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>can barely deliver the line without smirking at how dumb it is

why didnt they make an episode with TV critics beating up brave womyn trying to re-make a classic with a more diverse cast?

They should make an episode where an internet community of "big guys" rape "cunnies"

there's always hope for this season

>tfw my mom loves these kind of shows

it always baffles me that there's an audience for this kind of stuff. sure it follows the drama formula to a T and the production values are good but are people so disconnected from reality that they believe these shows? or is it just another form of escapism where the disconnect from reality is the attraction?

Its been stated that the creator DICK WOLF specifically requests that the majority of rapists on this show are white men

So yeah its pretty disconnected from reality

Serious question, though: would you rather have Dick Wolf or Speed Weed producing your show?

>6 commercial breaks in a 40-44 min show
thanks capitalism


Is there any crime show that has ever handled video games in a way that isnt completely retarded ?


at least they won't back down on you, unlike Dick Warlock.

Women are natural born slaves that like what they are told to like

>Guy is gonna fuck a girl
>Asks her to sign a contract for proof of consent
>She agrees and signs
>Afterwards says she was raped
>Guy presents contract as evidence
>Still goes to jail

When did this show turn so shit


t. virgin

I'm give her a 10 meg pipe if you can my meaning

>implying men dont construct their entire psyche around how to appeal to women and give them their resources

t. virgin

You got me. Doesn't mean i'm bitter about it tho

After Stabler left and the Olivia actor turned her character into a Mary Sue

the watermelon literally made me spit my drink, kek


well, wouldnt rapist just make their victims sign these contracts then take it as a free card to rape them if it were any different?

>that fucking prince of persia shit
fucking christ

You can't force people to sign a contract. If you could anyone with a gun and a piece of paper could make you hand over your bank account.

who says force?

>seduce woman
>make sign contract

I mean once you got it in writing some guys might see it as a permit to do whatever the fuck they want.

The livethread for that shit was one of the best moments Cred Forums ever had

>The hundreds of screen edits

In the episodes case it was just a contract for simple vaginal sex and thats all that happened

She can still decide she doesn't like it and stop. You would need a contract that says you get to go until completion.

yeah but just sayin, the idea of a contract is retarded as it is, its not like original consent means anything.



Man remember that time Gamer ISIS kidnapped a second life ripoff dev and the police shot him on a roof as he livestreamed it first person? It really happened Law and Order did an episode based on it

>I dont know whats real and whats a game

who the fuck is the writer for this show


>tfw your level is still not high enough to wear the mask of REEE +3

There really an episode with a consent form? Name? Google only give me an episode called "consent".

How many Law & Order episodes are there? You'd think they'd run out of material by now

they literally just copy real crimes from the news

Who was in the wrong Cred Forums? The sweet gamer girls or the boys who trashed her shit in because of her gender?

Someone who browses Cred Forums and decided to troll the shit out of them.

> shows that come back from a 5 minute commercial break to show 45 seconds of the program before cutting back to commercial

>come up with a sex game with my gf where we watch this show and roleplay whatever the rape case is
>first one is one of the only ones where the rapist is a woman
>Juliet from Lost rapes a little girl by shoving a wooden spoon up her
>gf fucks me with a wooden spoon
>get an anal fissure thats never healed

I bet they've remade the exact same epsiode a few times

Are you still with that gf? What fucked up stuff did you do to her?


This is great. I love Ice T's one liners

are these fucking real?
they're incredible

women basically

men don't watch these shows

old women do

The most unrealistic part was that the cops didn't light up that girl in the warehouse

No. But the fact you can't tell says a lot about the show.

I think they find it comfy. They already know what will happen, they are familiar with the setting and characters and they just have been watching it for years so they don't care.
That used to happen to me when I worked nightshift in an hotel and watched CSI reruns every night.

My favourite troll pic when someone doesn't like a post and calls it "Cred Forums."

Half of them are and half arent, the fun part is figuring out which are which