Modern Family casts an openly transgendered child actor




so does she have a slimey little pussy or a gross little donger?



Children have been known to have phases of pretendong to be the opposite gender and turned out completely normal. It's disgusting that this kid, who os most likely just going through a phase is being called transgender. If you read anything on gender disphoria it becomes most apparent at or past puberty. Sjw's are fucking cancer.

boy or girl that's a weird looking child

it's been on for 8 seasons and they have a married homosexual couple with an oriental kid and an old man married with a colombian with a kid from previous marriage.

it has been degenerate always.

it's an ugly girl transitioning

i dont care

>tfw your parents didn't force you to get your dick cut off

feels good man

i used to think my parents were annoying when i was a teenager

could've been so much worse

2nd grader deciding he doesn't like his genitalia and this is something we all shouldn't blink at
>mfw I thought I was going to get a letter in the mail from Hogwarts School of Wizardry in 5th grade

fucking retard

Is gender even properly a thing when you're 2?

Jokes on you I've said that to other people and they were all "Oh wow me too!"

Keep trying to look cool though you stupid sack of dogshit KEK

Oh wow, me too!

Oh wow me too!

Why is "transgender" now its own thing? Surely the point of being transgender is that you're now the other gender?

Go be a child abusing faggot somewhere else.

Oh, wow, me too!

oh wow me too.

Calm down user I was a teenager when the harry potter books were popular and I don't remember my younger sibling ever expressing such a retarded notion.

so mad

Oh wow me too