Why do Millennials hate Seinfeld?

Why do Millennials hate Seinfeld?

its too racist.
name one black person in this show.

you cant.

What is this satire of?


Jackie Chiles, nigga.


The pendulum is swinging back, the ovens are on stand by.


becase it is a dum show and jerry is retardeed faget and is not funny george was only funny one kramer hate blakcs

Because Frasier is better.

Born in 96, haven't watched seinfeldt, becuase frankly it looks boring. Old people humor

Because they don't want laugh tracks in the background of their tv show telling them when to laugh and when not to.

This. Multicam, studio set, laughtrack sitcoms are fading away

because it's not an 'adult' cartoon.

"Because they're betacuck numales." Is that what (You) wanted to hear?

To try to answer seriously:
-SJWs don't like it because it's problematic that there were no black people, that Kramer is now sullied because of Michael Richards, and because it got some humor from making fun of stuff like midgets and retards.

-true Millennials probably don't care about it because a lot of it was just about the banalties of life at the time. Hanging out with your friends trying to meet them at the movies, picking people up from the airport, etc. A lot of stuff that seems really quaint or unbelievable in an era with cell phones/the internet. Other sitcoms haven't aged as much because they're just about wacky situations or interpersonal relationships.

the exterminator. the car parker.

oh I guess that's why all the top 5 most watched comedy shows are NOT with lauffo tracks?

Sugar Ray Leonard.

It's so fucking lame.

I'm 29.

It was never funny.


George's boss at Yankee Stadium was black, you ignorant faggot.

How would you know this?

Meh, it's an ok show.
Some chuckles, some iconic characters.
Not side-splittingly funny, though.

He's not a full blood you autistic little jew.

Wow kill yourself any time

Are 25 year olds millenials? Because me and my friends have loved Seinfeld since we were teenagers.

We don't like jews.


I never liked it when it was around but whenever I catch it in reruns its great.


I'm 27 though

>name one black person in this show.
>you cant.

Who told you to put the balm on?


>not getting the Curb reference

fucking plebs

>not playing the game
idiocracy is becoming real. at least on Cred Forums anyway

I'm 18 I watch it :)

I can understand this. I was born in 82 and never liked M*A*S*H*

The recognize the destructive nature of the jew

I think you mean "Why do millenials overrate Seinfeld?"

>adults capable of social interaction humor

And don't forget the infamous Laugh Factory scene. I can't believe that got the green light.

cuz milllenials are fucking dumb. most comedies nowadays go above and beyond to set up awkward situations and be sarcastic. so the subtle brilliance of seinfeld is just too pedestrian for them. which is sad because thats whats so great about it. not every episode is gonna provide side splitting laughter but what show does? what network television show does? i really believe people just try to be contrarian because they think it gives them personality or makes them different. its a good show. its been brilliant more times than i can count.

that black and white cookie guy

i watched seinfeld for the first time last year, immediately watched curb when i was done. i missed out for so long

Serious question here. Is Elaine the most beautiful woman of all time?

the majority of this site is millenials and most seem to like it

Lol, you know the second this pic gets posted to facebook she drops that book and checks her profile for thumbs.

Reddit: The Show

God I wish that was me.

We wont watch it until israel ends their occupation and rape of palestinian land.

>there are no precise dates for when this cohort starts or ends; demographers and researchers typically use starting birth years ranging from the late 1970s to early 1980s and ending birth years ranging from the mid-1990s to early 2000s.

it spans like 30 years, it's meaningless

Go suicide by cop BLM

Jean Paul the marathon runner

You mean Gender Z right? Millennials love Seinfield and it's coresponding memes. The last generation, Gender Z, hates anything that hurts their feelings.


>it's meaningless
How about Generation Cell Phoneâ„¢ then? Is that better?

elaine had a cell phone on seinfeld

I'm 18 and I was just binge-watching the show. It's pretty funny.

My parents are on their phones more than me. They are in their 50's and 60's.


Silent Generation - 1925 to 1944
Baby Boomers - 1945 to 1964
Generation X - 1965 to 1984
Generation Y/Millennials - 1985 to 2004
Generation Z/iGeneration/Homeland Generation - 2005 to 2024

Took maybe half a minute in Google.

I'm surprised people give a shit about age on this website

Literally me except I watched Seinfeld this year and I'm on season 4 of Curb.

>anecdotal evidence
nah no thanks

I'm 30. While I loved Seinfeld as a kid when it was running, I can't stand watching it now. I can't give you a real reason as to why; it's just not funny to me anymore.

its prolly your wife's sons fault


I'm happily single, childless, and living with my parents.

same, i just finished curb. life is okay.

They used cell phones in last couple seasons. The 10 cent bottle deposit one relied heavily on cell phones, for example.

Finished season 8 not 2 hours ago, pretty sad I'm nearly done but looking forward to curb

there are people who hate seinfeld?

They don't, Seinfeld is like the trendiest shit right now

Granted they don't watch it, just imitate it as best they can

Not enough cunny

isnt that the black guy from Nostalgia Critic?


>that episode when Kramer called someone a nigger

>born in 96
>parents watched this all the time
>saw it a lot as a kid
>still watch it whenever I catch it on TV now

you're full of shit OP

I also like Curb

I'm a Millennial and I grew up watching Seinfeld. Even visited Tom's Restaurant when I went to NYC. OP is a faggot

Yeah I was born in 91 and used to watch it with my dad as a kid, still love it.

Who are the millenials? I was born in '94 and this show is one of my all time favorites.

I'm not one, but I watched Seinfeld, strangely enough though I hardly ever found it funny, I just liked watching it.

Anyone born after the millennium.

You're gen-Y, i.e., the completely fucked generation.

Anyone with half a brain hates Seinfeld. Also, Seinfeld has been irrelevant for decades now, let it go faggit.

It's called the Seinfeld Effect you dipshits. Millennials don't like Seinfeld because all of their comedy built off what Seinfeld created. It's like being astonished that people aren't laughing at knock knock jokes, it's just too base level.

How is something irrelevant? Is it not cool enough for you? No memes in it? I don't get it.

Think about the relevance of the movie 'honey, i shrunk the kids'. Irrelevant can be defined, to a good first approximation, as something less influential and meaningful than 'honey, i shrunk the kids'. Get it?

Look at it this way, if you're kids are at least 10 years old, you're not a millennial. If you don't have kids, look at what year you're parents were born, if they were baby boomers you are a millennial

So did Kramer. He answered it in that one episode where he goes back to work at that bagel place.

I love Seinfeld, although I didn't "get" it for a really long time and hated it for years

I read tvtropes too :)

im from 1991 and i find seinfeld to be the true godfather of sitcoms.

Change of subject: What seinfeld stuff to buy and have in your home, that isnt ugly as fuck? I was considering the either the Kramer or the picture of George but i dunno, its just so ugly by itself

>buying tv merchandise


None. Don't be an asshat.

i tried watching the 60's era (or whenever it was) twilight zone a while back and it felt like this
the twist always felt really predictable and while i knew it was groundbreaking at the time, it just isn't anymore

me and some of my friends love seinfeld. a lot of people, including my mom, simply have never heard of it.

I find it hard to relate to a cast of only jews. Sameway I can't relate to a show that's just all black people.

Millennials simply aren't old enough yet. I didn't enjoy Seinfeld truly until I was 23 or 24. Show only gets better as you get older and can recount times you'd do something as asshole-ish as the 4 main characters.

also born in 1996, Seinfeld is the greatest show ever, right behind Curb

What is Seinfeld?

Because they make fun of disgusting people like them and it hits home hard.

exactly, half a brain

lmao this faggot is right

A show Americans think is great and popular.
Never cared for it. It's a fringe show outside your country. Get used to it.

The show was popular in Mexico.

t. spic

>that pic


>It's a fringe show outside your country.

No it isn't. I live in western Europe and it's relatively popular here, lost of reruns.


Ireland here, love Seinfeld even though I generally hate sitcoms.
Pretty popular with folks my age and can safely reference it without looking out of place

it interchanged with the simpsons for having a permanent 6:00pm slot on tv for more than 2 decades in australia m8

Frasier Seasons 1-4 are better, but overall Seinfeld was more consistently better

SJW here...
The main cast was 4 white people, there is nothing wrong with that. There were black people in the show, they just weren't the main cast. That is perfectly reasonable. It's not like they denied the existence of black people or some shit. Not every white person has a black person in their inner-circle of three friends for fuck sake.

Ive mostly heard genz called snowflake generation

>Not every white person has a black person in their inner-circle of three friends for fuck sake.
There was even an episode that addressed this.

The last season is quite distinctly different, more wacky plots, I'm glad they stopped when they did but I do love the fast cuts of season 9

Gen y is Millennials you fuckwit.

What do you even mean by "relevant"

Relevant doesn't mean new

>It's popular and widespread so it must be wrong!

t. anti-vaxxer

>SJW here...
If you actually think that way, then you're not an SJW. Sorry to break that to you.
>The main cast was 4 white people

I can't hate something I never watched.

I only hate Kramer

I have this irrational hatred of him

Every time he appears with his stupid gaping mouth and bumbling behavior I want to punch my fucking screen

I was born in 1998 and I grew up watching seinfeld because it was still popular when I was a child. Sounds like you're just a retard.

Yes, because TVtropes also contains large amounts of mercury.

It hasn't aged well and isn't especially funny.

Also friendly reminder that you're either underage, millennial or really fucking pathetic for being here at 40.


the fuck you talking about nigga?
seinfeld awesome

youre much better off being here at 40, than you are at 15-25

Because that shit's 20 years old.

I wouldn't doubt it. I'm all for social justice and integration and feminism and minorities and shit, but you have to be fucking reasonable for Christ sake. Blacks are only 13% of the population, NOT EVERY FUCKING WHITE IS GONNA HAVE A BLACK BEST BUDDY. That is ridiculous. Now, if you have dozens of friends and not single one is black, then you might wanna figure out why that is. That is a bad sign. And even then, it doesn't necessarily make you racist. It just depends of the people you have avaible to be friends. It isn't your fault if all the blacks around you don't meet your criteria for being your friend. I ain't gonna fault a medical Dr for not being best buddies with a car mechanic or visa-versa. There are too many factors involved in this shit.

If anything, maybe they're sick of living off seinfeld rerun and desperate 30 year old nutting so much about it

96 here. Maybe novel in your time, I don't know or care about the history of it, the humor is dry and comes entirely from the audience telling you "this was the funny part laugh now!". I don't find humor in that world because I probably don't understand it, nothing substantial ever happens and conversations play out as if I were just talking to my family which I would much rather do. At least Married with Children had something entertaining going on, and came out before. Seinfeld is about as dull as Friends

Cool story Cred Forumslack, but just because I don't fit your childish fucking strawman doesn't mean I ain't a SJW.

>I'm all for social justice and integration and feminism and minorities and shit,

Can you please put into words, what it feels like to be retarded? I would like to e able to relate

You're trying to hard

Why do they call it Seinfeld?

Jerry isn't funny, they should have named the show, George!

>buzzwords that you don't even know the meaning of
You're doing a nice SJW impression, but you're still falling short. Keep trying!

>Can you please put into words, what it feels like to be retarded?
I'm not doing your homework for you

I'm 21 and Seinfeld is god-tier kino

>my shitty right-wing straw-man = THE MEANING OF SHIT

You have a mental disorder

It's his dad actually.


The oldest millennials are nearly 40 now m8...

They hate Seinfeld the person because he's anti-PC, but they love the show because it's way better than his stand-up and it's become a meme.


haha benis

Are there any quality torrents for this show?

>that pic

I thought I was the only one

>Seinfeld is anti-PC
>MUHH anti-PC

Nice meme Donald. Don't you have a campaign to run?

Try 1995 dipshit

did someone mention benis :-DDD

Fake SJW pls go

dont put your money in your wallet at the check out you fucking imbeciles!

WUT? Please tell me one thing in the show that was anti-PC

Grouping people by generations is totally ridiculous and is done for marketing.
Someone born in 1980 isn't going to have a lot of the same experiences as someone born in '89.

>Not that there's anything wrong with that...

>We're the devils

>confusing anons

anyone who wants to watch some seinfeld with big guys should go to shiggystream dotcom

>"There is nothing wrong with fags" = anti-PC

Why wasn't puddy worried about going to hell when he did this

>being so retarded you took the joke at face value

He suffers from multiple personality disorder.

he against political correctness, not because of any joke

he's said he wont perform on college campuses because they can't take jokes any more

>trying to critically analyze a lowbrow 90 sitcom
was it sitcomkino?

Who gives a shit if it was racist? Fucking new aged faggots thinking everything has to be diverse and full of sugar and candy. Welcome to the real world faggot.

>that image
Ha, I didn't know other shared this trouble of mine.

So at 20 years old you only have the mind capability of a 10 year old?

>his said some shit about performing now
Cool story, but that doesn't have anything do to with the show. Again, please give example of all this "anti-PC" shit in the show.

Yeah, ok, go watch more Everybody loves Raymond or Two and a half men or Big bang theory then.

>anti-PC meme

Tbqh there was a fair bit of sexist, racist, and homophobic humor.

Or how about actually funny shows? Every show you listed is literally Seinfeld tier.

Example please..
inb4 they said fags were okay = THEY HATED FAGSSSSSSS! FAGS!!

Those shows are just as shit, what kind of argument is that?

Cool, why not list the crap that you watch then?

I haven't watched the show in a couple years now, I just remember a lot of jokes revolving around objectifying and stereotyping women, and making fun of gays.

If you even acknowledge difference between genders, races or sexualities, you're sexist/racist/homophobic
Fuck off

There is no need to get angry my friend.

>Everybody loves Raymond, Two and a half men, and Big bang theory are Seinfeld Teir

Get off the internet Donald. You've gone full retard.

there's some jokes about asians
the chinese restaurant
James Han plays quite a stereotype
the visa
the chinese delivery guy and Babu are stereotypes
the betrayal has a bad impression of india and indians
the little jerry has a bad view of hispanics
the puerto rican parade has kramer burning the puerto rican flag

there's two times the show used the word chinaman
one got cut from syndication, the other time Morty says it when working for peterman

the jiffy park guy and babu are both arab jews playing indian stereotypes

I'm not even complaining, but they're there

Cool story Cred Forumslack. Go back to shillin for Trump now.

cedric and bob were both flamboyant gays, but they played with the stereotype by making them tough guys

the moyle and rabbi were also portrayed negatively
they make fun of uncircumcised men

Yeah, they can't even list the crap they actually watch.

> Not understanding Sienfield
> Being this retarded

Yeah, but he was a parody of a real life person.

What the fuck does that have to do with Donald you shillary cunt?

>name one black person in this show.

Bob Sacamano


Get The Kramer,then stand next to it in the same pose.


kikes who advocate genital mutilation of infants deserve to die, being portrayed as retarded faggots is nothing compared to what they deserve. I can't watch either of the two episodes with circumcision references in them.

>trying to fake enthusiasm for shillary


Because it's adult humor and Millennials never grew up.

Going "Donald Trump" or "Full Trump" means to "go full retard". lrn2internet gramps

Because it's a fucking garbage show

Cred Forums Pass user since November 2015.


idk i just dont get it
its not funny to me

>Cred Forums Pass user since November 2015.

the fuck is this garbage.


Speaking of garbage, how's your dad been?


>the fuck is this garbage.

ohai there newfriend

protip: chinkmoot isn't to blame

Appearing in the post it's new, you smart ass.

jesus fuck

you can't be this dumb

then tell me when it appeared before, come on you dumbfuck, entertain me.

>if you aren't a fan of X you must be a fan of Y

Back to Cred Forums with your shitty childish debate logic

For what it's worth, I've never seen that either.

He's writing it himself you idiot.

More. Entertain me more.

But how?



I'm guessing that is on a cell phone and doesn't see the text formatting. I've never seen it, either.

when it first appeared it was just regular text
system might take a bit to authenticate it

I don't get why anyone would brag about how long they've had a pass for

It's among the greatest sitcoms of all time. Can feel a bit antiquated at times, but I love it.

homosexuals only

Cred Forums Pass user since May 2015.

Seinfeld is GOAT. Comfy and funny as fuck. It's on TBS when I get home from work and eat my dindins I love it

It's a new feature. Hiroshima has turned this place into reddit.

... what the fuck is that shit

It's Always Sunny is our Seinfeld. Take that as you will.

Not necessarily a phoneposter, could be a user script. Some people can't see the birthday hats either.

Oh my fucking kek what on earth

put since4pass in options

like i said it's gay though

lol kys

Al Roker

wtf is wrong with you

Millennials are uncultured swine

Cred Forums Pass user since August 2016.

They don't, they grew up on Seinfeld. You don't know what a millennial is.

>Jews mock goyim: The Series

I'm 22 and my brother 26, we both love it.

>paying to shitpost

>Purchase The Kramer, gotta get it with that same frame or you're a fag
>Acquire paint & easel ala Rob Boss lil trees
>Paint a basic klansmen hood over head with white, 2 black dots for eyes
>Cut yourself somewhere or acquire some blood & diagonally paint in the free space KKKramer
This shit'll be artsy and an acceptable reason to essentially have some racistcore art in your home
If that doesn't get you hipster pussy nothing will~

Y Jupiter?

>not paying his fair share
Trumptards pls go

>paying for a pass

You aren't a millennial.

Probably some nice prop, like a Klein MTB to hang on your wall, or George's red phone

>Hasn't got anything to say, shills for Hillary.

Anyone born within the span of the 20 years before the new millennium are millennials.


Different user but I honestly didn't know the definition of it. I always just knew I was one and never questioned when it started and ended.

you're doing the SJW thing wrong