Wtf I hate Zootopia now

wtf I hate Zootopia now.

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more like jewtopia

more like jewtopia

Kek forgot the link.

not an argument

This is why Cred Forums sucks and deserves to be deleted.

Does he actually care about these topics or his he just doing it for the views?

were you spanked as a child?

>For some reason i dont like certain things.

>Hey , thats not an argument, eat shit dude.

Fuckin lol

Not really

He's just pushing his dumb Freudian psychology bullshit that was debunked decades ago.

Did he forget to switch accounts before posting a positive comment pretending to be a fan again?

Kek, that guy is like a clown, and we are the spectors.

>a bald aging man is the face of alt-right
Makes you think.

Not an argument.


How does one become the face of an indie bookstore?

did he praise angry birds?

>predators are 10% of the population but are typically stronger, smarter, faster and have more expertise than prey
>prey outnumber predators 10 to 1 because they bred more after the predators disregarded the natural order and stopped eating them, let them have equal rights and gibsmedats to apologize for being superior
>government STILL has to shoehorn ((("""underrepresented"""))) prey into the police force despite being biologically inferior
>zootopia's subtext is literally about white genocide


be a qt twee girl

Do you support me being shot?

>police and government are bad unless they're beating niggers

Why do we take AnCaps seriously again?

Yeah, although it was the "Muslim immigration" comparison image with some things about masculinity thrown in.

I thought alt-right loved Zootopia because it promotes racial differences not being mere social constructs

Not an argument.

stefan is unhinged man goodjob being dumb op

Not an argument.

dude i'm free market libertarian who loves trump who is far from that lmao. At least with people like ramzpaul they are open/consistent in their beliefs.

why doesn't he just shave it all off?

what it's an argument for this guy?
everything remotely against his point of view isn't valuable

Stefan Molymeme is a cultist who encouraged people to defoo just like his wife who got reprimanded for it then he was asked about it on Joe Rogan's podcast and he denied it .He claims to be a champion of virtue but the man is dishonest about minor things that he can defend himself in meanwhile he lectures people on virtue.

not and argument

Reminder that Zootopia is more redpilled than Angry Birds according to Cred Forums "never wrong" logic

>balding no-name old guy with nothing to his name
>'this is why I'm an anti-feminist'
>dude trump lmao
sure, ill take advice from this guy :^)

Fact: Stefan is a cult leader

What did Molyeux?

>overpromising features on mediocre vidya


i'd happily let my favorite board go. it's turned into absolute garbage these last few years

That's Peter. Stefan is a different Reux de Peux.

I don't even want to watch the video.

It was a bad movie because it was poorly written not because of any underlying political message.

I can't believe that I watched sixteen minutes of this shit only to realize Stefan couldn't understand the nuance in a fucking Disney cartoon. The moral wasn't "stereotypes are only true because we believe in them." The moral was "Prejudice is unfair even when some stereotypes are based on truth." But I shouldn't have expected Stefan 'race realist' Molyneux to pick up on that.

all me :^)

fuck off cuck

Stefan Molyneux is not respected by anyone in the academic community. His book on ethics is a travesty that would barely fly for an undergraduate in philosophy. He makes a living off of donations and views from naive children like you, who have never picked up any actual book on philosophy.

An argument.

This jew metascore or whatever is stupid.
And if I followe your logic... Jews hate Muslims more than westerns do.

And now he is on the Trump bandwagon. The alt-righters really know how to pick their leaders.

>Alex Jones
>David Duke

And you are?

I thought Stefan stopped being an Ancap long ago.

I guess reincarnation is real because this dude sounds like an Ayn Rand avatar.
