Twin peaks teaser

Showtime just uploaded. Hold on to your dicks. Things are about to get weird.

oh baby

how the fuck will laura palmer even matter to this, bitch be dead 25 years


Lynch is back baby !

Twin peaks > Hooters

wow it's fucking nothing
still hyped

but she still might live in the black lodge. I also think the normal rules of verisimilitude apply to the things lynch makes.

>tfw too intelligent to understand Twin Peaks

Felt good hearing Laura Palmer's theme again. Made me sufficiently hyped.

Can't wait t b h f a m

I will 100 percent be avoiding this board until I finish watching it.

Old man on synthesizer in woods.

But the live threads will be the best part.

I can't wait to see how is the new opening.

Twin Peaks S3 already confirmed for best show of 2017

I'm personally hoping that S3 resembles lynch's last 3 films rather than twin peaks. I know it's almost certainly not going to be but I'm still hoping.

I went camping in eastern Washington last weekend and had to drive after work at night through the cascade mountains via washington state route 530. Drove through a little lumber town called Darrington. Shit was twin peaks as fuck.

I disagree. He is doing that. He answers to no one on this project

I think this can only turn out poorly, Twin Peaks over the top plot was based off of soap opera dynamics on purpose. It can only feel dated, go for contemporary edginess or be a failure

I'm definitely going to watch it regardless

The only reason I don't think he's doing it is because Showtime gave him a lot of money to make this project. At the point where they greenlit the filming, he already had the entire script written. I don't think showtime would have gone through with it looked anything like his more recent work.

>I think this can only turn out poorly, Twin Peaks over the top plot was based off of soap opera dynamics on purpose. It can only feel dated

You kidding me ? The biggest tv hit this year was a pastiche of 80's horror flicks.

I agree, but that was a brand new property. That target demographic has most likely not seen Twin Peaks. I'm excited, but the success of the new season hinges on people who have seen a 25 year old show.

I'm willing to bet a large amount of the demographic that made Stranger Things successful wasn't even born when Twin Peaks originally aired.

I feel like it's not being advertised enough. Showtime should already be carrying the original series, and new viewers should be encouraged to catch up now, so they'll have even more anticipation as the debut draws nearer.

Should I watch the original series?


Season 1 through the first third of season 2 is GOAT. Latter 2/3rds of season 2 is mediocre, but redeemed by a GOAT finale.

The prequel film is worth watching if you enjoyed the series, but a little different in tone. Obviously do not watch the prequel film before the series, as it will spoil everything in the series.

I really found this show hard to get into. I like Lynch's movies, but this is (intentionally I know) in a weird uncanny valley where it's just about surreal enough that it takes me out of the show and makes it hard to really care about the characters. His other stuff either doesn't have that problem or is even more surreal, which I'm fine with. But this confuses me because I feel like I should be engaging with it like a drama or a soap opera and I just can't. Maybe part of it is that it's over 20 years old and I'm not American so it's hard to relate to.

I mean, I kinda like it and will watch the new season, but it really does feel like it went way, way over my head considering how much everyone loves it. Anyone else feel the same way?

Also watch the Missing Bits.

It includes an extended epilogue to the series.

Did you not like blue velvet either. The two, to me, are very similar in what they're attempting.

I did like Blue Velvet. Not as much as Mulholland Drive, though. The difference being that I thought about the latter for weeks after seeing it whereas the former I just enjoyed and moved on.

Maybe the difference with Twin Peaks is just the length/filler. There are some episodes that I really love, and FWWM as well. But I definitely felt "into" Blue Velvet while watching it. Felt more like a legit thriller to me



Ah got it. To me both TP and BV work the same. They're both Lynch attempting to elevate a schlocky genre while simultaneously deconstructing it. I know that people don't cotton much to this kind of talk but that's how I see it.