
what would you do there, Cred Forums?

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Pls someone post her pointy Armenian tits with puffy nips.

Hope that pricks get murdered.

Fuck android qts, shoot people on the knees.

Ok am I crazy, or is the piano playing Black Hole Sun?

Lol I know right?!
And that old song Paint it Black too! So randum!

I would find the nearest TV set and watch Deadwood instead.
>new HBO show
>turns out to be boring clone of LOST

>"We can either have Anthony Hopkins or Hugh Jackman."
>"Don't worry, we got someone for Jackman senpai."

>clone of LOST

Really? I haven't seen the show yet, but isn't it about an amusement park planet inhabited by cowboy robots? Seems straightforward enough


Fuck sake. Westworld was written by Crichton in the 70s. It's the original Terminator.

missionary position with the sole purpose of procreation

are theyre assholes collapsible?

wanted to rail her in the riches

Why are the "horrors" the same ok bland ones?

Kill someone

Rape someone.

Would it be more realistic if it showed some rich fuck that wanted to spend a month there fucking lolis?

Cred Forums pls

jesus christ, fags will latch onto stranger things, but this thread gets 14 replies and no live watch thread?

I literally am better off on reddit

All kinds of sick shit to the hookerbot in your pic.
>I will do such things, what they are yet I know not, but they shall be the terrors of the earth

Well it is odd that the theme park also caters to family friendly stuff. Seems like it would be tough enough to avoid having the X/R-rated stuff being exposed to guests that want a PG experience, and what family would take their kids to the park if there were pedos along side them lol.

there was a live watch thread that had 350ish replies


they probably will show something like this, they made that guy in GoT a pedo

there will be incest and all that

probably just sit in the saloon by myself all day drinking and shitposting on here from my iphone.

invent everything off the top of my head

I dont get it what are hosts and what are guests

your whore mother.

hosts are the androids you nimwit, I hope you're joking

Did anyone think this kind of sucked

don't worry, there is a large part of Cred Forums that hates everything and will agree with you

>which means
>he can't hurt a guest
>he literally couldn't hurt a fly

Burn the town down, feed charred android cocks to the real guests.

I missed it, was it good?

Did that score during the shootout sound familiar to anyone else? I swear I've heard it before but I can't put my finger on it.


it was Paint It Black

they also had a piano version of Black Hole Sun

Yeah, but it's going to be one of those slow burns where as the episodes roll on half the thread is going to be complaining that "nothing's happening".

is it safe to say this show is reddit?

fuck off

Yeah the whole soundtrack was basically pre-existing compositions. The writing and the acting suffered at times, the characters feel extremely over-exaggerated, but the basic premise is pretty cool.

my question was, why would women even give a shit about this theme park? They can fuck whatever dude they want already really, and they have no desire for killing really, so what's the draw there for half the population?

playing dress up probably

the clothing for women back then was very elaborate

were there any women on their own? Seems like most were with a husband or family.

Westworld also runs you $50,000 a day. Even if the show's near-future, most of the super wealthy are still men regardless. So the finances are a problem way before social/cultural factors like that.

Also I'm sure some women would have a cowboy fetish.

This show was garbage aside from ed Harris and Hopkins scenes and that was purely because they elevated the shit material

This plus some romantic shit with a guy chasing them.

>what would you do there, Cred Forums?

Rob stagecoaches and rape any qts I find. Maybe kidnap the local schoolmarm to keep as a sex slave between robberies and rapes.

hack plot as old as time

What's your idea of a good show then?

That's Roman world. And the scenes were bland as fuck. Same with medieval world

The woman (Cullen?) in the control room is a robot. Her accent is borderline indeterminate (the actress is Danish), probably a remnant of a past version. Her correcting the English guy on his grammar ('I' instead of 'me' due to grammatical case, but perfectly acceptable in colloquial speech) is consistent with a strictly mechanical and programmed interpretation of English grammar.

Fuck off

i think the best thing about this show is they got some serious fucking actors for roles.

hopkins has done some tv stuff before but nothing like this. same for ed harris, mostly just tv movies.

Is that from the book? Or is it just a shit actress and writing?

Solid arguments kid.

No he's just stating a theory as fact.

>I think the only good thing about this show is they got some serious fucking actors for roles

There were two qts on the train into town, supposedly guests saying they wanted to bang bad guys

If im not mistaken Hopkins just likes doing shit if he's interested in whats being made.

Im convinced all it took for him to be in the Wolfman was someone saying you get to be a wolfman too

Do what Ed Harris is doing, espionage for a rival corporation.

did anyone else think that when ever a character said fuck it came off extremely forced?

how long does west world last? when do the story lines reset? the show is making it seem like groundhog day

Yeah. Especially the Brit. Lost my sides at his first scene

its like an amusement park, i think they shut things down during the night and reset it but im sure people can stay multiple days as long as theyre paying

well they mentioned pushing up the bank heist a week so im a little lost

I think just before the bandit showed up they mentioned moving up his assault on the town by a week, so maybe that.
I thought it was the same day too but Ed Harris had the indian alive past dawn, maybe it depends on whether someone is interacting with the host in question.

yeah couldn't figure it out either

>first Kasper and the reporter on Game of Thrones
>now Birgitte on Westworld

Which Danish tv actor will HBO poach next?

Given the line at the begining about "family trip" and "black hat" trip when the train first came taking Marsden into town plus the entire subplot about Ed Harris' character being a guest who's gone native as fuck, I'm suggesting the following:

1. The park isn't really all kinds of "do as though want" type sandbox. Pedophelia and rape and torture/extreme sadism is banned and you get thrown out or killed on sight if you get caught doing so by private security.

The "black hat" line probably also indicates that you have to say outright that you want to be a villain before you arrive and you have to register as such when you buy your ticket. Which means you are limited in what things you can do in Westworld, as far as villainous behavior (meaning you can kill the hosts and do certain approved crimes) but can't rape the robots, which is probably compensated by way of if you do a villain trip, the robot women will be modified to be even more willing to sleep with you without being forced to.

2. Family trips and "black hat" trips are probably closely segregated. Family trips most likely have certain areas (prospecting for families, camping, nature hikes) that are off-limits to people doing the black hat villain experience. Furthermore, I would not be shocked if the host story programming is also modified for the purpose of keeping families away from depraved shit.

As far as Harris' character: I would not be shocked if he's a human who decided to fake his death in Westworld and has been living in the outskirts and blending in with the huge crowds that come every day to allow him to go unnoticed. And that he's actively breaking all of the "blackhat" rules to be an even bigger monster.

It's most likely going to be the pay-off to him raping the woman too: rape is forbidden in Westworld and it's going to be a huge deal even before they get to the torture and scalping and shit.

The qtie scientist shows her tits whilst getting fucked next ep

So is Ed Harris a visitor or host? Or do we not know yet?

he was shot several times by one of the characters and he was fine

seems like a rogue host to me

yeah he must be the incident that happened years ago

Cowboy is one of the main female fetishes when it comes to men.

It's why, in a world where cowboy/western fiction is nearly extinct save for high end prestige genre deconstruction films/TV shows, the genre has survived mainly in the form of romance novel shit. Women eat it up

>Random modern songs in Old West style
I quite like this.

He's a spy looking to steal tech.

By a host. The hosts can hurt eachother but not the guests. He's a human.


But hosts can only shoot blanks at guests.

Ed may be an "uninvited" guest as well.

It's like a MMO. Groundhog day for the most part but there are running subplots for visitors to engage in and occasionally you get big events/quests like bank robberies and gangs of outlaws coming in to liquidate the town every couple of months.

They said they haven't had a mistake for 30 years and and Ed Harris said he has been there for 30 years

I'm not him but I felt the same way. I don't get praise most people said here for it. Also, the original movie while campy still had a much better opening to it.

F-fucked by who?

It's been open for 30 years.

Ed Harris is the Yul Brynner robot

Given how much surveillance they have over the park, I doubt that Ed Harris is going too far off the rails.

milk has some significance in regards to life to the hosts it seems at least with those bandits who keeps drinking it and pouring it on people. which might relate to the white shit they are made of

if dolores was raped in the barn with all those dead hosts in her house including her parents wouldnt someone realize she was raped when they reset the area?


that doesn't really make sense. he just happened to have blanks in his pistol? he killed the other two hosts with his shotgun/rifle or whatever he had, so the bullets are real (i guess?)

either im just retarded or i missed something. i got the whole 'hosts cant hurt humans' thing, but im not getting how harris got shot that many times and lived, unless he's a host

The original gunslinger is destroyed. So if this HBO Westworld is canon to the movie, then no.

Ed Harris character may just be a homage to the gunslinger and nothing else.

I want a dolores bot

the gun is rigged to shot blanks to humans, probably?

I would record major league baseball without express written consent.

you can't shoot blanks at point range (like when Ed had the guy put the gun to his forehead) and survive. A blank can still cause damage.

I want to take home one of these.. fuck the park

fuck if i know.. i am not american, never shot a gun before

Teddy seems to be the only host who intentionally tries to hurt a living thing(before dolores kills the fly), maybe its because of his programmed love for dolores or the fact that Ed is not a guest but infact a host. the gun may not even be at fault here but perhaps Ed is impenetrable because we dont see the affects of theoretically shooting a guest aside from this interaction. and clearly dolores kills the fly and her father grabs Dr.lecter by the cuffs.

>i got the whole 'hosts cant hurt humans' thing, but im not getting how harris got shot that many times and lived, unless he's a host
Ed Harris isn't a host. He's a guest, or at the very least human. Marsden (Teddy) was the host, which is why his bullets had no effect on Harris.

im watching the scene now, they aren't blanks, harris is getting hit by the shots and he has smoke and it looks like blood coming off him

so yea, he has to be a robot

Jeffrey Wright

Perhaps the host realized that which is why he lowered his gun rather than firing the blank--he can't harm guests. As soon as Harris moves out of point blank range he starts shooting again.

jason pollock can take a couple shoots

When the gun was to Ed's forehead, the robot couldn't pull the trigger at all.
If not literal blanks then the guns and wounds are simulated some other way.

that doesn't make sense either if they're real bullets... do humans just magically become immune to them once they step inside the park?

i mean this isn't a computer simulation matrix type of deal, it's a real park

he pulled the trigger a bunch of times before he put the gun to his head though, watch the scene again

She's played the reporter I was talking about and was in GOT

Ed may have some kind of antibullet clothing... Ciclops can't make the shot in the head... simply can't... I'm guessing Ed is just human

so does westworld have a border, like is it enclosed or whats the deal there
what happens if a robot goes to the end of westworld and figures out holy shit im not actually in the wild west

>if dolores was raped in the barn with all those dead hosts in her house including her parents wouldnt someone realize she was raped when they reset the area?

From they way he was talking, he's been regularly coming there raping her since the park began.

Leads me to believe he's connected to the company in some shape/form ala something like an initial investor or something

>that doesn't make sense either if they're real bullets
Then they aren't.
>i mean this isn't a computer simulation matrix type of deal, it's a real park
I might be VR to some extent, the staff pops in out of nowhere when the host goes berserk in brothel with the milk.

why is Teddy the only character who tries to harm a guest though? this doesnt make sense. and the other bandit who received the update (milk dude ) who gets decommissioned at the end of the episode doesnt harm the guests in the saloon. and nobody even hurts a fly (a real living thing) yet Teddy shoots at Ed

Westworld is in Texas... so the robot would find a bunch of tools outside anyway

I thought they said there hasn't been an incident in 30 years, meaning the first movie is canon to the series.

I know he did, but a blank isn't going to kill you from that far away like it would pressed to your skull.
It's not necessarily even being simulated with blanks.

Which guest did Teddy hurt?

With my luck get syphilis and die an agonizing death.


The first few days I would get drunk and fuck the whore, maybe shoot a guy.

On my last few days though I would cross the river. Remember the black family and the dad was like "Across the river is for adults" or something along those lines. I would cross the river and find out what's over there.

His impotent attempts to kill Ed Harris.

its not blanks, i just watched the scene 3 times. he's getting hit and i can't exactly tell what's happening, but they look like they just aren't penetrating him. the scenes dark so i cant really make it out

teddy shoots him twice in the front, then he puts the gun to his head and can't shoot, then he starts shooting at his back.

they sort of look like they're ricocheting off him

now im even more confused...

I got that too. Also that the Man in Black has been in the park for 30 years. I'm leaning towards him being human, but there were a ton of hints that might all be red herrings. Main hero gunslinger couldn't shoot him in the head because he's a guest... but why did he take shots at him at all? Thought guests wont even hurt a fly

Yeah im on the fence about it

It seems like its gonna turn into

>muh what is reality

Come down here and talk that shit

Trying to analyze it in a realistic manner is going to get tedious since it's sfx on multiple levels.
It's plenty likely that a guest's supplied costume is going to be keyed to react to a simulated gunshot in some non-dangerous but still noticeable way.

SMBC is from Texas, I think, and it rules... so there are exceptions, I guess

This show fucking sucks so far man, what the hell. why is everything nolan/jj touches hack garbage?

also how long til someone kills/rapes another guest thinking they're a robut?

abnoxious stock broker ken said riding out of town was when the real demented shit begins

It's much more fun if the robots act like it
It will be even more fun for us when they are doing it for real (hurt people, fuck each other and so on).... Mh... now that I think about it... it seems all of them may just be actors

Kek underated

I wonder what series from the last couple years DO you like

>but there were a ton of hints that might all be red herrings

the main one that i picked up on was the voiceover when teddy starts shooting at harris. the voiceover is the black guy explaining to dolores how they can't hurt guests/new comers. the nolan's constantly use tricks like that to misdirect people.

im going with harris is a host


lol, whats up
it's a really good webcomic

Maybe their programming goes beyond their understanding. Like, since shooting at guests doesn't harm them, that's allowed, and since slapping living things (even flies) does harm them, it's not allowed.

Bloodline is pretty good

first episode had a bit too much robot penis

if better call saul is nothing happens: the show, then bloodline is ABSOLUTELY nothing happens: the show

i doubt it

But there are enough robotitties to offset those.

Probably something like that.
>paying $50K/day for a theme park with real flies buzzing around

couldn't go beyond the second episode... liking westworld so much more so far

Not a problem if you're not actively focusing on dude's crotches user.

she slaps a bug on her neck though, so maybe she's compromised and can hurt people now

>he bought a Cred Forums pass

So there is no roman or medieval setting like in the original film?

plot twist: Anthony Hopkins is a robot and the fly were his creator

this entire post is incorrect. almost impressively so

you must be an A student user

>she fucked like a fuckin crazy alien from the planet gobble yknow?


you have shit tastes get over yourself

Its all gonna come down to the guns.
>point gun at warm blooded target and said future tech shoots duds
>while duds do hit not with enough force to harm a human
>point gun at nonwarm blooded android and it shoots
for all we know they could bullshit up nanobased future bullets that dissipate into poof clouds

Its a wild west setting so its to be expected that the bots can shoot at the humans but with the explicit understanding that they can't kill said humans

>"she wouldnt even hurt a fly"
>kills a fly at the end
also what the fuck is up with the milk? and i'm pretty sure one of the milk guys was trevor from GTA

how do bullets that rip apart the flesh of other hosts have no effect on humans?

Yes. It is called Game of thrones

i dropped out of elementary school though

Using old timey covers of rock songs was a poor decision. It totally ripped me out of the show and felt very out of place.

I think you are absolutely wrong, but i would follow your crazy blog user

Not like that.

In the original film you could choose between different eras from wild west to the middle ages.

I guess the show just focuses on the western setting

is the flesh ripping apart from the force of the bullet or does the host appropriate the impact of the pellet and rip itself open?

By not being bullets but rather an elaborately coordinated set of special effects.

there was mention of multiple other scenerios going on besides western

Though nothing concrete about romanworld, medievalworld, or futureworld

>also what the fuck is up with the milk?

ask God

i liked it

and im not a fan of those songs

though i recognized paint it black immidiately

HBO seems to have a thing for it cause it played on "The Brink" a couple months ago in the credits

what the fuck is with michael crichton and theme parks? did he have his first blowjob in a theme park or something?

Pretty cheeky reciting lines from Titus Andronicus right into Hopkins' face.


Was the old dad got hacked or something?

>jurrasic world

fuck me

The Brink was last year, friendo.

just running on windows

end me



The music for this show is fantastic.

He found a picture of Rosario Dawson at Times Square and it gave him a stroke.

Fuck that cute fucking bitch all day

This is nagging the fuck out of me and google doesn't seem to have the answer yet.

What the fuck is that song playing during the intro/opening credits?

>boring clone of LOST
You're retarded, aren't you? This is a remake of a 70s movie.

pretty good pilot

she deserves more than that whore life desu

"I Would Hurt A Fly" by Built To Spill would be a great song for this show.

>pick out a random robot
>follow them around for a full day
>try not to interact with them
>see what their routine is
>next day
>do something to change things up and see what happens to their routine
>day 3
>do something else

i dunno. fascinated computer programmer at heart i guess.

Yeah and it still manages to be better than anything with the Abrams or Nolan name attached to it

No shit, of course with terrible taste you enjoy bad shows and dislike good shows

Killing Them Softly sucked ass

I dont think ed harris is a bot, he seems to be fully aware what westworld is. I'm thinking maybe he cocreated it with hopkins

>Ed Harris reprises his role from The Truman Show

>yfw Paint it black orchestra version starts playing

I'll give her exactly what she deserves.

Probably, he said he'd been coming there for 30 years and IIRC someone said the place had been around for 30 years

who the fuck is ed harris?

fuck all the robots. ALL of them.

>are they are assholes collapsible?

What did he mean by this?

He was the boss/creator in The Truman Show, he's a corporate spy(?) in this. I wouldn't call that reprising a role unless he was Anthony Hopkins.

If he co-created it then he wouldn't be looking for the secret embedded by its creator.

Who the fuck are you?

>also what the fuck is up with the milk?

Probably a homage to A Clockwork Orange. Like the scene with all the androids in the room was a homage to I, Robot. Bravo Nolan

The nazi sniper from Enemy at the Gates.

That was weird, I hope that don't keep doing that.

national treasure book of secrets

>yfw black hole sun is played in a ragtime style in the saloon

>He doesn't know who Ed Harris is

Is that even possible? Do you watch movies?

if you pay for this adventure and you decide to fuck one of the hosts in the ass, will their asshole break or will it be able to withstand the punishment?

it goes by video games morals though

usually you can't kill little kids in video games unless you mod it

Actual photo of Ed Harris' character years before the series takes place.

So this entire show is basically a "this is your brain on video games" propaganda, right?

So if multiple Guests are in the park at the same time, what happens if someone suddenly decides "following the narrative is boring, I'm gonna be a bandito" and kills every single Host he possibly can? The Hosts can't fight back at all, so he can't be stopped.

Does the park just shut down? "Sorry folks, all storylines are canceled today because one of your fellow Guests got a little rowdy."

>that fatty on the right

nah. boring as fuck

>muffled "All-Star" playing in the background

the guns are probably fully designed not to be able to hurt humans.

Also gotta remember they kept a pretty tight leash on where everybody's whereabouts were, not saying it'd be impossible or even hard to kill another person in Westworld but you'd likely have the private secruity force up your ass with real guns really quick.

Not to mention why kill a real human and face repercussions when you can kill, rape, killrape, etc. all the robots to your hearts content

I found it to be a bit boring. And they spent way too much time outside of Westworld at the company. Make them have to go into Westworld to fix the bugs. Just changing code is not riveting television.

My theory is they have multiple bodies for each host with their conciousness being part of some cloud so that they can upload them into each one.

And remember how the programmer said their memories aren't completely wiped? This system would work best to preserve those memories rather than store them inside the host wear it could be damaged.

Furthermore, look at how the host bodies are basically manufactured through 3d printing. It seems like it would be a lot of trouble to repair a body like that, so they probably have backups at least.

Holy fuck, who cares about any of this shit? Just posts tits of the actresses.

Why no one have noticed the man in the black yet?
They supposedly monitoring everything

Patience child, it's only the first episode, things are bound to pick up soon.

They definitley are going to

WW meme discussion is now 100x longer than actually episode

Oh I know. I'm still intrigued by the show. But saying the first episode was amazing is a bit of an overstatement.

Yeah I was wondering this too. They have a live feed in the place with that digital model thing you'd think they would notice ed scalping and draining people of blood

>dat feel when never made it to Guam

Well it certainly was captivating to say the least. It's not groundbreaking or anything but I'm compelled to see how it progresses now.

What's the point of creating physical bodies if the park is all virtual anyway?

I imagine there might be a tiny detail like you can only shoot your gun 6 times a day, and then the bots don't fuck with you if you're out of ammo.

I wonder how many dads has Dolly have.

I wonder how many times Ed raper her

Seems like it'll become boring after a while

>the park is all virtual anyway

Is it? What makes you say that? The bullets not hurting Ed Harris part was strange i'm not sure it's virtual.

It's not virtual.

Well it seems that hosts have multiple "configurations" as they call them, like Dolly's father for instance, so maybe Dolly has had different bodies in the past? Ed might like the variety.

Then how come everything was cleaned the day after all the shootings and shit? and Dolly looks different in the compound than she does in the park. Pretty sure it's all a simulation, though the location of the compound did make it seem as if it's the same area.

He probably didn't raped her. He might of took a body part off of her just like the native and that is why she keeps getting repaired. But he can't find an answer from her so he is trying someone else.

The androids are real. Maybe the area is like an X-Men danger room or something. Or they could clean it up daily. It's just some tiny western town. They have the ability to create AI and Androids. Surely they can make a town presentable each night.

from what I've gathered Ed has been visiting her (unknown in frequency) for 30 years, and with the amount of repairs shes had it must mean Ed has some kind of pull to keep her in service and not just replaced.

For all we know Ed could have started out with fantasies of her falling in love with him and shit and its just devolved from there.
For all we know he and robot horse could have ran a train on her just in that last encounter

Why would someone bring a photo with them to Westworld? I'd bring a phone instead since it has storage for pics.

are you even allowed to have technology when entering westworld? would freak the bots out if they saw some futuristic shit like that
I have so many questions but knowing abrams and nolan were probably not going to get a lot of answers

for all we know Hopkins character is actively trying to bring the androids to full sentience

Who even has physical photos nowadays not to mention the future

The show repeatedly states how the hosts can't harm the humans. But what prevents the humans from harming reach other? I'm not even talking about on purpose, but accidently. How are they supposed to know so is a host (who they are free to kill, and rape at will), and who is human? Also wouldn't a human eventually get shot in the crossfire of the crazy shootouts?

>tfw no dolores gf


most humans on the show don't use accents

they also come in the same shuttle or whatever

Probably not. But why would someone take a picture there? Unless you planning to live there and you want to remember a love one it would make sense. Though I'm pretty sure they make every guests remove their clothing and belongings

I actually get the feeling he is, had a thought when I was watching that maybe hes intentionally putting bad code just to see what happens

>most humans on the show don't use accents

You mean they don't use old timey western accents. Everyone has an accent you retard.


yes sorry for not specifying it and triggering you

now go take your medicine

I just realized something guys

The park is like 4chins

Ed Harris' character is like a troll or shitposter, ruining it for the other tourists

I don't think the guns actually shoot anything.

I think there are just squibs (or some future equivalent) EVERYWHERE, and they explode when a Guest's gun points at them.

As for attacking them with physical objects or raping them, I don't really have an answer for that.

Maybe "please don't rape me I'm not part of the attraction" is secret Guest code for not getting raped.

Any site to watch this from?


If nothing else Hopkins has relatively free reign to come and go and do what he wishes.

Also little to no oversight

Ed Harris is a rogue hacker making changes to his waifu's code over a period of 30 years.

Any webms of the blonde qt from the shootout?

I want to marry this qt outlaw murderbot

I know it's too early to tell but any chance we see the other parks like Rome, Futureworld or Medieval Europe?

Their programmed schedule won't allow them to go that far unless a guest takes them along.

Many hints
>doesn't have kids waiting home
>later he is holding a picture of a kid which is most likely his son who died
>the updates he did caused the "bugs" (pun intended)
>the boss mentioned we may some day be able to bring back the dead
>we see Hopkins whisper something to the android

My guess would be he is trying to bring his son back to life somehow

Park is a fast food chain.
Ed Harris is one of the hipster faggots trying to order from the """""""secret menu""""""" without knowing the name of the items the other normies use. So he keeps throwing words at the register person without realizing they'll give him whatever the fuck he wants if he spells it out and they can figure out how to check it off on the register.

I would ordinarily say no, but HBO claims to have 5 seasons of this stuff plotted out, which is plenty of time to touch on other settings.

How large is the park exactly? can anyone give an estimate?

>I know it's too early to tell but any chance we see the other parks like Rome, Futureworld or Medieval Europe?
probably in future seasons.

Way its going it'll be a slow burn into open android rebellion.
Either by the end of this season or the next the bots will discover the other themeparks and likely how to get access to em then spreading the update

did you watch 5 minutes and stop?

wow it's almost as if that were a line of foreshadowing exposition or something.

really, really strange!

Calling it now. The purpose of WestWorld for the management and investors is to through mistakes and evolution make them so lifelike they can program them to be used in the real world. The super rich want to make the whole world their programmable playground.
Imagine a Lord of the Rings WestWorld.

Call in the Brotherhood of Steel to exterminate these synth abominations.

Ad Victoriam.

qt mind

Ad Autism

Man, this show was so unimpressive that it boggled my mind. The characters are dogshit. So unlikeable, cliched, fake, manufactured, nonredeemable. Biggest pet peeve is with Narcisse. He plays the same character in every movie I have seen him in. Source Code copy/paste. Also, the dialogue is so fucking pretentious, and also cliched. The delivery is done so poorly from a number of actors. The scene where they kept saying "fuck,fucking" was cringe! Forced as FUCK!
However, I liked the eye candy. From costumes, to sets, to scenery,to nudity. And, I know the concept has been done before but it's pretty cool what they have done in the show. It is creative and very imaginative(i know its a remake of the movie).

>cliched, fake, manufactured, nonredeemable
>Source Code copy/paste
>show is about fake humans


qekkd n' kekkd

l33t overleveled hacker

she's cute as fuck, but a big Hillary supporter.

shame those dubs were wasted on a mongoloid.


Well that's it then. I guess now I'm #mentallyhill,

I was thinking the actress playing Cullen was just terrible.

the entire time I was watching this I just wanted all the actors to walk off the set and for the cast of deadwood to show up. westworld sucks and goddamn what a stale concept.

pretty sure you're right

looks like a pornstar i know

>look honey, i shot him through the neck!
>and look at his pal die too!

Maybe I am autistic or something but this show really wasnt able to hold my attention.

Have you tried cognitive-behavioral therapy?



why do the robots need to be naked anyways. they could put them in storage with clothes on

Then they'd have to pay wardrobe to get a replacement outfit.

Who, user?

>she deserves more than that whore life desu

Clementine? hell yes. Would come with girl roommate about her size. Get with Clem, try to very carefully explain what real life is like without causing robot overload. Then Clem trades clothes with my roomie and we leave together, pretending she's her.
Roomie leaves later, wearing only underclothes and claiming disorientation or some similar medical condition.

Easy—Clementine is out and I'd spend years literally worshipping her, with her drinking my liquor and sitting on me at every opportunity... when not taking trips to Vegas, where she can use her robot skills to ace various card games and keep us well off.

...Of COURSE I don't know how we'll keep Delos from getting wise. This is a best case scenario.

>there are people who haven't heard of WestWorld

lol what

He's the good guy from The Rock

I asked my parents if they were going to watch the show. Mom said she had no idea what the movie was even though its more her era than mine and dad immediately knew what I was talking about

it's a pretty famous film that has seeped into popular culture

Yes. It's HBO. Back in the days of Sopranos or Carnivale it felt normal.

Maybe there's a a quota of fucks and tits new shows must adhere to.

It's like libtard journalists in gawker or buzzfeed who think out of place swear words somehow make their articles more meaningful

Why does everyone keep mentioning that song Black Hole Sun? I never knew of that song. It's irrelevant unlike Paint It Black, stop mentioning it.

Was this a double-episode pilot?


I agree with this post. glittery crap

Go back the bed great grandpa. Your idea of rock and roll is ancient, no one cares about your Bennie charged lifestyles and your hippie hair. What's cool is heroin, angst, and plaid that expresses our rebellion against confirmative solid colored clothing, you wouldn't know anything about that!

please just stop

It was a bubble upload

I was born in '89. Soundgarden was never big here in the Netherlands. I recall remembering that name but they were never on MTV or the radio.

>they were never on MTV or the radio.

Black Hole Sun used to play A LOT on VH1 Europe. Don't know if it still does because I haven't watched it in a decade. It has a very distinct riff/theme.

not enough big boobs


this was only the first episode dont worry

there will be more next week to keep viewers

The guy who got shot in the neck who was dressed in black during the robbery of the saloon is playing Rhaegar in GoT.

Screen cap this.

tell me why i should watch this show in three words

big white boobs

anyone else get a Lost vibe from the show?

Does anyone want to guess what the twist at the end is?

>guests are actually robots
>whole world is robots
>hosts are the humans rebuilt with fabricated living tissue

So is Ed Harris human or robot?

No Yul Brynner.
Fucking culture appropriating, white washing, hairless, manlet CIS scum.

im hoping thandie newton shows some skin

MEGA link?

So are they using real bullets, what's stopping a stray bullet from hitting a guest?

Will we get any episodes that aren't 'meta' with all the creator bullshit? They mentioned some storylines that sounded pretty fucking cool, I would like a couple episodes where we just get to see the storylines play out. The cannibal cultists in the desert led by a professor, the robbers, and more.

By the way, in the end when there are directors and actors talking, they say that the man in black is a human looking for the 'deeper game.' Makes me doubt that he is a really broken host as a twist theory.

I can't believe they're remaking this. When will it fucking stop?


In the original there were other worlds adjacent to westward which were probably more appealing to them. Roman and Medieval I think.

'member Citizen Kane?

This is the reason GoT bored me to death but I'm gonna try this show because I like sci-fi. Though I despise the wild west 9 out of 10 times.

VH1 was really mostly on satellite or cable. Nowadays on digital TV somewhere on channel 900 or something.

Besides, nowadays regular people only listen to radio, spotify or youtube.

Learn to use a torrent you useless gobble of spit.

And? you say you were born in 89, I was born in 91 and used to have VH1 in the background a lot.

Given that there's impact and feedback when a human is "shot". The system could either be a MILES like deal with after a few decades of improvement, thus pistols are shooting some sort of directed EM signal to special garments on human that triggers a tactile feedback that taps them so they know they've been shot with the fluorescent gas discharge either being the mechanism for the impact sensation or being further haptic feedback to let them know they've been shot. I imagine if they did normal squibs on humans, it would be confusing as shit for them to bleed as well.
While the robots have a squib system build into their bodies that allows any location on their body to blow the fuck out in a manner that would mimic a gunshot.

Or the guns could be firing real rounds that are subsonic and super frangible that the bullets, ...somehow surviving the air resistance, turn into little more than clouds of green dust upon impact. With the guns given mechanisms to mimic recoil, sound, and muzzle flash.
Robot bodies react to the powder bullet with an internal omnidirectional squib system as above.

What stops a guest from (accidentally) killing another guest if hosts are almost indistinguishable to real people?

>Came to read about what would people do in westworld.
>Instead I got them asperging about bullets in a scifi show.

Really makes you think they see themselves as cows.


He likes juicy cocks.

reddit: the show

So dumb.