Name a fantasy weapon more stupid than a lightsaber...

Name a fantasy weapon more stupid than a lightsaber. It would be literally impossible not to kill yourself while swinging these idiotic things

speak for yourself fatty


If you don't use it right you will. That's why they usually did a more fencing style you tubby fuck

Ferengi whip

Nah. I did fencing as a kid. The number of times you accidentally touch yourself with your own sword in a fight is pretty much zero.

Darth maul's double ended lightsaber?

Is this a thinly-veiled homoerotic comment?

yes, but a real lightsaber would be very very
little heavy. Thus, it would be very risky

>OP complains about laser swords
>"prove" him wrong by describing a steel sword
You are this retarded

This, after taking some Renaissance fencing with actual rapiers I started to notice that the fights in the original trilogy resembled classic swordwork, with the points out and where footwork and positioning are key, and while there was slashing they kept the arcs wide and not close to the body. Whereas in the prequels they flip that shit around so close to their bodies I'm surprised that Jedi didn't walk around with little bits sliced from their skin all over.

I've always just assumed that force users have this instinctual awareness to not fuck themselves up. At least until Ep7 where Dindu somehow operated it successfully


Almost like the only people that can use them well are highly trained psychic space wizzards

Lightsabers are plasma, not lasers

>very very little heavy
what did he mean by this?

They are massively light.

You don't need to be a Jedi to swing a light saber, plus he got his ass kicked anyway

Stormtroopers receive basic combat training based on lightsabers and how to deal with them.

Well, they are LIGHTsabers.

Giant robots. They are unwieldy as fuck. That being said, I still like them.
Pic related.

but they suck anyway. They suck even against rocks and logs of wood


My concern is about the blaster-deflector ability of the lightsabers. Why some jedi masters were killed by a simple shot? That means that only a few of the jedi actually are able to do this trick with their swords?

>Best jedi duelist: Obi-Wan
>Best sith duelist: Count Dooku

>Worst jedi duelist: Qui-Gon Jinn
>Worst sith duelist: Darth Vader

I literally can't even right now

>It Ain't Sheev starts playing

That's true of any sword if you can't swing it right though.

kek, i spit a little of my coffee on the keyboard because of this. Now i feel bad.

They use the force to control the lightsabers so it doesn't hurt them, dummies.

That's why only Jedi use them. the Force and stuff.

A sword has weight and balance to the blade which allows you to intuitively know where the blade is easily and sense its momentum and etc.

A better analogy for a lightsaber would be to take a flashlight, swing it around like a lightsaber, and see how long it takes before you accidentally touch yourself with the beam.

>It would be literally impossible not to kill yourself while swinging these idiotic things
It's just a sword. Turning it on would cause the real problems

Chinese Dao; massive chopping blade weighted at one end for slicing through armour and generally fucking shit up. Usually accompanied by wide-arching techniques that provide maximum momentum. Very much a weapon for the battlefield.

Chinese Jian; a more supple stabbing/slashing dueling weapon which requires focus and discipline to use. comparable to renaissance-era european fencing weapons and traditionally used by nobles and officers.

what i'm saying is that the prequel lightsaber fights are literal pleb-tier..

> not Mace Windu.

It's like you're some kind of faggot.

Apparently the beam is actually a laser shot out and bent back into the hilt. Apparently there is a "blade" too it, and a part where being hit with the lightsaber actually doesn't do much. So like any other sword just don't hit yourself with the sharp part.

That explains why it can melt through blast doors, sure.

>everyone in world history who ever fought with a sword cut or killed themselves

You got a sword laying around?

A lightsaber would be the best way to kill yourself instantly.

That's why only force users can actually wield them you fuck.

You need to have superhuman senses and coordination; qed a jedi.

I figured the lightsaber would be a common household tool, like a chainsaw. You COULD use it for epic chainsaw duels or whatever but there's a million more practical uses. You could use it to chop up hunks of bantha meat or poke it in the ground to make farming easier or cut down a tree or tons of other shit. You should be able to get them for $99.99 at Space Lowes.

Part of what makes a Jedi a Jedi is using them without killing themselves.

It's why so many Sith have Skrillex haircuts, they fucked up and gave themselves a permanent sidecut

The gunblade. It's the worst thing that Final Fantasy has come up with.

>It's the worst thing that Final Fantasy has come up with


You needed to take fencing classes to realize that?

To be clear OP,it was perfectly possible to kill yourself with a regular sword too

No, that's the worst thing Square and Disney could come up with. The whole reveals that the oc human protagonists are all parts of Sora makes it even worse. It's the kind of thing that needed multiple companies to create this unholy abomination. It is the Kia of gaming.

It's not as common to people compared to sperges