Thoughts on violence against women in cinema?

Thoughts on violence against women in cinema?
I think it's great and the more the graphic the better

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your webm was pretty ham-handed and cringy but I like it when it's subtle and realistic because I think more women should be carrying guns.

You're in Cred Forums retard, /r9k/ is that way


Rape is one of the few things I can't tolerate in movies and shows, I skip that shit.

this is a pretty bad example 2bh
this happens to both genders of bongland cops in real life

i'm sure someone has the webm of at least 12 of them being chased by a guy with a knife


Good thing nobody got shot.

Why would I post this on /r9k/? I'm discussing film, not frogs or how sad I am today

What movie?

found it lmao



in america, he would have RIP'ed in literally the second he took out the knife

>the assailant is black


fucking lmao

Plz respond

The fact that it was a white criminal brought me out the immersion.

Halp, someone

tiny white penis detected

"What the fuck are tasers"


>female police

its inevitable

Is it any good?

How pathetic.


The problem I see with violence being perpetrated upon women, especially sexual violence, is that it works more as an outlet for men than it does as a scare tactic. We already know we're superior, but instead of being repulsed by abhorrent behaviour we're drinking deeply of our lust for female flesh and suffering, to make them our own.
To be a man is to be a subjugator.
And man oh man, it feels fucking GREAT.

she looked like she started liking that dicking toward the end

i think they make stuff like this with the intention of it being used as softcore porn. cuz this isnt a blockbuster big budget movie they expect people to see. this is meant for fucking nobodies and losers to jack off to. its supposed to keep us at bay and satisfied so we dont go do this shit in the streets. i actually kinda think porn plays a large part in tempering the male sex drive.

Say what you want about americans, but we get results
No wishy-washy ring around the cruiser bullshit


would've happened in sweden as well
as a matter of fact it did happen some 2-3 years ago when an elderly was wielding a kitchen knife in his home when the police broke down the door


I'll cum in you too, buttercup.

Oy veyyy

In America we would have killed him the second he took out his shit colored skin.

This was a sketch though.


Pretty tasteless. Men and women aren't the same and shouldn't be treated or portrayed as such. Women are to be protected, not harmed.

I bey she has a big asian cock.

if they aren't to be harmed then they don't need to be protected


who is this

Only men should be hurt in fiction. Only white men.

This is how black criminal would want our police to operate.

that's pretty racist. people of all races equally deserve to be hurt.

>implying you can put your dick into a dry pussy
Love this rape meme

>implying their pussy stays dry

women were literally made to be raped

he probably doesnt believe in evolution either dude. dont bother.

I'm not sure if it's the pro-gun undertones or the act itself or both but I really want to jerk off right now.


>he doesn't fap to rape scenes

>decent human beings on Cred Forums


>You can't be a decent human being if you jerk off to fake rape
You do know it's all pretend, right? They're not actually being raped, you're not actually raping them, you wouldn't seriously go out and rape a woman, it's a fantasy, which is why you're jerking your cock to it.

duuude. it was a joke.

and i like to pretend its horrible to jerk off to fake rape so when i do i cum even harder.

It's literally a fake scene in a fucking movie you don't need to justify it, god damn. If you were jerking off to actual rape sure that's fucked, doesn't fucking matter when it's fake though

How did the guy get an erection so fast for buttsex? Something tells me this guy is a fag.
But yeah, bravo, we're all human why not show equal violence/equal rights.

Would Cred Forums ever hit a girl?

nothing like this has ever happened
and if it has and if it were to happen again it would be an honest cop in the hands of paramilitary/rightwing deathsquads, like Serpico and Robocop teaches us.

post moar please

or even if he didn't

Why does this resonate with me?

I love women, but sadism kinda turns me on.

>Women are to be protected

this is one of the pillars of patriarchy, a society-pimp. Like the pimp "protects", like the mafioso "protects" the business.

Only if she wanted to fight in the first place.