Why Cred Forums is a bro-club, in a nutshell

why Cred Forums is a bro-club, in a nutshell ...

pretty accurate image desu


The only way to win is by being a dick.

Either I hung out with gossipy friends or this just isn't true because guys do the same shit, except worse because it usually involves girls you want to fuck.

Dubs of truth


>not kitten

>word cloud of modern women and balding nu-males

really gets the old noodle cooking

There are gossipy guys out there, but it's more rare, but it's nearly impossible to find girls that aren't gossipy.

At best you'll find some that aren't as bad as others.

Just cut your dick off already

Who the fuck uses the phrase "die homo" as a goodbye

I read that like a fucking retard.
>Word. Cloud. Of_modern. Woman. And_balding. Nu-males

It really did get the old noodle cooking.

my friends used to

tis why theyre no longer my friends

>I stopped being friends with someone because they used words I didn't like even though they were actually nice to me
What a fucking fagot. Go get a sex change.

They weren't nice, just like you aren't nice to right now.

But I don't give a fuck about being nice, no. I don't take shit from others, neither should you or them. And that's the bottom line.

No, it just means you weren't accepted.

Yeah. My group of friends from where I grew up are way closer to the top part of the image than the second.

Holy shit, guys are faggots.

> saying anything other than "sup dude want to hang"

im glad i can't relate

>fuckin war

Well you guys are a couple of faggots then, aren't you? If you don't give your bros shit and if you don't receive shit from your bros, I guess you ain't really bros.

They really are

Bitch, if you're so thin skinned that this is actually upsetting you, then don't deserve friends. I can honestly see why they mock you openly. You probably get made fun of a lot.

hey everyone don't forget to check out the website youtube dot com or at least mention it once to make it on the word cloud

You probably do to fatass

If you don't give your bros shit, and they don't give you shit in return, then you aren't bros. It's the bro code. You will never have bros at this point.

Who says he wants any? I'd rather have a bunch of boi/gurl pussis to fuck than join a stinky sausagefest

Yeah, but the difference is that I can take it, and I can also dish it out. And it doesn't matter because we laugh it off and fight each other physically with punches and strangle holds but it's all fun. It's a lot more honest and fun than a sterile and clean "friendship" were people only say nice things to each other. Trust me, it isn't natural.

Yet you are on this website.........

Girls like honesty and fun guys. You sound like a massive beta who can't stand having bad things sad about him. You'll never get pussy. Ever.

You didn't read the part after 'nice' did you

I am agreeing with you on that you should dish it out you stupid fag, fucking read for god's sakes.

I'm a massive beta who can't stand having bad things said about me and still got pussy. I didn't even pay for it.
lmao at your life

More man than your gay ass ever will be, fite me IRL

>You'll never get pussy. Ever.

Says the man who never got any himself

Die homo

see ya faggot


die homo

much more accurate

This is exactly me when I watch movies alone and imagine having a cute girl at my side. Was thinking of buying one of those japanese pillows because just waving my hand at the air is getting old

I don't know, though.
Dated a blonde for 2 years who was sexually wild and otherwise good fun, but a massive pleb with no taste in common with me. Miss her body, general intimacy/ adoration/ sex, but I don't fool myself into thinking it was worth it.
In the long run I'd have gotten tired of condescending and found someone I thought was smart/ interesting, just like she'd have taken refuge in someone who was more of a "nice guy", less stand-offish and pseudo-intellectual, than me.
There's no point in thinking "If I had a girlfriend who was cute and thought I was smart, that's all I'd want". It's like having a personal cheerleader, as soon as you cum you come to your senses

>and fight each other physically with punches and strangle holds but it's all fun