I loved it

I loved it.

Why? It was so fucking bland I dont think i've ever been so bored during an action movie.

Tell us why. It looked terrible and you're probably the only one who saw it.

It was one of the dumbest movies i've ever seen, but also one of the only movies where "turn your brain off" is the right way to approach it.

It didn't pretend to be a good movie like the marvel flicks. It just threw cool CG and pretty colors at you for two hours with every actor hamming it up.

It was fun.

>It looked terrible!
>Who even saw it? Cerainly not me!

>nah its a totally good movie right?

It was a great B-list movie straight out of the early 90's late 80's m8

I just don't enjoy how they handed the younger generation throwing the older under a bus

Not saying it's good, but stating both that you experienced its quality, and that anyone who did is an idiot, is probably not the most clever thing to do.

Then again, if the logic is followed, then the statement appears self evidently true.

Fuck you, cunt.

I mean, it was god awful

are you 12?

>review websites determine what I think
maybe watch the film and dont be a complete twat before you give your opinion on anything.

I very much loved the first one when it came out and while I knew this probably wouldn't be as good, I was at least hoping it would still be enjoyable on its own merits. It was not. Between the bloated cast, plot constructed entirely of coincidences and asspulls, and dialogue that makes the original sound like King Lear, there is absolutely no reason to recommend this movie. The only positive I can come up with is that when the mothership enters orbit over the Atlantic ("which part?" "the whole thing!"), I would like to have seen all that destruction on as big a screen as possible because it was honestly pretty impressive. But that's maybe ten minutes tops out of a movie that runs well over two hours. Everything else was dangerously close to Asylum-tier.

Fuck off reddit.

the fact that it's a sequel to ID4 works both for and against it. it works for it because the preexisting lore and some of the original characters, especially based goldblum and pullman (until he shaves and looks like a wax figure) are pretty much the only things of interest.

but the relationship to the first one also works against it. as its own thing, it's just an okay scifi-action flick that almost feels like the pilot for a TV show that I would like: Earth as the underdog in a galactic war, slowly gathering technology and being chosen by other aliens as a promising new player and eventually leader, reminds me a lot of Stargate SG-1, I like the whole scenario. The problem is just: Charisma-devoid young characters, especially not-Thor and not-Will Smith, the bland as fuck music that is just embarrasingly unmemorable compared to the symphonic masterpiece by David Arnold for the first one, EVERYTHING is CGI and again looks like total crap comapred to the amazing blend of models and CGI in the first one. If this weren't an ID4 follow-up, these things wouldn't be as bad, but it's a constant distraction how little effort Emmerich put into making this anywhere near as charming as the first one.

But it was good looking CGI. The practical effects meme needs to die.

get some glasses, it looked shit

But Red Letter Media told me it was bad.

The premise was actually good. But they could've casted some charismatic actors.

Emmerich is an idiot it seems.

will smith was the idiot

Suicide Squad was a success so probably not.

I don't care how much money it made it was the worst movie I've seen in 20 years. They could have built a much better movie around his character if he hadn't been so greedy, it could have put him back on top.

>They could have built a much better movie around his character if he hadn't been so greedy,

It wasn't about money though, he didn't want to do another sci-fi father son bonding movie because After Earth was a disaster.

It's really funny because since Smith wasn't involved they felt they could flesh out the other characters more instead of having Will hog the spotlight.

ultimately, the fault is in their shitty script.

The only pilot characters should have been Him and the presidents daughter, there would be no need for his wifes son and liam hemsworth. It was fucking retarded wifes son was a pilot in the first place.

I thought it was bretty gud too, better than most Alien invasion movies that have been released since the original.

Nearly pissing myself laughing in the cinema. Had a fucking blast.

Yeah but you're a retarded mid 90's born faggot. Who cares what you think?

>It's really funny because since Smith wasn't involved they felt they could flesh out the other characters more instead of having Will hog the spotlight.

If this is true it's hilarious, because if there's one thing that movie needed it was to get rid of some of those "other characters" altogether.

I was born in the 89, faggot

>After Earth was a disaster

Man, I hadn't seen After Earth because everyone said this. I saw it last month and it was pretty great. I mean, it fucks up during some major sequences but Smith is such a great actor and he has such great chemistry with his son and the whole ordeal was very well paced it really made me care for both of them. It isn't an incredible film by any means but it's not a total disaster.


Not, because I seriously think you come from reddit but because I'm that astonished by this shitty opinion that i don't know what else to say.

Seek help faggot. I only see that level of retardation come out of people born after 93.

>incompetent female president nearly dooms the entire planet
>former white male president has to save the day
The word kino gets thrown around a lot... but this one deserves it.

I guess this level of elitism is to be expected on Cred Forums

Maybe you should just kill yourself reddit? Save everyone having to see your idiocy

yes it looks okay but you can totally tell that it's just not real. whereas the ship models of the first one look fucking amazing to this day. it really creates a visually convincing illusion that there really is a giant ship hovering over the city moreso than this one does. hence the effects are better as in more effective, protip, that's why they're called effects. so it's not a meme, it's the truth.

Hey remember the "release me" scene was?

I friggen loved the look of the aliens in the first movie.

This one? Nope.

I was going hoping for a scene that conjures that same emotion of fear of what this thing is capable off. But no, they had to rip the scene off because it is the only way the aliens talk to humans.

Also fuck any plot involving alien queens and hive minds that isn't Aliens at this point. No where in the first one did it even IMPLY that they lived under a hive system other than the line about them being locusts.

Elitism? Sorry, I meant autism

No, you have shitty taste, user.

Shymalan fucks with actors to make them play emotionless characters and makes them go through retarded plots. Will Smith and his kid are far from great actors, but there's nothing they could do to save this shit fest.

Give it up reddit, your opinions are so bad I suspect you're trolling me.

that chink was so fucking gorgeous
mixed with white of course

>just turn your brain off bro


It sucked the original was so much better. Fuck the original was an amazing movie up there with Armageddon and Jumanji, movies nowadays are shitt remakes and don't have the creativity like those classic movies

dinner first XD

That giant alien queen thing was frikkin stupid. "Ooh, I am winning in exterminating a planet full of annoying insects, why don't I just step out of my world destroying invulnerable war machine and prance about in the ant nest with no clothes on."

>why don't I just step out of my world destroying invulnerable war machine and prance about in the ant nest with no clothes on, ooh la la."

fixed for extra hilarit

queen was weirdly sexy tho


women are stupid
alien women are no exception

>female president is stupid and gets herself killed
>female alien is stupid and gets herself killed
>men are based and save the world

pretty sure the president's daughter saved the day


only because they couldn't get randy quaid again

he's gone crazy because he was abducted by aliens

waste of time

movie would have redeemed itself if the dumb bitch ex president daughter could aim and shot and killed the boyfriend at the end when he was coming out of the alien aircraft

that didnt happen though so im going to give it a solid 1/10