Its a Hal thread

>Its a Hal thread

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No one wants a Hal thread when you can have a Reese thread


an apple is 10
a banana is 4
a coconut is 2


hal was criminally negligent and the kids should have been taken from them and put in foster care.


Go ahead, try and prove me wrong

It's 16. Apple equals 10. Banana equals 4 and Coconut equals 2.
10 + 10 + 10 = 30
10 + 4 + 4 = 18
4 - 2 = 2
2 + 10 + 4 = 16


You are SO salty you couldn't figure it out on your own

Hal > Reese > Francis >> Lois > Dewey > Malcolm >>> Jamie

1 whole coconut is 2. But the bottom equation only has half a coconut.


The answer is 14.


You are so wrong lmao

>damage control

>wacky reaction memes to cope with being wrong


Count the number of coconuts on the last one.

That would make the answer 15, not 14. How is anybody getting 14?

Check the bananas too

Fuuuuuck you're right

Hal worked to feed his kids and provide them shelter. That alone makes him a good father.

What a complete bull shit equation. This is something my old math teacher would pull and then laugh in myself telling me how wrong I was. Fuck her. No one is going to pay attention at the fact that there's only half a coconut or that there's one less banana. The coconut and the banana in the last equation should be the same amount as the other two. That's literally a detail almost impossible to notice unless told about before hand.


>Further damage control

agree. this is a dumb equation, why give different values to things that look 99% the same. thats just intentionally disingenuous

half a coconut could = 10,000 its impossible to calculate

Apple (10) + Apple (10) + Apple (10) = 30
Apple (10) + Banana (4) + Banana (4) = 18
Banana (4) - Coconut (2) = 2
Half a coconut (1) + Apple (10) + Banana (4) = 15

You're being a sarcastic twat, but I'm being dead serious. Maybe I'd understand the coconut part, but what about the banana? How the fuck are you going to tell that it is missing the 4th one?

Thank my autism

i wasnt being sarcastic you fuck, dont jump down my throat. like the post above said, if you change the image and were supposed to udnerstand that it means another number whats to say that half a coconut doesnt equal 33? or 12? or 1500? And a bushel of bananas with less bananas could equal
anything as well. The only constant is that the apple = 10

No, half of two is one. Simple to calculate

Banana = 1

The last row has 3 in the bunch

just because the image of a full coconut split in half = 2 doesnt mean that an image of half a coconut = 1.
thats like saying you have an algebra equation where W = 4 and V is unknown. Well V looks like half of a W therefore V = 2... thats not how it works you fucking retard

>People going bananas over bananas
Finally my time to use this has come

Every fucking time this derails the entire thread.

yeah its great


Patience is truly rewarded my friend. It even has one of those midget that look like have had their arms cut by half, you know shoulder straight to wrist kind

I was going to ask how this image got to be related to Hal but then I remember where I was.