She's pretty hot and Trainwreck was actually really funny

She's pretty hot and Trainwreck was actually really funny.

Why so much hate for her Cred Forums?

hi amy


>pretty hot

its spelled fat amy

Its probably just the lighting/shadow cast by her gut but it looks like there's a huge stain on the front of that dress.


>tfw AMy Schumer is getting lots of attention for comedy whilst any actually funny women aren't getting attention because they don't make SJW jokes
Also shit b8

who you lying to you virgin?



Would I fuck the shit out of her? Yes, because I cannot resist shoving my brown dick in a fat white woman, but she is not "hot"

>She's pretty hot

Did you have to descend a mineshaft to find your standards in women?

She looks sticky in this picture. I guess that's what you mean by hot.

Who else /sexist/ here?

>Have a bump on your stomach like most people
I'm soooooooo fat!

>most people

Maybe in America

>So muh vagina ate a burger.....

lets post actually attractive women

Go away, Swine

t. Skeletor

>Why so much hate for her

Because she's adored by numales and faggots

You first. XD


Even if she wasn't a cow, she still has one of the most unattractive faces out there. Seriously, it's like those Woll Smoth edits where every part of her face is way smaller than it should be.

trainwreck and funny should never be in the same sentence together unless the sentence is "there is literally nothing that is less funny than trainwreck"

>Seriously, it's like those Woll Smoth edits where every part of her face is way smaller than it should be.
Holy fuck, I was trying to pinpoint what it was. It's exactly that.

hot and sticky you faggot yes

that's a child you pedo scumbag

yes because a 23 year old is a fucking child
She's older than me user,,,

She's perfect for a hatefuck, all that padding means you don't have to hold back.

underage b&