Will the Movie industry ever stop the persecution on christian movies?

Will the Movie industry ever stop the persecution on christian movies?

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I assume it was an action of the heroic variety, iykwim.

The only reason is because Evangelical schlock fests are so aggressively stupid that they wanted to spare people.

is it this?


Is this a comedy

Is YouTube in the movie industry?

It takes a certain level of stupid to see yourself as being persecuted when you follow the most accepted religion in the western world.

do u think shes watching it from her cloud in heaven??

I like to think so.

Could this be a front for money laundring? I don't buy that someone would seriously fund this kino

>Comes out 4/20
Really makes you think

She's watching it from the same bunker in South Dakota where tupac lives

>she was murdered for her faith in jesus

wasn't she murdered because she was coincidentally the first one that they happened to encounter?

Did you even watch the trailer? They literally ask her if she still believes in jesus while she's dying.


Is it kino?

and the last Pure Flix movie came out on April Fool's Day. Are they just trolls?

When they stop being absolute garbage

there are plenty of christian charities that fund crappy made-for-TV movies unironically as long as they have a christian message.

that just sounds like typical bantz to me. Everybody knows those columbine boys had top quality banter, as seen in their videos.

Are you actually implying that they weren't going to kill her either way?

Columbine happened on 4/20
National Weed Day also happens to be Hitler's Birthday.


The bible belt managed to make God's Not Dead #1 at the box office for a short period, they'll see anything remotely Christian

There's not enough evidence for or against it. We may never know if she would have survived by denouncing christ.

It probably got DMCA'd youtube is pretty aggressive about taking those down without validating the claim and its very difficult to get them to reistate you. They also don't have a mechanism for dealing with fraudulent claims.

lol. Why can't Protestant's make a decent Christian film?

The Rachel Scott encounter probably never happened it's been confused with a girl in the library.

>Rachel Joy Scott was the first student killer
>there's literally a dead guy in front of her

She claimed to be a Christian in a state where religion and state are seperated? I'm surprised SHE wasn't the one shootint up the school because she saw a HOMOSEXUAL or a MUSLIM... stupid fucking Christians...

>God's Dead producer, writer, numerous cast are Catholic
>Papists still trying to blame their shit on the clearly superior flavor of Western God bothering


Does the movie depict Klebold and Harris as the church-going Christians that they were in real life?

Horrible Protestants. Almost as bad as atheists in terms of attitude.

And all of the other kids that they killed without asking about christ?

Pff, they probably had some pop song in the soundtrack the filter picked up.

Stupid faggot, the religion of turn the other cheek would never have violent radicals in its fold!

We may never know.

Well then claims made without evidence can be dismissed without evidence.

Thats what I'm thinking, or somebody got butthurt and filed a false claim. Its not uncommon for videos about controversial topics. Watching WASPs try to play the victim card is hilarious.

Protestants, much like Atheists, feel like they don't have to try very hard to convince people.

I think its a safe assumption being that they basically went to the school to rack up a body count without rhyme or reason that she was dead in either event or at the very least its dishonest to claim that she was killed for her faith.

>claims God doesn't exist

where is the evidence ?

In the room with the evidence that Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny don't exist.

Nobody here is making that claim. Nice strawman though.

FWIW most atheists (the intellectually worth while ones anyway) make the claim that there is simply no evidence for a god and are willing to reevaluate their position given evidence.

If she is, she's very annoyed because it never actually happened. Imagine being killed and then some jackass pretends that you said something you didn't say just to further their own political agenda.

If you actually look at one of the survivor posts on reddit he says that she was killed in a smoking spot

very christian of her desu


>being common means you cant be hated
Spotted the SJW retard

Hahahahahahahahaathis looks so fucking terrible
