The Wire

Why does no one talk about "The Wire" on this board? I've just finished the show and it's easily the best I've ever seen. Is it because 3/4 of the cast is black people?

Other urls found in this thread:

we talk about the wire all the time newfaggot
there's nothing more to say

It's usually just saying "yeah it's one of the best shows" instead of an actual discussion

Because it's meh. I dropped it after the 1 season. White boys only like it, because 3/4 of the cast is black people and they want to feel gangsta.

Because Cred Forums ruins every thread. Oh look, we see it here now

Try not being new

>Is it because 3/4 of the cast is black people?

What is there to discuss?

It's a very well-contained show. No mysteries, just good filmmaking.

The wire sucked. I got through the first season, and the first few episodes of season 2. But it had to be dropped.

its disgusting how much Cred Forums fellates this mediocre ass show. HORY FUCKING SHIT its 6/10 at best but Cred Forums treats it as the greatest thing ever

if you want a wire thread to have many replies you have to start it with something like
>why is the wire so much better thatn the sopranos?



Why do you think it's mediocre?


the wire is universally praised and has lots of black people in it.

Cred Forums can't abide the former, Cred Forums the latter, so almost all wire threads are killed at birth.

someone post the chess pasta

>no mysteries
We still don't know shit about the Greek's organization or who he is at the end of the series.

>anime shit poster doesn't appreciate good television
> shit posts about it
I love how the stereotype of anime queers being worthless pieces of shit is always correct.

they're to busy memeing with borepranos

Which season was your favorite?
I really liked the first one a lot more than the others, if they had stuck a "based on a true story" tag there I would have bought it in that one but the others were too much.
Still good I just liked that aspect of the first season.

Maybe no solvable mysteries would be a better way to put it. The Greeks are just the Greeks, they're not meant to be a point of discussion past a McGuffin for the different factions to fight over.

>The Greeks are just the Greeks
but they aren't

Obviously but I mean that the Greeks are just a way for the drugs to come in, nothing more, and that who they are isn't actually interested or part of the theme of The Wire. Maybe I worded it badly

All of the show is very much based on real life events and people in Baltimore, even the folk hero Omar is based off of a real man:

My favorite seasons are 1 and 4 personally. 1 because of the excellent focus and pacing it had which in my mind made it the perfect crime/cop drama before they expanded the focus in the following seasons. I loved how four focused on how the drug trade and how institutions fail to provide for the struggling inner city youth and how that became such a compelling and heartbreaking narrative. I genuinely shed a tear when Namond was able to escape the game. Also Michael Lee is my favorite character on the show and I loved how they were subtle about his trauma.

Except a little statement on corruption eith the FBI agent tipping them off, maybe. Should've added that sorry

There's supposed to represent the omnipresence and ruthlessness of the drug game. Highly connected international organization that provides whores and dope and are operating under the noses and within the agencies of the USA's law enforcement.

Cred Forums LOVES the wire

kill yourself nigger

Because we had these discussions on here 6 years ago and re visit it every year constantly.

Fuck off.


Realest nigga in the game comin thru