What was the best SIdeshow Bob episode? My top 3:

What was the best SIdeshow Bob episode? My top 3:

1. Brother from another Series
2. Sideshow Bob Roberts
3. Cape Feare

Those are probably accurate, best character development, best scheme, and best adventure.

Cape Feare will be #1 for me. The other two you listed I think fit as 2 and 3.

>didn't even list the episode he married and tried to kill Selma or the the atomic bomb episode

Critical error

season 8 streaming at ankhstream.net

Greetings from AnhkStream.

Rapesauce here.


The website is shit, they only stream like 7 episodes of The simpsons.

Don't bother going to his website, its awful

Which is the episode where he is elected mayor?

sometimes they stream other seasons you faggot.

get in

sideshow niles was pretty funny
>so, when do they bring the menu?


No he doesn't.

He never does. He plays the same few episodes over and over.

Then he plays the first few seasons of seinfeld, then he plays the first few seasons of King of the hill, then he plays the first few seasons of south park.

He's an elitist faggot that automatically equates old with good.

Content with never trying anything new or interesting.

I'm the real rapesauce, ankh streams everything but the shit seasons. this is probably a thinly veiled thread to advertise the site i main. Don't come in.

youre obviously not around that cesspool long enough to see when they stream seasons 1-7 too.
eat shit and die, shillclinton you cocksucker.

implying it's not seeyiyayy lurking in chat waiting patiently for an opportunity to strioe







exactly, the ep with Niles literally caused me to drop the show. not one laugh

At least he had his own episode before... y'know...

>oh cousin merle?!

Kinda liked the one where he was splicing his own DNA. Was better than the Italy one but it wasn't better than the air show one, or the murder honeymoon one, and I really don't think we'll ever get better than Cape Feare.

I think it was called Sideshow Bob Roberts?