Heat (1995)

Why is it so highly regarded?

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Cos it's really good

Because it's pure kino you fucking plant pot

Because it's great. Don't try too hard.

The action scenes were great

The last shot was purekino

Because it's good you fucking toddler

Because it was the highest point of the film noir era.

Nope. Al Pacino and De Niro are cool, but that's it.

Fuck you! It's not kino at all.

>Because it was the highest point of the film noir era.
What the fuck are you talking about. Heat is great but it's nowhere near the pinnacle of noir. Also I didn't know the 90s were the film noir era.

This guy gets it.

It's waaaaay overrated. Pacino and DeNiro going through the motions, doing their thing is ok, that's about it. Yeah, for a second the theme of "Oh we're a lot alike, but on opposite sides of the law" is interesting, but just in passing. The operator/heist stuff is not that impressive. Even their iconic diner scene is shot so they might as well have performed it on different days: no 2 shot.

Collateral, Manhunter and probably a couple other Mann films are better.

Pachino sucked, but everyone else was good.


> that last shot was purekino
Agreed, senpai.

It's a solid action movie that stays on point.

Sadly, among action movies this deserves high regard.

This is one of those threads where contrarians try to shit on good films with stuff they pulled from their ass, isn't it?

Has some of the best gun sounds in an movie



He improvised that line.
What would you have said to him afterward if you were Michael Mann?

I'm not going to justify to you why someone might like it when you're offering nothing in return as far as to why they shouldn't, which is what I'm assuming you're implying from your post.

What if they pulled it from a great ass?

>Because it's great.
And you're all the way up it

Al, that was a GRRRAYT LINNNE. And you're all the way up it!

There was a big neonoir movement in the '90s so I kind of get what user was saying even though he's a massive faggot.

>it was the highest point of the film noir era

Sorry, I don't mean to be as rude or ignorant as you, but I'll just ask. You are aware that film noir as an "era" ended decades before that movie came out, Chinatown in the late 70's was a "neo-noir", i.e. it was outside the traditional definition of noir. My advice is to rewatch the movie, give it a second chance, because while it's flawed, it's also a very unique and powerful film, with moments of power and humanity. There's many things I could talk about with this film, it was very influential on my worldview when I saw it as a teen, because at that time it was really groundbreaking. All the action scenes are intricate and accurate, for example the re-loading that Kilmer does is studied for its precision by professional military and police forces. It's a very taught film, in multiple ways. Think about the time element. When Deniro talks about how many seconds it takes for him to walk away, how long a crime should take place, the scenes actually follow his logic. I won't spoil how that works, but next time you see it time the scenes and you'll notice something. The way they move in the firefights, using cover, and spreading and concentrating fire is unmatched in film. It's the last great film for many of the actors involved which adds to the melancholy pervading the work. The soundtrack is well done and very influential. Tonally and atmosphere wise, it's a masterpiece from a master of those things.

Because the first 10min

That's literally it

It gets better every time you watch it.

Although, what was the relevance of the Waingro serial killing prostitutes subplot?

Because it's the best crime drama ever, better even than Godfather Part I or II

I think it was to show that a criminal can be professional and clean and to a degree moral, but it's a nasty, dirty world filled with monsters. In my view it's a way of demything Deniro and Kilmer, in a similar way that the heroism of Pacino's cop character is also constantly demeaned and belittled. It's a movie about tragedy and darkness and the inescapable forces of the intertwined world of crime and punishment. At least that's my guess, but I will concede it's rather unpleasant stuff.

>Although, what was the relevance of the Waingro serial killing prostitutes subplot?
Character building; Waingro is shown to be more of a scumbag, builds the others' thieves-with-honour thing because they hate him and try to kill him

Because it inspired every heist movie/game/whatever after release. GTA, TDK, Payday everything.

And it all simply works in this movie. The acting, script, editing, cinematography, set design, soundtrack and sound design (that especially), blocking and choreography everything just works.
Even Val Kilmer did a great performance, Val fucking Kilmer.

Also high replay value, I watch it atleast once a year.

Because it is. Now fuck off.

why is the sistine chapel so highly regarded? why are sunsets pretty? why do you want to look at a tiger?

it's hard to explain why you like something to somebody who doesn't like that thing.

It's not? It's mid-tier action film


Because it has De Niro and Pacino in it and it has one of the best shoot out scenes of all time. It is a pretty good film overall.

great ass!

I've always watched Heat as a sequel to Thief. Neil is basically an older, wiser Frank.

Thief ends with Frank walking away from his life with Jesse because he feels the heat around the corner

>it's hard to explain why you like something to somebody who doesn't like that thing.
That's actually just a sign that you're an idiot.

Because it's essential operator kino

Not bait. I legitimately don't understand why Mann is so beloved here. He's meh. Besides deniro and pacino are past their primes at that point. Collateral was better.

Only manly men can understand a pure film like this.


Fuck off with this hate. This movie is 11 years old, back then it was the shit. It has it's flaws, but two of the major stars back then, the shooting scene etc., it's an iconic movie even if you don't like it. I would rather have one movie like this, than all the superhero sheeet we see now.

>This movie is 11 years old, back then it was the shit.

>This movie is 11 years old

1. Miami Vice
2. Thief
3. Heat
4. Collateral
5. Insider

Robbery is great.
Coffee shop is great.
Pacino/De Niro are great
Great soundtrack
Mann's fantastic style is all over it





even so, it's not a "noir".

It's a fairly realistically shot crime thriller.


>Even Val Kilmer did a great performance, Val fucking Kilmer.
He's not a bad actor. Just a monumental douche irl.



user, hes a fantastic director. From his framing and composition, direction of his actors, and i cant think of many contemporary directors that can get that gorgeous texture all his movies have. And NO ONE can shoot a city at night like he can.

I would say thief is one of my favorite movies of all time. He's a commercial director that manages to elevate the simplest stories into something incredible.

The film is honestly fucking mediocre. It's a very television show like and has got a lot of fat to trim.

Fuck off vulgar auteur retard, he is fucking terrible director, it's like PWSA that also doesn't have a single fucking idea about compositioning or what looks good and because of his fucking failures the internet meme reviewers praise his shit.

you guys know that mann made a tv movie from an earlier heat draft right. its called LA Takedown and the movie was a pilot for a scrapped tv show that mann was to produce


it's the last decent movie deniro and pacino have been in. they have done nothing but shit since.



Heat is the greatest heist film that ever was or ever will be. That's why.

Its ok user, he obviously hasnt seen Tombstone


Classic Cred Forums right here.

No middle ground, either he is the god of kino himself or a sellout hobo flick maker. Or the movie is a revolutionary masterpiece or utter dogshit.

Never change Cred Forums.


Masterpieces don't just not become masterpieces.

The reason you don't like it is because you are fucking twelve.

Criticizing Heat doesn't speak about the movie. It speaks about the person criticizing it being a moron. The movie is unassailable.


Basically Heat is one of those movies you don't get to talk shit about and be taken seriously.

Like Leon.

ever want to see how a real fire fight can be this is the movie to watch, their brutal torrid affairs with all the hot brass and screaming you expect

almost a 10/10 but de niro ruined it with his overacting

If anyone could be accused of overacting it's Pacino, not DeNiro.
And I would disagree with that accusation.

Great action scenes, good performances, especially from Pacino and DeNiro and it also had a damn good direction.


I felt like the ending of Miami Vice was a wrap up of what happened to Frank. If you recall, Farrell says a man named 'Frank' would come and get her and take her to Cuba, then when they showed Frank he was an older white guy. Felt like this was in a way wrapping up the ending of Thief.