...why is this the best movie of all time again?

...why is this the best movie of all time again?

I have never seen this movie.

What's it about?

I prefer Goodfellas. There, I said it.

I think its an okay movie, not worthy of "the best movie ever" title though.

at least one of you posted this ironically right?

Because Brando had to put cotton in his mouth.


This is the state of Cred Forums, 30 superhero threads and one shittalking the godfather

Never watched the movie, even though I own the BluRay. My fucking attention span is oto low to watch a movie that long. ... sorry.

Blow your brains out.

Might need a rewatch

takes practice, like everything else
start with new stuff, genres you like and slowly go down in year when it was made and a longer running time

Purely by assumption. Everyone knows the quotes, but very few actually bother to see the movie.

It has some great scenes and is a bumpy mafiso ride, but all the characters except Vito and the accountant are pretty unlikable.

You can pretend you're badass


>but all the characters except Vito and the accountant are pretty unlikable.

Is that supposed to be a criticism in a mafia movie?

While part I is god tier, part II is transcendent tier.

It's not the greatest movie ever but it deserves it critical acclaim. Most people these days can't even sit through it without complaining about the lack of action.

Yeah it's 3 hours but it feels like a 2 hour movie because you get really invested

While they're supposed to be bad people, it's pretty hard to enjoy a movie if there's nobody to root for. I hate to bring up Goodfellas but at least there's some form of camaraderie of going on there. At the end of part 2 I was so sick of Michael's antics and killing his brother was like a giant slap in the face.

I really liked it. haven't watched 2 and 3 yet, the second one's runtime is spooky

That's why 2 is shittier than 1. But come on, you gotta love Clemenza and even Michael in the first one, even if he's a brute with no class.

I only watched it for the first time a few months ago and decided to watch the 8 hour recut version of 1+2 together. I loved it, wasn't bored for a second. I plan on watching again soon to see the original versions.


2 => 1 >> 3

>"rooting" for characters in a film/TV

I hope you know you are the worst kind of normie pleb. It's time for you to go back.

Well shot
Well acted
Great story
Great depth
Great music
Memorable lines

Also people today tend to forget that mafia movies weren't completely meme tier befor Scorcese ruined the genre