What's some essential Christcore?

What's some essential Christcore?

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Mos BvS


Essential Christkino:
God's Not Dead
Last Ounce of Courage
Christmas with a Capital C
Suing the Devil
Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed

Prince of Egypt

The Matrix trilogy

Jesus Christ Superstar


The Nativity story
God is not Dead
Veggie Tales Movie
Chowder the Chickmonk
Gates To Paradise

The Passion of the Christ
The Last Temptation of Christ
Monty Python Life of Brian
Jesus of Nazareth (Mini Series)


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Best one so far though.

this and The Sacrifice

maybe Kaspar Hauser if you're into more esoteric shit

There hasn't been a true Christkino in decades
All you fucks suggesting shit like God's Not Dead should neck yourselves immediately

Passion of the Christ

OP asked for Christcore though. Big difference.

I take it you haven't seen the genius that is Chadder the Chipmunk


Just like Christ would want

it has CIA as a mad cunt

The Boondock Saints

>Mos BvS

This OP

wrong image

Deliver Us From Evil
The Boys of St. Vincent
Hand of God
Primal Fear
Sex Crimes of the Vatican
Twist of Faith

Dead Man Walking is an American Christian film, but it isn't comparable to evangelical "muh Jesus takes on the big bad guvement" shit like God's Not Dead or something.

Might also want to take a gander at some of these.

my nigga


I remember watching that when I was an edgy teen, before I converted. Thanks for reminding me, I'm gonna go rewatch it. What little I remember now seems trivial. Might be fun tear it apart.


Catholic/Orthodox > Protestant Evangelic/Born Again

>Les Miserables



The best Christkino not named The Last Temptation of Christ or Jesus of Montreal.

CIA Rises

The story in 'Les Miserables' is heavy with Christian themes of grace, mercy and redemption. The line everyone seems to remember is 'to love another person is to see the face of God,'



>one minute in
>dude talks about progress of humanity

>two minutes in
>religious people don't believe in evolution
Everyone is American baptist now?

This is gonna be comical.

Why is half this site born again Christians? Fucking weird.

>born again
That's a protestant term. I'm Catholic. I can't be reborn, I can only accept Truth and live by it.

>Why is half this site
Because we grew up and started sorting out our lives.


>tfw death of first borns

thats how my beard looks

>Because we grew up and started sorting out our lives.

Sure thing NEET. I bet you have half a dozen shitpost arguments going on right now, which you consider a productive day.

>Valjean tries to help the less fortunate at every turn to make up for a life of hate
>Fantine literally suffers and dies to save her child
>Javert believes being like wrathful, Old Testament God will make the world better; his identity is shattered when he's shown mercy and displays of unconditional love
There are literally crosses and references to God throughout the entire movie. The final scene is all the dead characters in heaven. Did you even watch it?

Why so hostile?

Kino related

Just calling a spade a space.

>Just calling a spade a space
What did he mean by this

It ain't about Christ, but I love "The Ten Commandments" with Heson so much. The colors, the scenery, the themes, the unintentional comedy, the characters. It's really great.

As far as Chris movies are concerned, there are too many movies that have a chrisian subtext to count them all.

How is Mel Gibon's film anyway? It seems too much obsessed with gore to be all too faithful. idk

He means you're very likely a self-loathing NEET who probably has half a dozen shitpost arguments going on right now.

>It seems too much obsessed with gore to be all too faithful
I don't want to be that guy, but actually... If you analyze Shroud of Turin the actual whipping of the person in it is even worse than depicted in the film.

Agreed. I watch it every year around Christmastime.

So it's a 1:1 adaption of Jesus' last days? Is there more than just gore, I wouldn't mind seeing it if it's gotten some decent character work.

Album >>>>>> Movie

Pretty much.
Whether there is more than gore to it depends on your religious outlook. Protestants like to focus on being inspired by Jesus, Catholics on Jesus's suffering as redemption and Orthodox on the miraculous resurrection. Passion is firmly seated in the Catholic camp. I think Mel made it to accurately understand what Jesus's last day was like and thru his suffering, redemption - because love is suffering, bearing a cross for everyone.
There are some great character moments and dialogue in the first half of the film. Pontius Pilate stole the few scenes he was in.