Is he ourguy?

Is he ourguy?

Maybe before he became mainstream and attracted a bunch of annoying normie redditor fans


>let me make the same video 500 times for that sweet youtube dosh.
>out guy

lmao no

youtube drama is for pleabians

If they have over 1000 views on their videos then they cant be /ourguy/

>One of those youtubers who can't create anything on his own, so he has to mock other people's videos
The entire lot of these parasites are the fucking worst. Literally the most garbage half assed fucking makeup tutorial is infinitely more worthwhile than any of their bullshit.



Caesar would probably love all the leafy drama

No, fuck off
He's /MYguy/

am gay

>idolizing youtubers
McFucking kill yourselves.

Would you put your scooper in his pooper?

does he has a gf?

He at least does a lot of research and the shit he says is accurate

He was right about How to prank it up. That guy's channel is fucking garbage and how he got over a million subscribers is amazing

WOW! He made fun of a prank channel! What fucking cutting edge!

Again, fuck all these fucking parasites. If your videos rely on footage from other people's videos as its very foundation then you need to fuck off. Fucking minecraft channels have more integrity.

fuck off big man

If you can make money with minimal effort then you do it

When is the next content kino?


he is funny. i don't really think you have to have 'integrity' when you're being funny.

>he is funny

he isn't funny
sick argument m8

Bad unboxing is fun, but I can't stand his content cop shit.

You know what will also make money with minimal effort? Selling counterfeit cancer medication. I'd bet you'd support that too as long as it included the occasional YouTube Drama.

Definitely don't need integrity for this either.

>he isn't funny

He is funny though
sick argument m8

I sure would, my friend
I sure would

>You know what will also make money with minimal effort? Selling counterfeit cancer medication. I'd bet you'd support that too as long as it included the occasional YouTube Drama.
Sure, if it's funny it's funny.

He's been making fun of Casey Neistat on the low key so maybe he's teasing that

>day by day the Cred Forums userbase grows younger and you grow older

Isn't bad unboxing on the same level as those toy channels he made a video on? He acts like a child too so that makes the two even more similar.

all i'm saying is that if you don't think he's funny, that's fine, but meming this 'integrity' bullshit like he has some fucking moral obligation to make acerbic commentary on a different subject is retarded. has nothing to do with whether or not he's funny.

idubbbz is the best Youtuber.

>Isn't bad unboxing on the same level as those toy channels he made a video on?

i don't know, why don't you make the argument?

Hey, more young pussy


I don't think he actually has cancer
anorexia maybe


I can't fucking wait until ad block usage hits 70% or so, Youtube CPMs drop like a fucking rock and all these tumors on the human race have to go find real jobs.

I fucking hate this faggot and his whole 8 mile Schlick where he insults himself so he seems invincible when deep down he knows that he is a pathetic little cuck who tries to take the high ground while making the shittest content on YouTube