Is this a good show?

Is this a good show?

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Based on his haircut and doughy physique I would guess that it's not


Yes it's a nice balance of entertainment and education though in my opinion it's not hilarious

I like it. Except the video games episode, it was terrible.

looks like nu male lib cuck faggot shit

Being anti-corp is not liberal at all. At least not in the modern Americuck meaning of that word.

its the zenith of numale liberal cuck redditor faggot shit

even his voice is like distilled faggotry in vocal form

It's very patronizing but I still like it. Would be easier to take seriously if he stuck to education and not throwing in terrible strawman opposition "I AM SILLY" characters.

It's basically like Qi, but presented in more of a sketch/educational format instead of a panel show. If that sounds interesting to you, check it out

it's hit or miss.
Sunglasses episode was good, Border wall episode was bad.

the character is purposefuly over the top man

>nu-male shills faggy politics

Thanks, but no thanks.

It wasn't bad. It just didn't say anything that wasn't already said.

if you got paid by some studio to take everything most horrible about smarmy snarky laughtrack liberal faggots like le current year man and john lebowitz et al and boiled it into pure essence you would get this guy

he dresses like robert downy jr too

whats with that, their suits are somehow way too tight in some areas and oversized in others


400 dollar high tops

The idea isn't bad, but this guy is a patronizing contrarian douche.
It'd be better if they went from a different angle

isnt funny and spews bullshit statistics. absolute cancer

That thing about Trumps wall made no sense at all.

>you know what!! Trumps wall would only stop 70% of all the illegal immigrant, Only 70%!!!!

It's fine, but not good or great.
There's not much to like or dislike. (although there are plenty of retarded arguments to dislike it as you can see ITT)

This thing he did, is actually better then all of his shows.

It's a cucked Western libtard propaganda.

Did you actually watch the vid? 70% of illegal immigrants are people who just stayed after their visa expired. Also the cost of the wall is way higher then what Trumped claim.

Fucking god awful

I guess you aren't wrong. I mean if someone was scamming you. I guess you wouldn't really want to know it.

Nah. I'm just not part of that cucked western millennial mentality that so many redditors on Cred Forums seem to share. Different country, different culture.

Unless you live in some middle eastern shit whole. A lot of things that exist here also exist in other places. Probably worst if you are in Asia.

I like that Cred Forums has so many gays that people try to make "our guy" but they all get squashed out by the masses here for one reason or another.

But this guy has secretly been steamrolling his way to honestly being our guy, for one reason. He is actually likeable. even here, on Cred Forums (essentially little Cred Forums) no one really shits on the guy for being such a flaming numale faggot. Because he is actually enjoyable to listen to/watch.

I've only seen like 3 episodes, I wouldn't turn it off if I found myself watching more, but I don't seek it out. I don't like the girl, who appeared to be a cameo type thing turned into a co-host I guess. She is too smarmy.

I give it a solid 5/7

He barely uses legit sources so only watch for le funny gay man

No he ruins everything

No he said 23-40% over stay their visas.

So the wall could potentially prevent at a minimum 60% of all illegal immigration or upwards of 77% by his own admission.


Haven't seen it outside of clips online, but any show that triggers Cred Forums is bound to be at least watchable, so yes.

Democrat voter detected

Not even from your shithole of a country, my burger friend. Though I'm pretty certain Shillary will win and there's nothing your pathetic compatriots can do about it.

You mean 30%. Watch the video again.

Do that 30% warrant the INSANE costs? Especially considering that more Mexicans are migrating out of the country, than in?

>60% of all illegal immigration or upwards of 77% by his own admission.

He also said that Chinese are behind global warming and then said he didn't say that. So Trump's word isn't really valid here. Also he isn't going to be hard i'm illegal immigrants because he uses them in his businesses. He's no more for building a wall. That he is for universal healthcare. He just said things to win.

Good when it's not a political topic

Nu-male faggot who thinks building the wall won't do shit. Fuck him

>good when he agrees with me

No, he thinks the wall would accomplish something, just not enough to warrant the billions in dollars it would cost to build and maintain.

>hillary starts rewarding illegals with citizenship
>millions begin to pour in
good plan

his boss doesnt think the wall is worth it

"experts" also thought NAFTA was a good idea

or letting 15M people illegally live in the US

#refugeeswelcome ect

the "experts" are just political hacks

His boss?

What does Hillary have to do with whether or not building a wall is a good idea?


if you have no control over your borders... are you a country?

It's 50% good. Adam is a terribly unlikeable host, so they try to play that aspect up. I liked the thing they did about fish, but it's a real crapshoot whether or not he's blowing smoke, like with video games or election law reform

He's okay but he needs to not make videos on things that are clearly subjective. It's usually just pandering to his college-humor-watching liberal audience.

hes a host, someone else calls the shots

look at the grumpy old crackers

...and border walls, and employment mores, and marriage, and...

>more Mexicans are migrating out of the country, than in!!!!!!!!
>elect hillary
>reward illegals with citizenship
>millions begin to pour in

One of my problems with SJW and most people who bitch about something. Is that they almost never give a way to fix it. The eye glass one was a great example. Knowing that one company owns a monopoly on eye glasses. Doesn't change the fact that I have to wear them.


ouch. sick burn. nasty.

Learn what an independent clause is you double nigger

>He also said that Chinese are behind global warming and then said he didn't say that.

You have to go back, Pablo. Anyone not ESL knew that "he" was referring to Adam.

It's fine, but worked much better as 3-5 minute college humor videos. It's just Bullshit! for millenials.

It was bad in my opinion because it didn't tackle the biggest issue: actually buying all the land from the literally thousands of landowners who own land along the border. You think you can convince every single rancher to sell you a giant chunk of their land? Top kek.

The federal government can legally force you to sell your land though.

That doesn't sound very small government. Why would conservatives here say that's ok?


Go fap to Jake and Amir faggot
Anything related is omega cuck tier

I'm not American bruh so I don't really buy into this small government meme.

Just decided to wade into the conversation by easing you concerns about land acquisitions for the wall.

>Anything related is omega cuck tier
It was good in the 00s. Sadly all the decent people left to take tv writing jobs, so only the rejects are left over.

Ironically this show go picked up

it tells the stories people needs to hear

Yes, but the format works better online instead of stringing together tangentially related things so it could be 22 mins.

My favorite episode was when he debunked that the free market and individualism were negative concepts and that collectivism is objectively better and also kill all white men.

Cred Forums pls

What's with the gingers being such massive faggots?

It's leftist agitprop hosted by a bewildered numale that makes believe that it's countercultural/subversive when the very liberal ideas it espouses have been establishment values for decades. Same program as Colbert, Larry Wilmore, Bill Maher, John Oliver, Trevor Noah, Seth Meyers...



Imo yes. Questioning social norms with facts, thats all it is. Purposfully edcuational. If you're butthurt about it or dont believe him. You are welcome to fact check him while the show runs.

I've seen a few episodes and I didn't mind it.
I thought Cred Forums would've enjoyed it considering the stuff he says would put some Jews out of business if people actually adopted and took on board his ideas.

You're assuming that Mexicans are moving out of the country because of how hard it is for illegals, when it reality, they are moving because Mexico's economy is booming and shit just sucks in the south/southwest right now.


So something you're educated in and know is full of misinformation? Wouldn't you think the rest of the show is filled with just as much poor research?

He questioned some of my political beliefs so I can't watch him any more.

Feds don't give a fuck about your pissy little state laws, if they want to build a border wall they'll force you to sell them the land at a price they think is fair. Only thing you could do is write to your congressman block it in Congress, and since all those shitty border states are so in favor of that fucking stupid wall, that's not gonna happen. It's called "eminent domain" and Western governments have been doing it since the British invented railroads.

>So something you're educated in and know is full of misinformation?

You mean something you're biased towards and assume is full of misinformation.

you seem to have forgotten about commiefornia being a borderstate

Fuck off, you know what I mean

>moving the goalposts

Actually, it was just a generalization, numbnuts.