What can I get you Cred Forums?

What can I get you Cred Forums?

A kiss. From you :3

Coffee please

Long Island Iced Tea.

Woodford Reserve, neat, make it a double

>doubles absolute martini

One gf please.

A clean death

>make it a double


A hyper-stylized competently directed action movie with a compelling gay love story

Extra spicy Bloody Mary pal, cheers

a Mezcal Joey


I'll have an Old Fashioned, thanks

A Cred Forums owned by based Shkreli, on the dobble!

Jordyn sticky

Does this exist? and if not, why not?

old fashioned

>it isn't Rene
>it's not an 'Allo 'Allo thread

fuck you OP

one of these please

>We are rapidly heading towards a post-Cred Forums world