Will that be with or without butter, sir?

Will that be with or without butter, sir?

They don't call it butter any more. They can't for legal reasons.

They always ask do you want "topping"?

Please fuck my wi- I mean yes, please

Yeah, and some bird seeds at the side


Y....you too

Did someone trademark "butter" in the US? Haha, murricans are so fucking STUPID.

They can't call it butter because it's not butter.

Same reason at McDonald's they're called "shakes" on the menu and not milkshakes. There's no milk in them.


Why has no one lynched this man yet?

Here in Austria you get your Popcorn with salt only.
Tried caramel popcorn once, was disgusting.
Butter sounds disgusting too.

In b4 crab legs

well i think invading poland is disgusting

well that's just like your onion man

Got you fampei

I wanted the Star Wars special edition crab legs dipped in glowstick liquid, you incompetent, spearchucking spook. I'm afraid i'm gonna have to speak to your falcon.

Why the fuck do ameritards need beef flavoring on their fucking french fries?

>this is considered american quizeen

me on the right, winking

Don't skimp on the semen

It's because they used to make their fries with beef tallow instead of vegetable oil which lacks the beef flavor. People still think vegetable oil is healthier than beef tallow.

why is a bull like you working at a cinema? don't you have anyhting better to do?
