
pretty much me irl

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aw man




the scorpion in the middle one is fucking obese

Really makes me wanna drive around in the hills at night

Carey Mulligan is cute. CUTE!

yeah I was thinking sometimes the same but its way too cringe

Far left middle actually pulls it off.

Me on the middle left


That's a big dog

Was he a cuck?

It's almost like impossible to pull this jacket off if you're not Ryan Gosling.But still I'd buy it just to wear it in home.

nope just autistic

that smug blonde asian on the bottom seems to wear it right


But he sacrificed himself for his girlfriend's husbands son.

yeah, because gosling has a perfect body and the jacket was made FOR him. and those jackets in the pic are cheap knock offs. If you asked a tailor to do the same design on your body it could look good.
still it would be autistic to wear a scorpioin jacket


If you say so.
He just loved her and was ready to step down once he saw that her husband was back.
The rest is a matter of principle(read autism).

Honestly I think it didn't look good.

Dog>>>>>>>>>>>>>>veryone else desu.

Surprisingly correct. Dog looks best.

if i pulled that off would you bite ?

That's Elle Fanning lad.
From other Refn movie though.

How exactly is this film so amazing?

Bronson was better.


Why does Cred Forums identify with this character so much?

What did Refn mean by this?

whats the paintings name in the background?

There's a Jewish nutjob on yt claiming this film is oh vey antisemitic

Jews are evil

how would you even communicate this to your DP, that you want this shot, and not look antisemitic in the process?

Or this?

Nigga wat

you went to ross?

that's exactly what i thought of, too

>story about the scorpion and the frog
>painting of ships crossing the water behind them


>Eat the taco..


Best song

It would be extremely painful

those are big dubs

you're a good boy

is this the greatest film ever made?

u u
u u

Why would he just stare at people during conversations. Is he retarded or something

He is actually developing multiple complex fantasy worlds in his mind

Cast, music, autism levels. Everything went so perfect and triggered something in average user soul. All Refn's movies after Drive were shit though.

>Having principles makes you autistic
t. amoral fag

Refn's dad said that when he was a kid and his parents would scold him for something he'd not listen but instead would fantasize about what if the scene was playing out in a movie and how he'd direct it, where he'd place cameras etc.
Not surprising that the Driver does that as well

classic refn, i guess when he tried to kill his stepmom he was just playing out his movie.

>t. amoral fag
just stop you will understand when you grow up.
even refin admits its all a fantasy about a silent warrior.

All films are fantasy. None of them depict reality.

There wasn't enough driving in the movie for it to be called Drive. It had to do more with Jews than driving. Should've called it Jews.

>not Dreidel

It was the most blatant case of false advertising since The Neverending Story

Actually kind of curious now.
And it's only making me like Drive more.
Please, continue

What about this?

He wouldn't have existed without True Romance.

The opening scene is true kino. It starts with the Driver listening to the game and end with him driving to the parking lot when the game is ending. Also the camera is inside the car for the whole chase.