Last time you had sex & your moty so far

last time you had sex & your moty so far

>last night
>Hunt for the Wilderpeople

>suicide squad

2yrs and change
Hell or High Water

4 years

Hell or High Water is my close second, not a trite moment in it. The deputy's death was brutal because it was so sudden and in the middle of a comedic line, shocked me a lot more than gore ever could. I was semi-expecting it but it still surprised me how it happened.

>last night
>part of Superbad and no country for old men

I came on her face btw. Shit was so cash

>In Order of Disappearance or Hunt for the Wilderpeople

last week
none they're all fucking shit

Tuesday, hopefully getting some again tomorrow.

The Nice Guys.

Two weeks ago
Not a big fan of really any movies from 2016 but I really haven't been watching them so much, i have a feeling of anhedonia towards this recent shit generation of movies. Maybe The Nice Guys.
I'm with this guy basically

>1 week
>I can't remember the last time I saw a "good" movie

6 months ago it was my first time

Don't Breath I guess


so I think Im already dead.

mommy I want milkie desu


3 months ago.
Hell or High water really got to me.

>it's been years
>2016,uh, Train to Busan?

Never and Suicide Squad

>last weekend
>haven't seen a new movie this year yet

>yesterday morning
>Batman v Superman


Last night (for the first time in months. I lasted like 3 pumps it was embarrassing af)
The Witch

>10 years
>10 Cloverfield Lane

Wish I was lying

>thought Cred Forums was full of virgin bros like myself

>this morning
>i don't want movies

>2 years
>the neon demon


Any kino made by Snyder, as true artistic masterpiece who could stand to have less Marvelshills blasting him down just because they're mad they don't have any good flicks yet

>Neon Demon





Knight of Cups

It was
This site is full of normies now

>Over 3 months ago
>Sausage Party

>tfw not sure if virgins or making fun of the other side of their company wars

>assblasted mouseketeer detected

Take your company war bullshit somewhere else. This is a DC board. Marvel lost, deal with it.

>Kill Me Please

>2 months ago
>Aquarius or A Conspiracy Of Faith
I haven't seen much 2016 films tho

all the virgins killed themselves all thats left are normies

ok my turn

>a month
>I hate movies

>Goddess Anri will never suffocate you with her oppai or ass

>February 2013
>does it really matter?

>strong correlation of shit taste in movies and never getting laid
Color me surprised. I lost it to some thirsty ass fat bitch in high school. It's the only mark on my record but at least my card is punched. Try harder bros

>virgin bros

>Swiss Army Man

The Nice Guys.
Haven't seen "Hell or High Water" yet.

this afternoon (your mum)

movie of the year? probably 10 cloverfield lane, it's been a rough year.

Couple days ago

Sing Street

What's with all the virgins here?



>first time
>six months dry

Why didn't she want more?

Six months
Neon Demon