
Toy Story

Indiana Jones (there are only three movies)

Toy Story

Die hard.


Home Alone :^)

Iron Man

My wives


Dollar's Trilogy


Color trilogy. Maybe.

White is the best tho. Totally underrated.
KEK, no

While I doubt anybody but a Cred Forums contrarian would disagree with GBU being the best, even Morricone himself said Fistful was the worst of the trilogy.

Gotta be this.

I liked Fistful more than A Few Dollars More

Die Hard is the easiest one to remember, as the quality is inversely proportional to when they were made. Thus:

Star Wars prequels?

How does it feel to be WRONG?

>what is a headcanon

>what is a headcanon



False statement.

Mr Robot (probably)

Jurassic Park?

You faggots know 3 was pure dinokino, you just want to be edgy.

Factually wrong. Die Hard 3 is leaps and bounds better than Die Hard 2

season 2 is better than season one. Fight me.

Once Upon A Time Trilogy
America > West > Revolution
You cannot disprove this.

So far the only right answer.

How does it feel to be so retarded that you put 2 before 3 and 4 (unrated)?

1>3>4>2>5 is the correct order

The Dollars Trilogy.

>even Morricone himself said Fistful was the worst of the trilogy.

Who fucking gives a shit about what the music composer thinks? If Leone said it, then that opinion would have value, but for Morricone? Only if the topic is which film's music score is better.

True Detective

KYS for such shit PS.


Star Trek Reboots
Pirates of the Caribbean (fight me, at worlds end is pure fantasy kino)

Even with Indy, 1>3

Toy Story 2 is objectively the best

Breaking Bad

Dark Knight Trilogy


This is the only answer so far in the thread



Twin Peaks (if you count the movie as 3)

I agree.

>implying any third movie in a trilogy has ever not been the worst


This is the correct reply.


Fuck off, I like it.


Wrong and you should feel wrong.

Go get yourself checked.

The Thing

>i just started season 2 today
>just finished third episode

Does it get worse, how? Or is it worse because it's drawn out, which I have a feeling is part of a problem.

It has its moments. I would argue that the buildup for the murderer reveal and the finale can surpass a few moments of the first season. But everything that involves James and Donna is basically what's wrong with season 2.
The movie is in another league.

I find pic related to be very accurate.

>James and Donna
Oh no, oh fuck. You mean there will be more scenes of misunderstanding, where Donna just teleports behind him and Maddy to spot their handholding and runaway?

3 > 1 > 2 works perfect for prequels.

>Implying that 2>1>2

This will happen word by word in s2, can't tell which episode though.


Any kind of "canon" when it comes to a fictional world is a delusion.
That's the point of pop fiction.