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It's great for Halloween. I wish I had a cat like Church

Book is spookier but the wife's half rotted face at the end used to give me nightmares as a kid

Zelda didn't give you nightmares?

Eh the way she walks towards the camera is scary but this scared me more

the makeup in this movie was fucking phenomenal

Is that Tasha Yar?

First movie that scared the absolute fuck outta me.

>The Dad is retarded: The Movie.

actually yes

her playboy spread was pretty legendary

never got why she didnt grow her hair out though

same. in fact it's the only movie that ever scared the absolute fuck out of me. candyman did a little bit when I was 10 but that was it.


Nvm it is


This shouldn't be allowed.

The book is so fucked up. Half of it was unfilmmable

Why are Native American ghosts always butt hurt faggots in horror movies

>her playboy spread was pretty legendary
her WAT

brb google

Trail of tears and all that

They need to let it go tho desu

Because white devil took their land.


What's wrong with it? It's intentional

The emotional aspect of the father both before and after the accident are very good, representing the anxiety and fear of loss inherent in fatherhood, ect. ect. It somewhat accurately portrayed the state of grief over losing a child in a way that was very powerful.

Then the kid comes back as a zombie and after that I consider the movie a wacky murder-comedy.

Fucking this. I would also add:
>The Dad is retarded and the neighbor was equally retarded to show anyone the graveyard that brings things back to life but evil: The Movie.



>he never read the book


What would you scream if you just saw your child ran over?

Chris Evans probably cringes that a bunch of neckbeard save entire folders of pics of him

it wasn't what he said it was the execution
that guy couldn't act his way out of a paper bag

what on earth makes you think evans even knows this?

Enlighten us then

It was ok. Like most King adaptations, it was far worse than the novel, and the production values were garbage, particularly the acting. Still decent enough though.

the book implies Jud Crandall didn't want to show him the pet sematary and that some insidious force, possibly the Wendigo, forces people to continually show other people it, even though the teller showing the next user has had firsthand experience with its evil

You just know

what's the intention?

The burial ground acts like a vampire in the sense it controls people who have used it. They know in their heart to stay away but it makes them bring in new bodies. You can't fight it.

See, that would've been an interesting detail to leave in the movie.

welcome to the wide world of Stephen King movie adaptations!

Maximum overdrive is still my favorite

Solid Stephen King adaptation although not one of my favorites. My top 5 favorites are:

>Stanley Kubrick's The Shining
>Brian De Palma's Carrie
>John Carpenter's Christine
>The Running Man (I know it's nothing like the novel but it's classic Arnold)

I really need to watch The Shawshank Redemption.

you haven't seen the shawshank redemption? what the h?

haven't seen Shawshank, but I've read it

I cried a little bit near the end actually ;_;

The Shining, Shawshank and The Green Mile are all objectively better movies.

Actually, they do touch upon it in the movie, albeit very briefly, in a single conversation between Judd and Louis. Iirc there's a scene where Judd and Louis are talking, maybe after the baby's funeral, where Judd says that it might be his fault that the kid died because he took Louis to bury the cat.

I've just never gotten around to it. I'll probably watch it either this month or next month.

I know they are but they aren't funner. Maximum overdrive is a great corny film

I believe they also mention that the Micmac indians were aware of a curse on the land which is why they stopped burying their people there

True but that's his favorite, doesn't have anything to do with quality.

Sure, I agree

I hope you go into it with reasonable expectations considering how much people jerk off over it

Do any of those flicks have a cement presser running down kids? Does it have a pop machine shooting full cans into a dudes groin?

I rest my case.

not related to the thread really, but /kinggeneral/, I just read the Library Police and the Sun Dog

what the fuck did I just read

I'm trying to read It right now...

finding it kinda boring 2bh.

Maybe it wouldn't be so boring if I knew what happens, and it wasn't 2000 pages.

I thought Library Police was okay, but it seemed kinda derivative of IT

Sun Dog, I liked, but it was still weird and I'm not exactly sure just what was happening with the titular dog

currently reading Insomnia and about 2/3rds full of it, but I'm having a hard time finishing it. I think its the first King story/novel I've read that I'm just not interested in.

Sad part is this one was actually adapted by King. He wrote the script.

In the book, not everything comes back evil. Some things are just dumb like Jud's dog.

Also the movie leaves out one of the best parts of the book, in that it's the power of the secret. If you knew how to bring back the dead, eventually you'll be able to dream up a scenario where you think you're doing the right thing by sharing it.

>He wrote the script.

holy shit, never knew that actually.

Used to like it as a kid. It's cheesy now.

Also Stephen King has been exposed as a leftwing anti-white cuck so fuck him.

>leftwing anti-white cuck

bruh, as a fellow Cred Forums poster, just stop caring about content creator's personal politics

stop reading twitter, ignore clickbait, go about your business and like what you want to like, regardless

>Also the movie leaves out one of the best parts of the book
My favourite parts of the book were the trips to the burial ground. They were so fucking vivid and amazingly detailed, dreamlike. Like when Louis is walking and he knows there's a face watching him with a snaked tongue or something and he refuses to look up because of it. Also they completely gloss over the Wendigo. Such a shame.

There were rumours going round on the internet a few years ago of a Pet Sematary remake but they've died down now. Guerillo Del Toro apparently really loves the book and was practically begging to make an adaptation. I think he could have made something really great if he stuck to the book source material and pulled no punches. It's a shame.

I love the book. To me it's a tragedy more than anything else; it's really powerful commentary on the helpless grief you experience at the death of a loved one that's impossible to overcome.

Literally impossible when I never leave my safe space. I need to be told how evil liberals are.

Is this the movie with the fucking twisted corpse in the bed with the creepy voice and shit or am I thinking of a different movie?

local kids made the cemetery for their dead pets, since they didn't know how to spell they wrote "sematary"

You thinking about Zelda?

They probably didn't have the budget for the Wendigo. Today they could do it easily.

That's pretty much what the book is about. Grief distorting everything around it and driving Louis insane.

I just love that all the motivations in the book are completely human and King does a good job of showing Jud and Louis slowly rationalizing themselves into doing things.

I can't see it being turned into a movie. *Maybe* a miniseries but those don't happen anymore.

>miniseries but those don't happen anymore
The Night Of was a miniseries.

Awesome movie, i saw it when i was a kid and it was scary, showed it to my gf and she wasnt impressed.

>dat creepy ass Zelds and the ghost guy
>evil gage and church
>zombie mom
>creepy old guy
>gage death scene

Whats not to like srsly, the whole atmosphere of the movie is spooky

This guys got the right idea. Or a guy shooting an ice cream truck with a rocket launcher

Is that the part where they're trying to walking over the rocks and thorns?

>Now I am the Skin of Evil, Season 1 Episode 23 of Star Trek: The Next Generation.

Wow. I can't believe Gene Roddenberry came back from the dead to write this shit.

Let's not forget Lisa Simpson herself

ok then i deem this acceptable

Insomnia is ok. I like a lot of the ideas, but it's very, very slow.
I read it a long while back between a few of the dark tower novels because I like expanding on the universe. There are definitely better King books, but it's not necessarily bad

Christ now I'm remembering her scream when the car flips when the truck hits it

>The Night Of

HBO doesn't count. They'd never do something like PS though they'd probably do the best job of it.

>not knowing King has been left leaning since the first words he wrote

You Cred Forumstards just cannot manage to hide your mental retardation. It's like you take pride in displaying just how retarded you are

I remember this, though I read the book forever ago. Was there ever an explanation as to why so many of the undead animals came back fine (like Jed's dog) but some others came back evil?

Also I wish they had included Jed's zombie stories in the movie.

I remember the dog came back pretty nasty, like it had rabies or something similar.

I liked the premise and world building of Insomnia and the little bald doctors. The main character is a drag, though.

I still think Whedon ripped off the gentlemen from the doctors in that book.

It was gross (it constantly stank) but it was an okay dog, otherwise, just stupid. He wasn't the only one that got a pet back and others apparently came back okay but randomly some came back evil like some guy's bull. I guess all the humans a guaranteed to come back evil.

I thought it had to do with how long you waited to bury them. That's why he thought his wife would come back normal

In the book, Jud's dog came back fine, just dumb and died of old age.

In the book, I think most of the animals, save for a bull, came back fine. Just dumb, maybe a little meaner and they smelled.

It's only humans that come back evil. Even then, only Gage or his wife are evil. Timmy Baterman was just creepy as hell.

It wasn't their ghosts that resurrected dead things in the burial ground, it was an evil being that was there long before they were that they called a Wendigo.

Eh, in the movie the trips to the burial ground aren't nearly as profound and psychedelic as they are in the book. In the book it's described in great detail and really indulges in all the emotions that Louis experiences while doing it. For example there's a 'high' he feels, a sort of supernatural elevation that the burial ground is empowering over him, and with every page it's like his sanity frays a bit more. There are also so many horrors he experiences while on these trips that they don't show in the movie. Even the very beginning where they cross the initial barrier is somewhat supernatural as Jud commands Louis not to look down, and somehow just by not looking down and having belief he's able to do it. That would've been difficult to show in the movie but a more talented director would have been able to I'm sure.

No, that was just Louis's rationalizing doing ti again after what just happened.

The soil of a man's heart is stonier, Louis. A man grows what he can, and tends it.

Sometimes dead is bettah.

Jud was perfectly cast.

Yeah I remember really liking that part. how vivid the description was

>While shooting the scene where the steamroller rampages across the baseball diamond, Stephen King requested that the SFX department place a bag of fake blood near the dummy of a young player who would be run over by it. The desired effect would be that a smear of blood would appear on the steamroller and be re-smeared on the grass over and over, like a printing press. While filming the scene, however, the bag of blood exploded too soon and sprayed everywhere, making it appear as if the boy's head had also exploded. King was thrilled with the results, but censors demanded the shot be cut.

This is why we can't have nice things.

That was my favorite part as a kid

RIP in peace Herman Munster

it was okay with Jud himself, but it growled and wouldn't let anyone else come near it

Louie boy was fucked in the head by that point

Jud is a great Kingverse character. I think my favorites are Dick Halloran, Ben "Haystack" Hanscom, and Jud.

King is great at making up old man characters.

One of my favorite IT scenes is When dick talks about the black spot fire.


Didn't sleep for a week.

Mah nigga, I loved those two stories
The sun dog especially was very creepy



I need an adult.
