Why doesn't he cast black people?

Why doesn't he cast black people?

Because Jews are better.

He is racist

requesting goose cucking his wife and looking at the camera while nic asks questions webm

Because black people have Disney.

he is based

Do you think he lets Gosling fuck his wife while he films them?

he's danish, he doesnt know what black people are

i wish that were true

Probably because a lot black people normally don't watch his movies, and I don't know if any black actors would want to be in one of his movies anyways.

Anyways, who gives a shit? Faggot.


Black people aren't aesthetic

No matter what the media will try tell you

All his main characters are self-inserts.

Yes, even Elle Fanning.

kek I thought it was one of the last 'pure' countries. well, Im sorry then. If even scandinavia is fucked Idk what I expected

literally who

And by that I hope you mean he inserted his penis inside of her.



blacks aren't part of his "fantasy"

nigga suck my whole dick.

Blacks are way more aesthtic than pasty white bois.

"your" women belong to us.

>implying denmark is white

lol there were lots of immigrant characters in his final "pusher" movie. It showed how danish underworld was changing its demographics

Denmark is fine, don't listen to those retards.

It's only Sweden that's completely fucked.

Source: in the last two years the only immigrants I've had to interact with were one black guy and the paki in the cornerstore.

>I like to look at and smell shit, so you should too

Get out, nigger

That ain't a nigga, though. It's an Ethiopian. Ethiopians have Arab admixture.

>get out

that nigga is not Ethiopian

Thats not why Ethiopians look like that idiot

They have different genes all together.

The light skin ones have different genes plus Arab admixture

Disgusting. Towelheads need to be nuked off the planet.

You can shut right the fuck up cumskin.

This one?

aaaaaaaaaaaaaw :3

You need different type of camera equipment and settings and also different light to properly film them.
Too much hassle.

>the face of a cuck

I don't really know how to feel about this 2bh

is that in los angeles
how much would a condo like that cost

>white men cucking white men

This is beautiful

It was in Bangkok while they were filming Only God Forgives.

the round pillow thing symbolizes cock

>goose will never generate perfect children with your wife

Refn is truly a blessed man.

What expression is he trying to convey here?

Is he one of us?

>Damn I wish I knew what red looked like

have their faces been tampered with in photoshop?

>I hope she wants to fuck him tonight else all my prep wil go to waste

That look in their eyes. You just know they fucked while he watched.

why is he jiggling the pillow

it felt like a very sexual gesture

To stimulate their little clits.


That probably happens every night user.

He wants to make good movies with actors

>way more aesthetic
>resemble primates
Wew lad