Nah it was pretty good if you care about visuals/editing, which is what film is really all about.

I don't understand why they ate her.

Who the fuck are you to complain about wasting time? You self serving prick. Who are you to pass judgement on literally thousands of hours of work presented to you in roughly a couple hour presentation and complain that your time is being wasted. You whiny, needy, pretentious little bitch.

You no have peenis, das coo nig


if you watch Refn's films and expect anything other than either a hackneyed or incomprehensible plot packaged in nice visuals and are dissapointed in the result then you should maybe watch movies by directors who puts effort in the story

Food or sex

There were some cannibalistic tribes that believed eating your enemy gets you his powers

Why would 3 models in LA be part of a tribe of cannibals?

Leave this board.

this, he didn't write the story for Drive though, which is why it's by far the best movie he has directed.

I guess they had no better idea how to become Jesse, so they figured out that they should devour her.

Naw that's dumb. It had to be a metaphor.

But for what?

It's Elizabeth Bathory in the 21st century

he needs to work with that writer again. the fact that ryan gosling doesn't really speak for 25 minutes straight is amazing.

Come on guys

Blood and the flesh in religious and tribal cultures represents vitality and the spirit. When that chick tries to drink her blood he wants to have her youth, to become young again relative to herself. They eat her because as the main character put it "They want to be me". It was like taking the body of christ to live forever, but taking the beauty of another to live another day in the spotlight.

It's kinda neat I guess. It wasn't that hard to understand.

mmmm no. It seems more like you're reaching.

lmao shut the fuck up kid

at least the music was good. better than ogf as well


This is basic shit man. Seriously if you are that stupid that you literally scratch your head about why they may have eaten her and literally cannot find a reason you need to stop watching film and stick to capeshit. This movie isn't even deep at all, this is surface level shit. Really sad man.

This actually makes sense. Ending that fit the tone and characters.

>oh hurr hurr we are just going to eat her because reasons

It makes no sense. It's a huge leap to take. It makes no sense.
>but there was like a tribe a million years ago that ate its rivals and like catholics eat jesus

no just shut up you're fucking reaching hard, kid.

it is hinted that the reason she catches eyes is not because of just physical beauty but because she has some sort of magic about her that draws people in, they ate her to try and gain that, from the last scene you can see that the aus gained that

ya but you would defend knight of cups lmao

the fact that you haven't had these ideologies brought up multiple times in your life that you wouldn't make that connection when you first saw it is astounding, do you live in some sea shithole?




This guy is literally clueless.

editing was pretty standard, opposite to the somehow interesting visual

well knights of cups actually had true nice visuals

nice sameposting

if that is art then fury road is art too

"story" is the least important part of film

How fucking retarded are you? Ruby eats her for her youth, did you miss the scene where she menstruates while looking at the moon you mongoloid? The two models eat her to gain her beauty, the one who has faked her beauty with plastic surgery dies because beauty can't be manufactured.

None of this is reaching, it's completely obvious. If you're still confused look up Refn's interviews on the subject or listen to the commentary track. Either do that or just kill yourself already.

those visuals are boring

What are you talking about

but how could eating someone keep them youthful? Sounds like something out of the year 1400.

How retarded are you for such primitive thinking?

I can't tell if you're trolling or not at this point.

They're a coven of witches, they eat her and bathe in her blood to absorb her youth, beauty and charisma

post imposed lens flares and saturated colors are lazy


sorry, I was getting snarky

i'm glad you agree

I don't, there's just nothing to respond to because you didn't elaborate. It's like if someone told me using a violin in a musical piece is "lazy". What am I supposed to do with that?

your problem, keep watching garbage

is the commentary track worth listening to overall?

the thought of the 'eating her to gain her beauty' thing came to mind, but i really thought it was more about the metaphor for competition in general - you're either the predator or the prey etc., "sex or food?", "fresh meat" etc.

Yeah it's pretty good because Elle is there so it's not just Refn and his autism.

drive is a funny way of spelling Bronson

I wish the creepiness built up over the course of the film (the bathroom scene was a good example of where the movie should have been going)
But it kind of just waits for the the last 10 minutes to go full horror
So I'd say it has a bit of a pacing issue but still a visually arresting film with great soundtrack


>they eat her flesh and drink her blood

What was Refn trying to tell us?

beauty isn't everything beauty is the only thing

Lol calm down hahahaha

the opening was amazing. it would have been worth watching only for these first 3 minutes

wow colored dust and lights lmao