Itt your favorite Liveleak channel and video

itt your favorite Liveleak channel and video

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Video: webm

why are niggers so stupid and funny?


omg Cred Forums i like can't even right now omg Cred Forums it is 2016 and this is still happening i can't believe this CRAP

Jesus, that was a war of escalation.

Why are they rubbing the unconscious dude's dick?

that nigga dead

>how to turn an assault into a murder

carrot top's sudden appearance gets me every time

poor guy

>get into fight
>purposfully throw it and lose
>they start jerking me off to wake up
>pretend to stay unconscious and get a free rub and tug
Worth it

>he's never had a platonic bro-tug after getting knocked out

wtf dude


women btfo

Fucking kek

Why did that white ginger kill that black guy?

saw a fellow white in trouble and came to battle at his side


fucking savage

also there is a lightsaber version to this

spotted the bitter virgin

femalekind btfo

my fucking sides

is there a story? why is a white dude beating 2 women and an elderly man?

I looked up musangwe and found this gem.

>get knocked the fuck out
>lose consciousness
>better rub his dick to divert even more blood from brain to dick, getting him into an even deeper state of unconsciousness

Nigger logic

>jump kicks the board in half
fucking jean claude slav damme over here

Why didn't he go after the girl in pink at the end? She didn't stay down and had every intention of fighting him again.

ever been in a fight?

every day of my fucking LIFE is a fight

of course the car is white
fucking racists

>jean claude slav damme

Kings everyone

That's a neat picture desu. Betting a white guy did it though.

really makes you think...

>gets darker skin when taken to American and interbred with whites.
The fuck?
Also post more webms, i need this.

its where his brain is

It always makes me kek that black revisionists want to grab onto we wuz pharaohs and sheet when Egypt has been everyones bitch for the past 3000 years.


Apparently they believe that causing blood to flow to his penis will ease the impact of the head trauma.

get this shit outta here boi


is he ok


what is it? I'm not gonna watch it.

brazilian snug. nig 1 laying on the ground dying, nig 2 comes in and stabs him a few times for good measure


not when I shift into maximum overdrive!

Gotcha thanks. Yeah not gonna watch. I feel a little bit of my soul die every time I see stuff like this.

Did you see that recent one from Mexico? I didn't but I read the description. Sawing the guy's head off after they cut his face and hands off.

This world is fucking sick man. Just fucking nuke all these barbarians.

Fucking liberals.


is he dead?

he'll be fine

What the hell does this have to do with liberals or conservatives

You know that people like John Wayne Gacy and the Klan have existed and done things, right

Do I win?

Oh man that is brutal. This happened to a buddy i once had. Spent a week in the hospital

Seems like it broke his neck right away. Best case scenario, besides not getting powerfucked by machinery obviously.

wtf I hate white people now


haha black "ppl" :)


John Wayne Gacy and the KKK were Democrats you fucking moron.

And it has to do with liberals because they think this stuff doesn't exist. They think everything in the world can be "made nice" if we just get along with everyone. They are importing these people into our countries. They think these """""people""""" are equal to civilized Westerners.

Her ass is still shaking after getting crushed hahahahah

Asian accident ones are always the best.


He did. The video continues one more hour

for fucks sake

why doesn't some CCW light a nigger up when they do this shit? it's supposed to be america

>around blacks...

Look buddy i can tell by your writing and your view on the world that you're either quite young or just a moron.

Its not as easy as "Liberals make the world shit since they think its sunshine and rainbows" and you'd know that if you had any life experience other than playing games and fucking around on Cred Forums.


>can't refute anything I said
>defends third world immigration
>defends barbarians
>ignores getting called out on John Wayne Gacy and the KKK

That took a long time for me to understand what happened.



>little chinese girl falls into a hole
>all those people helping

>little chinese boy beaten up in the street or ran over by a truck
>nobody cares

really makes you think

I really hate the ones where it's some skinny white kid that's probably never been in a fight in his life getting attacked by some big nig with a point to prove.

>Even mass murderers know Republicans are fucked

sounds about right.

Guess i should have added that im not the fella you were talking with earlier.

Theres not much to refute about your claim that liberals are the scourge of the earth and will be the death of us all because they have their heads buried in the sand.

What you are talking about are extreme liberals and general morons.
There are tons of conservatives who are equally brain-dead as well as people who don't consider themselves belonging to any party that's also eating from the retard cake.

What im saying is, your definition of a liberal is wrong and it is one you probably got to know from lurking Cred Forums.



russians. that's all you need to know