Why was Norton's character laughing during this scene?

Why was Norton's character laughing during this scene?

It was all part of his master plan

Because he had just become a hillary artillery.

Why was he laughing during this scene?

It happens when you hate white people

Cuz white boy finally got what was coming to him. Derrick then went home and took it up the ass from Jamal, accepting his white privilege and how it must be revoked every now and then.

he thought of a funny nigger joke

it's hard saying the word "younglings" in front of people without losing your shit

>kill nigger that was robbing your shit
>go to prison
>get raped by niggers
>become a nigger loving anti-nazi faggot
this movie really made me think

why do people actually like this pretentious shitty movie?

>missing the entire point of the film

It wasn't even SJW tier, c'mon

>curb stomp somebody
>go to jail on a negligible manslaughter charge
>get raped by people who thought represented the values you stood for
>become sick of racism because it's just an excuse for everybody not to overcome problems

I don't care about the point of it if it isn't any good

It's good you jew

I can't believe this was the best take they got from that scene. Terrible job by Norton.

Agreed, as bad as Pitt at the end of Se7en

The point was that he hated blacks when he should have been hating the Jews instead

Wasn't that teacher a jew?

You're pathetic for not acknowledging it as a good movie.

Which team were you?

Team nigger reporting

>hate blacks because they rape, steal, are generally useless
>all true
>start liking blacks because one guy is funny

I don't know who should be more offended, racists because they set up strawmen against racism that are easily blown down or SJW's because it makes their entire worldview laughable.

So what was his problem?

small penis and gay dad

common african american problem

Being black.

>hate whites because they harass, assault, and are generally asshole
>all true

nigs are gonna nig


>whatchu looking at whiteboi?

What do Cred Forums?

Always be ready for a fight when blacks or mexicans are near

I don't think this movie was even anti-racism as much as it was anti-violence. It was about the cycle of violence or some shit and how it's tearing apart both communities, white and black, and causing a huge divide. I remember when I first saw Norton's argument with the teacher I actually was convinced to be on his side because he was factually correct, and I don't think that it was meant to be any other way.

>hate whites because they harass, assault, and are generally asshole

Hey buddy, pay your bills and we won't keep calling you.

He realizes the irony of the situation. He was right all along. The sequel was supposed to depict him being a nazi again and kill niggers.

you would you jew

They fucking made 21 of those movies?

>comparing rape and theft to harassment and being a dick

man at least go for the mass shooter angle

I'm racist and agreed with Norton's rant against blacks and Jews. I would what? Are you slow?

The non-shitposting answer is that his story runs parallel with Danny's, except he succumbs to hatred in the end. There's a deleted scene that shows this.


go home to your jew mama

I fuck your dad

fucking sheeny cocksucker

>They fucking made 21 of those movies?

Blacks shot A LOT of people.

Seriously,...a ton.

They should make a movie about how the FBI injected the culture of violence with drugs and rap music into the black middle class to destroy it and stop it to become a political force.

Damn I never thought about that.

I laugh like that every time I see Edward Furlong

He probably wishes the shooting scene was real now.

Hasn't aged a day

has he been on meth?

>White "people"

Funny, the only thing Skynet needed was a lil nigger to kill John Connor

Don't give them ideas for T6

>the resistance sends back Zimmerman T-800

>In America post Trump

doesnt he know that thats where people peepee?

thought that was Ant holding Jimmy


You do know every race uses a toilet/urinal?

>never herd of india

There was more going on than you realize.

>get raped by niggers
You didn't even watch it.

because he realized that niggers were niggers after all