It's a stern hard-working black man who earns his bread looks down on black criminals and their animalistic ways and...

>It's a stern hard-working black man who earns his bread looks down on black criminals and their animalistic ways and takes it upon himself to clean his neighborhood of the overwhelmingly black and latino criminals and black on black crime series

I don't see what's wrong with this. Even in the first episode it's adressed how black men are shitty fathers who leave their children and that is a major component of the toxic black american culture and their high criminality rate.

Heaven knows black kids need role models like this that they can aspire to and don't patronize them.

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Nothing wrong with the message.
It's just boring.

For you

>It's just boring.
And that dismissal of objectively good messages as "lame" or "boring" is why society has collapsed across western civilisation over the last 70 years.

>Even in the first episode it's adressed how black men are shitty fathers who leave their children
I wonder if that means the storyline of his and Jessica Jones' kid. Luke specifically addresses in the Pulse that he doesn't want that to be him.

>the villains of the series are the ones concerned with black power and keeping white people out of their community

What did Netflix mean by this?

The message is not boring, the show is

watched the first 5 episode atm and basically nothing happen. It's supposed to be a super hero show and we saw him fight only once.

and then in the last 3 episodes, method man shows up and it's all about BLM for some forced reason. It's almost uncanny how these Marvel Netflix shows stumble at the end.

>Judas Bullets
>Hammer tech

Blacks just don't like to face reality that 95% of all black murders are by fellow Niggers.

They want to blame others and play victim so they can get more gubment handouts and race quotas implemented.

I bet you were enthralled by modern classic masterpieces such as The avengers which appeal to your reddit sensibilities and attention span.

no but i liked the daredevil show tho

Nor do they want to admit that much of the politics of divisiveness at play in the world today come courtesy of self-appointed leaders within their own communities.

He does not look down on anyone, that was one of the extra good points. like he did not break out into lecture when he heard the guy was setting up a deal using the connection he uses to sell stolen goods, he did not get judgmental on the crazy girl that wanted to get gun happy in church because muh ring,etc.
I liked the show

>super hero
he is a street level hero with no budget, I don't know what you expect

>white people
I thought they were talking about the Chinese and Mexicans

the ninja bits?

>society has collapsed across western civilisation over the last 70 years

>be diamondback
>make 3 Judah bullets
>send shade to counsel cottonmouth against luke cage but don't give him the tools to actually succeed
>intentionally shoot cage in nonlethal areas twice and let him escape twice
>get angry at your crew and assault a guy when they don't immediately find the guy you just let go that morning
>get angry at shades when cottonmouth dies even though you did nothing to preserve his life and were immediately sold on the black politician bitch
>claim to have no plan to cover up previous plot holes
>waste last Judas bullet on a chair
>get a deus ex power armor machina suit that completely negates the purpose of the Judas bullet plot line
>fight luke cage in the middle of the street with the power armor suit you used to frame luke cage so that everyone would know it was actually you and not luke cage that killed that cop and held the club hostage.

Is he the worst villain in capeshit history?

How did they even make the judah bullets?

Magic marvel metal.

They got plenty of that shit in that universe

>waste last Judas bullet on a chair
That chair had a black soul
>get a deus ex power armor machina suit that completely negates the purpose of the Judas bullet plot line
I was like wut? They built up that bullet to high hell but the armor and glove that mirror lukes power had no explanation.
>be diamondback
and now he is in surgery to get weaker version of lukes powers
>Is he the worst villain in capeshit history?
yeah, I think he tops lex from bat V sups

No, the series was just poorly written.

>Irrationnal character acts irationnally

Don't see the problem

There's absolutely no way that the show will never deail with corrupt police officers. I don't know why SJW are whining.