ITT: movies that are literally impossible to watch without crying

ITT: movies that are literally impossible to watch without crying

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Is this the book with the bitch whos family has red eyes or some shit?


I'm going to watch this and if this thread is still up, I'll post saying that it clearly isn't impossible to watch without crying.

It's the movie about death, the end of childhood, and both the pitfalls and necessities of imagination.

Good flick, will someday watch again.

There isnt a single good preformance in that made for tv garbage


Okay, thanks for wasting my time, OP. I got almost half-way until I realized how worthlessly infantile this movie is. I don't know when you watched this as a child, but if you think it remotely hold ups for adults or anyone who isn't mentally challenged, then you're a manchild with shit taste.

Twilight. That movie gets to me because it's a love story for the ages and I'm hoping someday my tall handsome vampire will come and sweep me off my feet. :3

No human being with an ounce of brain can go through it without crying like a baby.

Meant to quote

Mary and Max.

The feels hit me hard.

>Crying at a fucking cartoon

I laughed when the girl died.
I cried when I realized the teacher was an actual pedophile and they dint show any sex scene

Kinda too earnest for its own good but it does go for the emotional jugular. Even more poignant now after what happened with Williams.

I thought it was sad but I didn't cry


Literally one of the worst movies I have ever seen. I felt no empathy for the guy or his sister. They were straight up retarded and I get triggered as fuck every time I see someone suggest this piece of shit as either a good movie and a tearjerker.

>son fantasizes about becoming a black guy
>daughter fantasizes about becoming an asian girl

What the fuck was wrong with that family?

It's impossible to watch prime ASR without my dick crying if you know what I mean.

Oh, you think Bridge to Terabithia is good, you merely saw the movie. I was born in it, molded by it. I didn’t see the movie until I was already a man; by then, it was nothing to me but bullshit!

Real talk, this is exactly how I fell when I read the book in 5th grade (2001). It was so scandalous when the teacher said 'damn rain' in front of the kid on the car ride to the museum or whatever. I disliked the book but at least it was a likely culprit which kickstarted my /ss/ sensibilities.


People are going to think you're trolling, but I felt the same way when I watched it. I can have sympathy for the girl because she's too young to be useful in their situation, but the boy should have been more sensible than he was.

My life

tears of laughter of course

I remember reading this in elementary school. She gets fucked in the head after trying to swing across a flooded river right?

Wouldn't say it's impossible, but it would be hard to finish without sniffling up at least a little

>that one scene
You'll know it when you see it, dem feels

But that's what makes it so sad, that he brought it upon himself by his stubbornness.

The boy fucked up, but all the safeguards that usually prevent children from making these sorts of decisions had broken down.
I can't be mad at him when everyone who should have known better had already failed him.


I can't believe I'll say this but everything that fedora review dude says about it is true
it's a horrible shitty movie

its all about that god damn song. love the raspyness f the singers voice. sequel when?

The Butterfly Effect.


It came out of nowhere too, here I am laughing watching a horror-comedy and then they go and make me tear up. Quite unexpected

>sequel when?
Well the director says the sequel depends on how successful it it. The thing is I can't find any box office data online, so no clue as how much money it made

A sequel would be amazing tho

Hachi: A Dogs Tale

im with you. i was watching with 3 friends and that song kept getting me all emotional. we went in with the same mindset. we watch a lot of horror movies and i dont think ive found a moment as genuine as that one. none of us cried, but i like to think we were all hiding how sad we all felt. i watched it again with my mom and it was even tougher to not tear up. i hope it gets the sequel it diserves.
i need to watch more nice little films. i should give it follows a second watch. big "horror" sucks, even though i openly like the past 2 purge movies and secretly liked the new blair witch

holy shit wait a second. IS THIS HIM?

sure looks like him

the wiki says the actor is alexander something though. sure they're very much alike

>My bae Alia isn't in the poster

absolutely haram

That is exactly what I thought lmao.
I must know this too.

it is a good thing. those kind of people are being programmed into young minds to be hunted down by the next generation. there is hope

>she's too young to be useful
That doesn't compute


For me, personally.

I love this and you.

the ending is basically manufactured to make you cry

this fucking hurts me every time.

Homeward Bound


Wall-E almost got me the first time, but the stupidity of the basically "magic-aint-gotta-explain-shit" recovery of EVE's personality triggered me too much for me to stay emotional.

Finding Dory also pulled that shit - Dory has a few moments where her established memory loss is really sad and touching because eof how out of control it is, then towards the end she conveniently deduces things from her environment despite not knowing what her goal is. I feel like if Dory had been consistent in her memory loss there'd be very little opportunity for a happy ending though, with the script as it was. I'll admit I nearly choked up when "What a Wonderful World" started playing though.

Toy Story 3 got me a bit, mostly for nostalgia, with the ending and the incinerator scenes.

>"help with the war effort!"
>goes and lives in a fucking cave
>ignored his sister's deteriorating health
>mfw people say it's sad and not justice
The friend I watched this with says that the Japanese had the same reaction, and there's a notable culture gap in the reactions of people - Westerners sympathise with the protagonist, the Japanese don't.

Pic related if you want to shatter yourself emotionally.