She would probably post on Cred Forums

She would probably post on Cred Forums.

I doubt it. Cred Forums is full of the people she hates trying to be smart, and the smart people she hates trying to be funny.

>she hates

She hates everything she would be perfect here

no this is a board devoted to hating pop culture. you faggots post about kim kardashian and whatever 20 year old celebrity is hot this month. I hate almost all of you, but you are easy to troll.

I come here for memes and trolling. daria would look down on that as useless.

she would not feel the need to argue about whether bvs was a good movie for the millionth time.

you either did not understand her character, or you do not understand what is truly going on on this board.

>no this is a board devoted to hating pop culture. it isn't. It never really has.

Daria could not exist in the current year. Purely a 90s thing.

Daria today would be 250 pounds and would be posting on tumblr about how gender is a construct.

whatever gets you to sleep at night. hey, i'm not going to spell it out for you. you are one of the stupids trying to be smart apparently. movies and tv is an easy medium.

but if you look at the board as a whole, yes it makes fun of pop culture and people like you.

which daria did, but wouldn't have gone out of her way to do.

>the voice of Daria

She would probably hang out on /lit/ and /his/. Cred Forums would be of no interested to her what so ever other than to troll and shit post.

Did this age well or not?
I never watched it, and her role was nonexistant in Beavis and Butthead

It definitely aged well. Still very funny and you'll understand the show/characters a lot more now that you're older. It's on the same level as KOTH imo.



Not that user by the way.

wtf I'm a #FeministAlly now?!!

It Pisses me off that feminists try to sequester Daria. She was smart enough to see through all that shit

She looks like a meth version of Iben Hjejle

>he thinks he's one of the smarts trying to be funny

>bluray never
>original music never

Who was "our guy" in this show?

Upchuck obviously


no she wouldn't she only watched one show

Is MDE WP the real life version of Sick Sad World?

The dad, he did get mad awfully fast

The problem with pro non white MTV is that they couldn't have characters laugh at pro white jokes. That would have cost them a lot of advertising.

Mac, Jodie and the forgettable Asian principle didn't even need to be a part of the show except for the sake of diversity promotion.

Daria and Jane could have been typical bitter smart girls who want guys way beyond their league and because they can't get them, the lash out at the absurd nature of popular society.

Just like real people do. But hey, that threatens mass immigration/cheap labor. If people see TV characters make fun of non whites they will start doing it themselves.

Which is why TV and Movies are very forgettable.

>which daria did, but wouldn't have gone out of her way to do.

whoa dude it was just a show, jesus christ

>tfw Daria as we know her would've seen through all the SJW bullshit and cut them down to size with her level 1000 bantz and sarcasm
>tfw if Daria was made today she would probably be an SJW faggot with cookie cutter "being oppressed is trendy" opinions to appeal to young people.

>daria would look down on that as useless.
She ironically watches trash television like Sick Sad World.
Maybe you didn't understand the character.

Sad but true.
Nihilism has been replaced by victimism and an overblown sense of self importance.

The fuck are you even trying to say

Why are Feminists trying to hijack Daria

maybe in /who/
only ironically ofc

ITT: characters that are literally you.
For me it's Daria: intelligent, nihilistic and with a wicked sense of humor.

>implying she wouldn't be on reddit

Yeah man, she hated equal rights!

>feminism is about equal rights

The show makes its opinions on feminists pretty clear with its depiction of Ms. Barch, that man-hating teacher who ironically doms the sensitive 'new age guy' teach Mr O'neill.


I can't remember, is this from the original Wicker Man?

Are you suggesting out of 4 billion women there's no significant portion with views like Daria?

She would make stupid passive aggressive blog posts and get paid to do so by some shitty magazine because she can make them sound smart while wonder why the fuck did she study journalism while having the girl that writes fashion/make up/how to get a man columns and some 40 year old soccer mom that gives home tips in the adjacent cubicles

Jake Morgendorffer, of course.

Today's tv and specially animated tv is always looking for the joke or the next thing that will keep you watching, daria is incredibly slow paced and uneventful.
It's a 90s thing were sometimes you watched tv to see yourself

>The whole point of daria was that at the end she realizes she was a cunt all along
>Feminists unironically belive daria represents them and doesn't directly criticize their whole movement
>This is the same woman who gave a speech about women should sacrifice their identity and personal goals and live their lives in a way that empowers other women
You know the people in the future are going to look back to today and wonder what the fuck was going on

Are you stupid.

For some reason, when I see Jake, I always imagine Jimmy Neutron's dad getting together with this guy to hang out.

I'm not that dude but we're talking about a teen show, so obviously there are no teen "women" with views like Daria.

She's like 16 or 17 in the show. I'm sure there are plenty of younger women with views like her, but the point is she's got a warped and cynical viewpoint that was common among kids her age at the time this was made.

Who would win an argument?
Amd keep in mind he has never been wrong and is extremely unlikely to play fair pretty much would only play fair if it's the last thing you would expect out of him

is Hal just a live action rip-off?

Spoken like someone who didn't see the neutral balance the show had.

Cartoons are always exaggerations of real peoples attitudes even when they are played straight in wich case they are supposed to be played extra straight it's a thing that has been happening since the first comic strips that were printed on newspapers
And for Jodie and Mac they basically only ever showed up when we needed someone to say something that either daria needs to hear to advance the plot or the audience needs to hear to understand it

either Darias Dad or Charles Ruttheimer III

Except daria writers couldn't write comedy
I can't recall a single joke except the one were he has to capture a chipmunk and eventually both Daria's sisters dumb boyfriend and Daria's smart boyfriend join him