Seriously, what is it about this scene?

Seriously, what is it about this scene?

Why the FUCK is it so effective?

This alone makes me want to watch Justice League.

Other urls found in this thread:

Some bros just like to get wet bro

you might be gay

because he is an alcoholic chad thunder cock instead of some skinnyfat quip faggot in tights


You're a numale shitskin getting your ""power fantasy""

>that shot

DCEU is kino

marvelcucks need not apply

people say media makes smoking look cool.
way more concerned with media making alcoholism look cool.
fucking stupid kids


Choose any 3



t. numale

this so much. alcoholism is a "cool" thing in movies and television, it's fucking disgusting

alcohol is cool and fun though

stay gay faggots

Confirmed for having no friends.

W-why is he so masculine and self assured? Why isn't he some quipping cuckold fan like myself or my favourite Marvel heroes?

Because he already cucked all of us with the Queen of Drogon

if only it was, user

if only it was

All the whiskey and shitty tattoos in the world can't make Aquaman cool.

>Why the FUCK is it so effective?

The magic of Snyder.

Relax, Tony, and get another pair of stupid looking shoes.

ITT: 13 year olds

alcohol =/= alcoholism, family

Snyder is a god when it comes to shots.
He just suck at coherence.

Daily reminder that this alchoholic hobo is supposed to be wise Atlanthean ruler

>Thinks alcohol is fun, rather than just having fun without substances
>Thinks it's "cool" to get drunk
>Calls people gay - unironically - as an insult

I think we found a fossil from the Redneckian Era.

He's actually worse in the animated movies and some comics.

Why you have to come here reddit, stay in your numale site and never come back

Snyder, please go back to bed

You are a closet homosexual probably

It's numale repellent

ban all virgins from Cred Forums y or n

Because every marvel movie is shot to look as boring flat and sterile as possible. The Snyder movies are very flawed but at the very least they are interesting to look at.

You sound like a huge nu-male faggot.

It's extremely cool. Notice how Aquaman isn't a mother. If you want to demonize drinking aim it at the whore mothers popping out FAS autistic babies. They're the problem.


Marvelites won't admit it, but they know it's true.

>interesting too look at

Like that pointless shot in bvs of a fucking open tab of water

Expression of repressed anger and masculinity through a movie scene aka catharsis.

Bravo Snyder!

What a lovely creature.

The flash was better in the trailer

nothing cool about alcohol but it can be a lot of fun

I couldn't sleep, so this is the time you DC faggots post at 3:00 in the morning. Enjoy your merman.

>everybody lives in my timezone

it's 12:05 pm here


>What are timezones


Yea, you can go back now.



I for one am glad that they took a character that has always been pretty lame and found a way to make him badass.
You guys can be butthurt about it and spew your le numale power fantasy memes if you want. You just can't be pleased by anything.

I think it's because he treats it as just another day. Swigs some whisky, gets enveloped in waves...just another day for Arthuer Curry

Best character on TBATB desu

based Mel tells it like it is.

He isn't a Chad just because he's ripped
He might be very loving and monogamous

>He might be very loving and monogamous

Is he a blue whale?

I don't know what that means
He's like a god of water or something

Most whales are monogamous/mate for life.

>He's like a god of water or something

I doubt that but who knows with the DCEU

But alcohol is cool. It's literally used as a coolant in multiple mechanical and medical applications.

Marketing is effective it seems.

D-Did fucking Aquaman throw his bottle into the sea?

No he threw it on the ground.

Glass doesn't have any ecological impact.

Weeell a dude seems to get drunk... Unlikely he got refreshed by consuming an alcohol....

U gay bro


its because for a brief moment we are allowed to have "manstuff" in a post masculine world.

you have been brainwashed into disliking and not even knowing stuff men actually like. doing stupid but fun stuff.

Momoa confirmed that bottom shot in OP is 100% real, not CGI


Somebody should tell Mel the best 2 movies of the past 10 years are Apocalypto and BvS

>post masculine world.
What did he mean by this?

>I take pride in being a straight edge faggot and think that's something to brag about

The idea of the confident, self-reliant male leader of the household has been attacked since the 80s and now masculinity itself has been attacked as something toxic to human development. Say what you will about Snyder's movies but they're manly.

>The idea of the confident, self-reliant male leader of the household has been attacked since the 80s and now masculinity itself has been attacked as something toxic to human development. Say what you will about Snyder's movies but they're manly.
What did he mean by this ?

He means that in every single show about a family that isn't edgy the husband/father figure has been an inept idiot and the wife has always been the smarter one

but its not badass
it's retarded
justice league looks terrible

Pretty funny you post an anime pic with that message. Anime is completely non-masculine so I assume you are too

who the fuck would watch the show where its exactly the same as it is in real life, most of the time men who actually have families are fucking idiots who dont give a fuck and let women tell them what to do
Rust tier characters live alone

So underwater Khal Drogo. Will he be riding a giant seahorse?

>most of the time men who actually have families are fucking idiots who dont give a fuck and let women tell them what to do


>Dcucks are eurofags

Well damn


you're a DChad

>if there isn't a fish tank in the next room I'm going to be completely useless.

lmao, the marvel netflix shows are better than the dc films

*icky thump plays*

what music video is this?

Lmao this fucking kid.

Just because you loathe alcoholism doesn't mean you're straight edge. I'm a budding alcoholic myself and I hate it

He's looking more and more aboriginal the more he ages.

>why is this scene so effective
>it's a screenshot of a trailer
>the trailer is for capeshit
This site is for 18+ only

looks like a perfume commercial
>a man (i don't think the bottle matters at all)
>the relation to nature (in that case a wild and indomitable element, water)

Media made smoking look cool decades ago. Now it's demonized. In the US alcohol is so advertised it's insane, but be damned if you show a boob.

That being said, that brief shot of Aquaman develops his character far more than two movies did for Batman and Superman.

>over the top in your face Jesus references in every movie
>pic of him as Jesus


ITT: tvmblr numales

Literally do not know. Once again, Zacky poo is giving us "Breh, wouldn't this be an awesome comic book panel?" imagery, which almost guarantees that once again there will be no story behind it, because it's all he's done since 300.


>drinks like a fish

Bravo Snyder. Bravo.

>he says as be comes here everyday trying to be part of the board
Don't make me post your history, cross poster

He's prepping for his next role as an Abo

you're both giant faggots