened sooner.

>There are males aides

Fucking Uncle Paul

Agreed. He wasn't great with Opie. Couldn't do his characters, apparently not as much decisions in terms of content or guests, etc. Just phoning it in, with a clever remark here and there, or a funny aside.

I'm not opposed to Ant ever coming on the new show, but with O&A gone and Jim playing a larger role with Sam, I'm interested to see how Jim fairs on a regular basis to do as he pleases.