8 minutes into this """review""" and all I hear is HURR DURR THEY WILL MAKE MANY MOVIES

8 minutes into this """review""" and all I hear is HURR DURR THEY WILL MAKE MANY MOVIES

when is this retard going to start reviewing you know... the movie? what a piece of shit, no wonder you faggots like it

Other urls found in this thread:


He clearly says he will not only review TFA, but also the Star Wars franchise in its current form.

Using the phrase "HURR DURR" doesn't help people win arguments.

How dare you speak that way about our guy Generalfeldmarschall Stoklasa.

>when is this retard going to start reviewing you know... the movie?
Takes an hour. The video isn't a review of TFA, though. In fact, it's not a review at all. It's just him going on stupid rants.

Just watch the old Plinkett videos instead.

Doesn't make him wrong, either.

The amount of asspain this video has caused to everyone on both sides made it completely worth the wait. The Horseshoe theory is alive and well.

or right. the first thing he said was hes going to talk about stuff other than the film, if you dont like it than 'hurr durr' dont watch it

But quads surely do.

>when is this retard going to start reviewing you know... the movie?
About 50 minutes in

I'm not joking

Stop watching it it's a waste of time.
Plinkett is dead.

>The white race must be sexually dominated, humiliated by our African superiors. Not a drop of pure white blood must be found in any child belonging to the next generation.

What did he mean by this?

it's complete garbage

don't get memed into wasting your time on it

>He didn't get as assmad as I did when Rey did anything or when things seemed similar because he understood it was an homage to the original trilogy as a whole instead of just ANH

What did user mean by this?

Go and kill yourself Disney shill

it was entertaining but not as awesome as it used to be.

How come whenever someone says anything that triggers the Cred Forums retards, Cred Forums can't get black dick off its mind for weeks?

If anything, Disney shills should be the only ones happy about the review. Mike proved what a subservient consumer he was.

By calling them White Slavers?

His review was incredibly shitty, an entire hour talking about an online theory and then he called Rei and Finn likable characters...
give me a fucking break desu.

That was Lucas. Mike is encapable of making independant decisions and eats up capeshit.

>even Mike The Third Reich is pro-racemixing now
Is it over, bros? Did the joos win?

>le pol

Hey reddit

Yeah Lucas said it and then Mike confirmed it when Johnny went missing.

it's sad that people actually waste time watching that garbage

Yes, yes that's all very funny, but can you answer the question?

Did he have contractual obligations to release a 100 min episode of Plinkett?

Because I see no other explanation for this uninspired mess, most of which was filler about the prequels and some retarded fan theory.


He made no real attempt to criticize TFA.

Ask mike, he was the one triggered with the lack of interracial romance. Spent a good portion of his "review" obsessing over it.

if anything he exposed Disney for the shallow marketing jews they are like the rest of Hollywood
>Market interracial couple as 2 main characters
>They don't have any emotion, are awkard as fuck and resemble hollow cardboard cutouts of emotionless characters compared to Luke, Han and Leia
>Market and cast stronk female villain
>Proceed to give her 2 minutes of screentime before killing her offscreen
hop lel

And who asked for that?

>mike spends 1 hour of a 1hr 45 min review to rebuttal a 9001 page autistic argument against his original reviews

why was mike so mad?

Mike didn't say anything people didn't already know, and then he just accepted it and said they didn't go far enough. He also failed to see how shallow the movie itself was.

I did, specifically

I am a powerful man, don't fuck with me

>Overdosing on memes to the point that you actually thought a film review man shared your virulent racism

Why do subhumans like OP even exist?

coppola got his the godfather gig because italian american pressure groups forced the studio to recruit a proper wop to handle such ethnically controversial story but I don't think diversity made the film any worse

No you fucking retard he said all the humanity has been stripped away and nobody in the new movie has any basic sexual element to them like in the OT. Skin color was incidental and the fact that Disney pushed so far for "muh diversity" but seemed too scared to do anything with it was retarded. Stop getting your information from Reddit.

It's their website, why do you need to ask them what to make for you? They don't owe us jack shit.

Was Mike upset he didn't get to see finn kiss rey or not? Simple yes or no question.

They went full cuck with that "I need to see a black man kiss a white women" bullshit

Nobody kissed in the movie, that was his point. Nobody showed any human emotions.


>constantly thinks about black men
>calls other people cucks

user, I'm so sorry.


The entire line was about how disney diversity only goes so far as what doesn't cost them anything.

They make a huge deal about race not mattering, but then when it could matter (black male kissing anything other than concrete = no china) they back away quite vigorously.

>they deleted yourdogsdicks comment

Cred Forums you are literally the most reddit board. Completely one sided dick sucking between it's users

When is it supposed to get funny?

It doesn't.

>tfw you read a whole article, with sources and citations, on audience reactions to black protagonists pre-08 that's since been scrubbed from the internet completely.

jesus christ why is everything such a nightmare

He's right though it runs franchise into the ground

>a Black guy not shooting his gun? This really is science fiction!


Clicked it off right then and there.

this, Cred Forums posters are brainwashed worse than anything the media could ever do. All it takes is some fat loser to spam some "fact" a few times and you believe it.

Found the redditor.

Fact: our primitive monkey brains are literally wired to confuse for fact anything that is presented as fact more than once.

its why everything is so horrible

Painfully unfunny.


What were their reactions?

He then said he would be fine of he kissed Latino guy too

Why does everyone on this board race to make an ass of themself?

All me btw

>a black man who refuses to use his gun, now that's science fiction

is the only good line in that train wreck of a """review""", you can stop there OP.

Mike is a comedic critic.

With that in mind, Mike fell short in both regards. The review wasn't particularly funny or insightful (clickbait baaad? prequels doublebaaaad?).

I no longer blame Mike for dragging his feet with this review now. It's clear that he has no desire or talent for videos in this format. He should just stick to doing what he does best these days: drinking beer on a couch with his friends.

I never said anything about Rey in my post you massive homosexual faggot.
The video is boring and creatively bankrupt.
Plinkett as a format is dead.

I'm so sick of all the retards who can't even read the title of the video. It's "Star Wars Awakens Review" not "The Force Awakens Review". It's a video about Star Wars re-entering the public consciousness, people re-evaluating the prequels, Disney's handling of the product, etc. It's not a film review and it says so in the fucking title. It's like nobody has a fucking brain.


He spent way too much time on the ring theory

honestly, it just seemed like he either genuinely enjoyed it or cant say its bad because of all the social justice tropes its pushing, RLM doesnt want to look untrendy and bigoted

>It's clear that he has no desire or talent for videos in this format
I would point to pretty much every other Plinkett review as a counter-argument to this dumb statement.

How do you think Mike is taking the meh response that most people seem to have?

First there was Space Cop, which they worked on for so long, and most people didn't care for it, and now a Plinkett review is getting all this criticism.

Will he start hitting the bottle even harder than he already is?

>How do you think Mike is taking the meh response that most people seem to have?
Something tells me he's going to be okay.

you fa/tv/irgin contarians on Cred Forums?

There doesn't seem to be a whole lot of criticism outside of Cred Forums really. RLM has never seemed to really care about that stuff anyway.

But just like what happened when Space Cop came out, it's very important to the autistic faggots here to create a bunch of stupid fanfic about how RLM is finished, Mike is suicidal, Jay is ready to quite, Rich is bankrupt, etc.

I watched the new Plinkett review. I enjoyed it. I didn't agree with all of it, but it was entertaining. And then I moved on with my life.

>2243 dislikes

that's 2243 too many. RLM btfo.

>it's a user thinks the opinions of a few dozen contrarion faggots on Cred Forums reflect the rest of the RLM fanbase episode

this review of tfa just seems to be a rehash of his original trilogy of reviews. what is the point

Maybe this review is "supposed to be bad" too just like Space Cop.

I went to their subreddit and there's almost as much dislike there as there is here (no fanfic about the RLM crew though).

It's like poetry

>TFA, as well as the upcoming films probably, is a rehash of the originals
>George Lucas directed the prequels while sitting in a chair the entire time, Plinkett did the review while sitting in a chair the entire time

it rhymes

>I went to their subreddit
lol faggot

>he fell for the reddit is bad meme

The last good Plinkett review is like 4 years old.

Do they get any criticism on their actual website or it just filled with a bunch of cocksuckers. I heard Jay had to delete a bunch of posts about how he got cucked.

I went on r/RedLetterMedia (the official RLM forums) out of curiosity and there were quite a few popular negative comments.

>i'm a triggered teenager

ftfy kiddo

Most of the "critics" around here are bandwagon faggots that have never even seen his Star Trek reviews. They're just complaining for the sake of it.

nothing more banal and cliche than whining about ''millenials''

>I heard Jay had to delete a bunch of posts about how he got cucked.
No you didn't. You literally just made that up.

>reviewing a review

>i get upset when people correctly infer from my young age that i'm ignorant and entitled

ftfy kiddo

Hi Jay

>implying that's a Mike Kampf Stoklasa quote

Well, he is technically true in the sense that posting that Lauren shit would likely get you banned on their forum and the posts would get deleted, but it was due to how incessantly some autists kept posting that stuff.

No, I saw them too. Nice spin, Bauman

>defending BLACKED couple

>''demographers and researchers typically use starting birth years ranging from the late 1970s to early 1980s and ending birth years ranging from the mid-1990s to early 2000s.

it means nothing to call someone a 'millenial', especially when the guy doing it is a millenial himself, like you. unless you're an old man browsing Cred Forums in which case it's very sad.

these millennial nu male alt rightist redditors need to go back to Cred Forums

>It's not a film review and it says so in the fucking title. It's like nobody has a fucking brain.

Well, you ARE on Cred Forums after all.

But I'm a Gen X youtuber from 9gag

You can't do a proper plinkett-style review of TFA without Episode VIII and IX because without any context of where any of this shit is going or how these characters are going to grow and change you can't really make the kinds of critiques you need.

that's fine

got a timestamp to the gay characters part?

Cop Dog proves you wrong, friendo.

>I've said it before and I'll keep saying it, this review feels like it's 5-9 years too early. TFA is a boring, safe as fuck reboot that's as shallow as a kiddie pool and it'll only be worth talking about when the whole new trilogy is out so it can be put in the proper context.
>Putting this out there now would be like doing the Plinkett Ep 1 review in 2002. Thats why this video is padded out with even more prequel bashing (as if 3 hour long plus Plinkett reviews arent enough), and even more time wasted on stupid Internet theories I wasn't aware anyone even gives a shit about aside from shit eating faggots on Wookipedia who don't deserve the attention in the first place.
>I get that they are probably under some pressure (?) to do Plinkett but they should've resisted. It's kinda obvious that they got swept up in the initial feel-good wave that was the TFA release last year and are now starting to realize that it's not that great. But there isn't much to talk about since the movie isn't interesting enough to dissect like eps 1-3.
>I've disagreed with RLM on a number of movies, especially their TFA review, but I still enjoy their content and don't think people should be generally so triggered by this review. But I do think that fans who were looking forward to a proper Plinkett review have every right to be disappointed by this latest offering.

>B-buy tickets to the next two movies before you have an opinion on what you've watched!
>Don't forget to read the tie-in novels, watch the cartoons and play the video games and make sure to purchase all the DLC

The prequels were mindbogglingly perplexingly awful. TFA was just an unexceptional remake of ANH. There's nowhere near enough material for 90 minutes of complaining unless he decided to go full Cred Forums about the diversity, which he didn't.

>There's nowhere near enough material for 90 minutes of complaining

There was plenty. The movie lacked any sort of internal logic and none of the characters were convincing.

>being super serious about Plinkett Reviews

I think you're the retard, because you clearly misread the title.


I'm just glad Mike saw the light on how TFA is a corporate cash in. The TFA HitB had me worried.

RLM is sjw shit

It's in the second infographic on Gilchristgate, for what that's worth. Often gets deleted on Cred Forums too

>The prequels were mindbogglingly perplexingly awful.
you're wrong


I know it's not really their area, but The Hobbit trilogy would have been absolutely ripe for the Plinkett treatment.

Face it, the last time red letter media (or reddit letter media, as i've recently taken to calling them) was funny was the darth vader suit video.

>The video isn't a review of TFA, though
Oh, that's good to hear

No, you're wrong, and here's why:

he's right.

This faggot unironically thinks New Hope is a better movie than any of the prequels

Why the fuck would anyone listen to him

My personal request would have been a Plinkett LOST review.

I love this all, I love the heat about the star wars movies, I love this endless asspain about plinkett, I love how you build the cloud temples and then tear them down with revolutionary passion.

Mfw I go throught every sw and rlm thread


BTFO by quads


>Trite, cliche cinematic romance is the only emotion.

>yfw you realise you've been reduced to complaining about someone complaining about a children's pew pew spaceshit movie

Still better than actors being bland robots. You're watching a movie with people in it, aren't you? Trite but true because it's what works.

That's because the actors are terrible, not because of any cliche romance sub plot.

>yfw you realise you've been reduced to complaining about someone complaining about someone complaining about a children's pew pew spaceshit movie

They talked about that for the first 20 minutes. I think they are right, but with wrong intentions. Constantly churning out Star War, Avenger, Star Trek, Avatar, etc movies means little to no room for investing in newer franchise. I can't think of any new franchise that isn't directly that is original and have potential to grow like Star Wars. I think the industry will produce better movies if they create new and more original IPs. Unfortunately, it makes sense financially to continue with their model since consumers are already familiar with these franchises. Starting a new franchise means a lot of investment in the beginning with a good chance of failing. TVs do this very well, but TV series without an established base takes a while to attract viewers. Breaking Bad didn't become a huge hit until the middle of season 4. Sopranos ratings were pretty shit until season 4. Some shows with artistic merit like The Wire or Deadwood didn't run long enough to be commercially viable.

The next 50 minutes were just rebuttals of the "prequels were actually good" argument. Almost all points are valid. They spent a little too much time shitting on the ring theory, which is pretty much most people don't buy into anyways.

The final 20 minutes is the actual TFA review. The review coincides with consensus of most critics: good movie, but more could have been done.




>Cop Dog proves you wrong, friendo.

Right, I forgot that Cop Dog was the first of a planned trilogy of Cop Dog movies with plot points left purposefully unanswered to be resolved in Cop Dog 2: Sheriff Dog and Cop Dog 3: Trevon Barkin.

We've always known that this was part 1 of a 3 part story, it's part of why ANH is such a tighter story, they weren't planning on a sequel.

Yeah, you. Go back to /r/the_cuckold and stop ruining this board.

This is the truth. It didn't feel like he put much effort into it. Just some rambling about a bunch of pointless shit.

Well, one thing was interesting: The part about how suddenly all those "what the prequels did right" showed up. Since I also noticed the same thing.

His inner Cred Forums started showing when he berated the new film for "diversity casting" & there not being enough sexual foreplay between characters.
Guy still has his moments but a lot of his charm has left as he digs further & further into the tired schtick of Mr. Plinkett.

Why is it surprising that people would reevaluate the prequels in light of a new movie coming out?

>makes mediocre video
>states that he doesnt give a shit about the diversity aspect either way, but calls out the movie for being all in favour of it but being too pussy to have an interracial relationship
>Cred Forums now considers mike a sell out and a cuck SHIT VIDEO/10

Holy shit is this real? Toppest kek

It's not that. Even though I bet a lot of us became butt hurt over that. It's that he put no effort into doing it. The original prequel-reviews was very well done. This was just made because.

Would a nazi spend the last 20 minutes of the review lamenting the lack of bbc interracial sex scenes between finn and rey?

people who praised Fanfiction Awakens when it came out suddenly say this is the best review ever (even he shits on his rehash) Can somebody explain it to me?

That's the thing, he barely touches TFA or offers any substantial criticism. He just eats his slop like the fat pleb he is.


Guys, RLM is finished.

He's a cuck. He should team up with the Cuck King to make the interracial breeding grounds a reality.

i think he criticized Forced Rehash Awakens a couple times (the similarities to the original trilogy)

a lot of the stuff people want to see plinkett criticize (aka validate their opinions) are things that could be deliberately left open for the future sequels.

plinkett says right in the review that, when you remove the air of potential abrams' first star trek film had, it's just a flimsy revenge plot engineered to put Kirk in the captains chair.

If disney/lucasfilm shits the bed and episode 8 is another Star Trek Into Darkness, i think you will see the full wrath of plinkett come down on the sequels.

>It's okay not the criticize a movie on the hipe that it's sequel might be better

That's a pretty weak reason.

>user is too dense to realize most of the problems with the movie are directly related to the meta issues in the movie industry today
Just stop now if you don't get it, because he keeps discussing this for an hour

be surprised he managed to type all that without mentioning the prequels boogeyman

Well there are things left open that could be expanded on in ways that could be stupid OR brilliant. If you come down hard now and their gambit pays off you end up looking like a dumbass.

That's ridiculous. You have to evaluate a movie on it's own merits.

>You have to
oh really

Yes. That's generally how film criticism works.

Is this the encounter which propelled her #HeForShe campaign?

>Ah, the ol’ White Male Default. How I wish I could say I missed you.

Isn't it funny that all these sites who got attacked in this Plinkett review are coming out and trashing RLM now? Surely just a (((coincidence))). Go read the AVClub article on it for some top keks. It's amazing how desperate these bloggers are to cling onto someone else's game.

you kind of need to apply a tv critic mindset to these hyperserialized franchises though.

The only cuck here is Mike.

>Stars wars 7 was beating a dead horse
>Plinker review of starwars 7 was beating a dead horse
Makes you think

it's mostly an analysis of the current state of the franchise, hence the title

I hope they still have some of the money.

No I don't. If I pay to watch one (1) movie, I will judge it by itself.


feelio when their humour isn't fresh anymore

ok gramps

Found the shill.

When was the first review? Like 2006 wasn't it? Of course it's not gonna be fresh anymore, especially when everybody is attempting to copy the "Plinkett" style.

2008-2009 but your point stands

There is no "Plinkett" style, and internet movie reviews pre-date Plinkett.

Shit-eating RLMfags are in it for the memes.

whhat video do these commments belong to??

Nah, dude.

These aren't kids' movies.

RLM was insecure enough to nip that little train of thought in the bud early.

found the TERF

Oh man what a trainwreck.
Mike sounded like he was obligated to make a Plinkett and he didn't know where to find content.

At this point even his Half In The Bag stuff work better.

heres a real TFA review



this review is good too

where is "positive opinion on louis ck"

Reddit Letter Media was ousted ages ago when we found out the prequels were not as bad as his "groundbreaking" memevideo said it was and are ok standalone films, and now they are buttblasted posting a video that is 60% damage control 40% review.

>We live in a universe where "Star Wars Fatigue" might become an actual thing
Truly we live in the darkest timeline

This is the most low quality bait I've seen in a while. Seriously.

He clearly criticized the business decisions to make it a soft reboot amid oversaturation


Hi AVclub.

>Criticized business decisions

Yet not the film itself.

>There is no "Plinkett" style



>internet movie reviews pre-date Plinkett.

No shit, but that wasn't the point I was making. Watch the video above.

How is that Plinkett style? Just a guy with a camera making snide comments.

Deaf people shouldn't be commenting on movie critiques.

>Anybody who makes jokes is a Plinkett tipoff.

he is trying to cover up so he doesnt get jailed for fucking killing that one parking lot nigger

He wanted to see romance in the movie. He's upset at Disney because they pushed diversity in by casting a black guy, but at the same time didn't actually want to cross a line and show interracial romance, so now the movie has no romance at all, it having been sacrificed for Disney's fake diversity credentials.

It's not hard to understand. Apply yourself

Someone post E;R's vid. its so much goddamn better

RLM fags are worse then prequel fags. They can't just admit Mike's a pleb who likes cliche, boring stories.

I loved the other Plinkett videos, as well as RLM other videos, but this one is just pure awful. It's Phantom Menace bad.

He spends, like, an hour complaining about how other Youtube channels ripped him off (because clearly he invented saying movies suck) and complaining about clickbait articles and complaining about "ring theory," and even going as far as saying Disney paid people to say good things about the prequels online. The whole first hour is a mess of weak, stupid rambling rants against other idiots online. It's like hearing someone complain about something they read on Cred Forums or something in real life. Who gives a fuck, you know?

Then, when he gets into The Force Awakens, he skims over it rather than nitpicking it (even going as far to mock those who do nitpick it, even though nitpicking made him what he is today and is what the people want) and instead reads his Star Wars fanfic, which is just as shitty as any other fanfic out there.

Why even make this video? Why? They retired Plinkett on a pretty good note. I mean, I get that the fans asked for a The Force Awakens review (of course, this isn't one: the title claims as such, but the title saying "this isn't a Force Awakens review" doesn't make it any better that they made a shit video instead of a proper, good Plinkett review). I get that they want the ad revenue. But was this really the way? Is this really how you cash out?

Again, it feels a lot like the Phantom Menace, where something great comes back and makes you wish it hadn't because they didn't even try. They didn't try with this video. It feels so rushed, so clumsily thrown together, yet it took forever for them to make it.

Man, fuck it. Their Half in the Bag video on Force Awakens is better than this shit, and they were half asleep and put zero thought into that one. Fuck this video, fuck them for making this turd, fuck the fans who are fellating them for this bowel movement. Fuck it all.

But he's said multiple times he enjoys schlock.

No, he said he enjoys cock.


Just saw it. I liked it quite a bit. Wading into people bitching about it has been very satisfying, too.

>Not all movies need sex
A great example Plinkett didn't mention is when Luke swings across the Death Star chasm with Leia in Ep4. The moment he puts his arm around her waist, he gives a look at her, then puffs his chest out and does this reckless action maneuver. It acknowledges that Luke is aware he's grabbing this hot chick and doing something heroic. It's not sex but it's sexual TENSION. Ep7 lacks this. Rey kissing Finn's head is like kissing a grandma on the cheek. It's affection but it has no tension. It's Hallmark shit.

>All the ring theory shit
Only in today's instant gratification is 10 minutes some kind of eternity. If anything, I thought it was a funny elbow-in-the-ribs that some guy wrote a billion pages of stupid shit and Mike just laughs at it for a few minutes. It makes the Ring Theory look dragged on more than Plinkett.

>Bitching about bitching about diversity
I thought they nailed it. Someone on Cred Forums of all places explained this perfectly. "When social justice shields itself from debate, corporate and political powers will become social justice to shield themselves from debate as well." It's like saying that somewhere an asian woman in a wheelchair will see an asian woman in a wheelchair on a J.Crew catalog cover and realize this is a world where she too can buy J.Crew clothes. It's crass consumerism.

>falling for Mike's tactic to throw off the sponsor kikes

>that tweet
Jesus Christ when will this end?

Holy fuck you are dumb.

This video may have been the greatest thing that they have ever done. RLM managed to piss off both extremes of the SJW coin.The neo-nazi basement virgins and the beta nu-male cuckolds are mad at basically the same thing "MUH DIVERSITY", and it's hilarious watching you fags fumble over strawman arguments that weren't even presented in the review. They even managed to piss off one of the writers of Birth.Movies.Death so badly that he spent about 5 fucking paragraphs in his article about a new Plinkett video exploding about White Male Privilege or whatever bullshit they swallow. It's insane.

RLM have truly outdone themselves this time.

But I think he is right about them being paid. And he never nitpicked the prequels, he just took the reviewing serious then.


Only problem is he also pissed off those that want a good review. Reviewing isn't about pissing people off. I would preferred to have an in depth look at the movie instead of this.


>Rubin Report
>If you're not with us you must be WITH THEM

Fucking gas these liberal fucks already, PLEASE

But did he really?

What do you mean?

It's hilarious how inflated Cred Forums views the obnoxious vocal minority of people that bitch on the internet. Most normal people don't give a fuck.

Look at the like to dislike ratio. Most people like the video.

Normalfags leave.

I enjoyed how he kept making jabs at all the other internet reviewers that he paved the way for.

Even if you consider this sub-par, it's 100x more insightful and watchable than any of his peers.

I feel kinda bad for Mike here.

Although the Plinkett reviews for the prequel trilogy were created out of a real want to explore the poor quality of those movies, he's found himself in a position now where people EXPECT him to make a Plinkett review for every new Star Wars movie.

The Plinkett reviews were all about negative, in-depth criticism of poor movies. Negativity is part of the selling point. People were HOPING to see him rip it apart. A purely positive Plinkett review or even a mixed review (maybe like this one) isn't going to have the same effect as a negative review.

He did the best he could for a movie which wasn't inherently bad but could've been better. What kind of entertaining criticism arises from a movie like that, really? It doesn't fit the abrasive ripping-apart we got from the other Plinkett videos. What about all positive? Who the fuck wants to watch an all-positive review of a movie, unless you're really really into movies? It's not something that suits his style, is my point, and by now he probably feels pressured into making them. He bolstered out the review with other material which was really very good in my mind, but what now? How could he possibly talk about the next one for almost two hours if it's the same? What if it's better? What if it's brilliant? What if the next one is only a half hour? What would people think? What if he has nothing to say?

Now that he has Half in the Bag - which people expect to see a review the upcoming Star Wars films from as well - how do these two entities correlate?

He's in a tough situation. I'm curious to see what he does, but I have a feeling it'll come down to extended jokes and really stretching the few points he has.

me again
(fixing errors here)
What if the next PLINKETT REVIEW is a half hour?

He hasn't done a Plinkett review in four years. He doesn't feel any obligation to make one if he doesn't want to, clearly. No reason to feel bad for him.

Watch is StarTrek '09 and Titanic reviews. He doesn't hate those movies but does a good job of providing in-depth analysis. Negativity isn't a requirement for a good Plinkett Review, it just makes things easy, which is why I'm baffled he hasn't done the matrix sequels or the hobbit movies yet.

Honestly there are two big things working against his TFA review.

1. This isn't 2009 and there are a hundred youtube breakdowns of TFA that already covered everything that needs to be said about the movie. Most of the shit that Plinkett get credit for ranting about with the prequels is pretty basic stuff, he could get away with that back when there was no competition, but now there are dozens of other movie channels all doing this stuff and it's all been said. That was partially what his breakdown of all of those youtube channels was about. Everyone is talking about star wars constantly these days. In 2009 people thought star wars was dead.

2. There is almost nothing interesting to talk about when it comes to TFA. It's a shallow soft-reboot that borrows heavily from ANH, but all of it's plot points are purposefully left unresolved because it's part of a planned trilogy and we only have part 1 of 3 right now. Part of what made the Plinkett reviews work is that he was constantly referencing all 3 of those movies to show how decisions made in Ep. I impacted EP. III etc... He can't do that here because we just don't know enough. He was caught between a rock and a hard place, either do his Plinkett Reviews well in 3-4 years, or do a plinkett review after each film that won't be as good.

I agree with you, what he should do is wait for a movie to come out that is supposed to be good but ends up being a massive piece of shit (Batman V Superman) and then make a Plinkett review about something like that.

Yes, you are right.
But imo TFA was a bad movie, but in no way close to as bad as 1-3. And therefor more uninteresting to review. 1-3 was bad on an epic scale and also originally bad, while TFA is just a uninteresting copy.

I think the mistake was that he tried to make too long review about something that there isn't much to say about.

There are somethings that could be commented on and he mostly did, but the format is not suited for those kind of remarks.

A better approach would be to take a theme like Disneys cowardliness and review the film with that focus. And skip all stuff about Ring theories and shit.

Everything that annoys me about that film has to do with them being cowards. The soft restart, fan services with pressing in everything that ever been on screen in 4-6, the asexual heroes, and so on.

And the thing is, this is sort of what he did talk about, but it drowned in all the other stuff. The review lacked aim and focus. You could probably make a good review just by editing a lot of shit out.

About the last half hour.

RLM is great I love them but this was fucking shit.

All I remember positively is some behind the scenes footage I'd never seen.

Anyone who saw the HitB review. What the hell was he going to say about a movie he thought was good?

That Independence Day re:View video.. you could really tell that Mike wanted to give it the Plinkett treatment. He almost went into character at one point.

desu, I think most didn't believe him there. They thought that he was paid by Disney to be as kind as possible. That was my thought at least. :)


They'll at least put up a Halloween episode sometime this month.

your faith in you e-friends is your greatest weakness

A lot of the TFA segment was your standard "if I was making the movie I'd do it like THIS" crap, which is annoying regardless of who you are or what voice you're doing. And some of the points fell flat, such as diversity (where of course, even Plinkett has to remind us that he doesn't *really* hate it and isn't a rayciss).

>JJs Fan Service

This pun was so smooth.

Yes, that's true. I didn't consider those ones - been a while since I've seen them.

There's such a loose definition as to what movie spurs the making of a Plinkett review. The Star Trek/Wars ones were clearly personal dissatisfaction. As was the Indiana Jones one and the Avatar one, IIRC.

Cop Dog and Baby's Day Out felt like RLM-style jokes, but they were still poor movies at heart.

I think the Star Trek one was a similar situation to the TFA one - made on account of some sort of necessity or obligation to do so. But, yeah, it was a positive review. I still think, however, that he can only do so many positive reviews before people compain.

Fuck people though. People pay to watch Pixels and Die Hard 5. Mike can do what he wants. Personally I think I'd enjoy more positive reviews. That's just me though - I appreciate the breaking down and discussion of movies like this.

Also, your 2 points are definitely on point. Firmly agree. I would like to see Mike put off the final review until Episode IX comes out, but that's just me.

Mike love Star Trek you moron. That you expect him to be opposed to something like interracial marraige shows you don't know shit.

Right he has nothing better to do than to attack movies he doesn't care about and a children's book adaptation because it wasn't as cool as the adaptation of something that wasn't children's book.

the one thing that baffles me more than anything is how Mike can hate the original ID4 but like the godawful Resurgence, which is the soulless 100% CGI cashgrab sequel to ID4 that the prequels are to original Star Wars.

i need to go back and watch all of the rlm i skipped this year because my panties were in a twist over space flop

Ive been looking forward to the review for a while now, why you being such a cunt about it m8?

Mike himself is a millennial

Their shitty little review of the original ID4 pissed me off so much.

You're baffled that Mike has shit taste?

Mike that likes all capeshit and cashgrabs like Jurassic World?

born in 1978 = gen x
jay is a millennial

Respectable logic and more than respectable digits confirms this to be true.

I'm like 4 and a half hours into this review and he still hasn't gotten to tfa. I don't really get the point he's making with a silent freeze frame on lucas's face



I never said anything about inyterracial marriage, you faggot. Mike's diversity rant was pointless and undermined whatever point he was trying to make.

I hated this Plinkett review, but not as much as I hate that son of a bitch Josh.