Robert De Niro wants to punch Donald Trump in the face

>He's so blatantly stupid. He's a punk, he's a dog, he's a pig, he's a con, a bulls*** artist, a mutt who doesn't know what he's talking about, doesn't do his homework, doesn't care, thinks he's gaming society, doesn't pay his taxes. He's an idiot. Colin Powell said it best: He's a national disaster. He's an embarrassment to this country. It makes me so angry that this country has gotten to this point that this fool, this bozo, has wound up where he has. He talks how he'd like to punch people in the face? Well, I'd like to punch him in the face. This is somebody that we want for president? I don't think so. What I care about is the direction of this country, and what I'm very, very worried about is that it might go in the wrong direction with someone like Donald Trump. If you care about your future, vote for it.

Other urls found in this thread:

>You talkin' to me? No? Well...well could you? I'm so lonely..

Why do rich people want to vote for Hillary


I think Donald can beat the shit out of him instead. This is how ///De Niro\\\ looks right now

Did Trump grab De Niro's pussy?

>you talkin' to me? or my wife's son?

Imagine if De Niro hadn't become so shit as in recent years. Imagine if he either carried on participating in quality films or retired with dignity. Imagine how much more weight this statement would carry

so he hates trump because he talks about wanting to punch people in the face, and then says he wants to punch him in the face in the very next sentence?

wow, a whipped man is the saddest sight

>Robert De Niro wants to punch Donald Trump in the face

We all do Bob we all do. Join the club.

cause raising taxes for them doesn't matter, they can avoid it

see trump

Even when Donald Trump is this idiotic. And even when Im mexican. I want him to win, Im not clearly sure why. I just hope he begins a isolation politics era and stop fucking pretending that USA is the world police.

If you look closely you'll see that only one of them is running for president.

>I want him to win, Im not clearly sure why

Average Trumpetter.

>says the guy who was in Little Fockers

Good, he deserves to get the shit beat out of him. This delusional retard is the reason we're getting female Obama as the next president instead of a qualified Republican

He's not wrong.

Fuck, THEY got Deniro too.

wtf I love De Niro now

Literally any of the other Republican candidates would be ahead in the polls now.
>tfw no president bernie


De Niro's anti-vaxx though, so his opinion is for shit.

They got to him ever since Meet the Parents. When he appeared in that I thought, "this is the end."

The only reason Trump has a chance is because Hillary is a traitor to the country and he isn't. Neither of them are of presidential quality, one a stupid buffoon and the other a stupid demon, and that's all there is to it.

FROM: Donald Trump ([email protected])
TO: Robert De Niro ([email protected])


(includes attachment: disgustingfamily.png)

I'm not into Trump. Not even American. But the vitriolic way in which celebrities and liberal Americans have come out against him is giving me brain cancer.

They act like he's the worst thing to ever happen to their country. It's as bad as the way Americans carry on about 9/11. Meanwhile, Hillary lies out of every corner of her mouth.

I'm sorry.

I'm sorry for making a foolish and unmistakably misogynist comment in 1994. I'm sorry for having been a brash, arrogant and more impulsively-driven person during that time. I'm sorry that footage of such has reached the light of day, and I'm genuinely sorry that millions of women have been hurt by it.

For that, I'm sorry.

I'm also sorry that today, as many of you might also have, I lost a part of my soul. I'm sorry, as many of you may also be, to bear witness to the fact that at any time between 1994 and today, one or more news stations could have chosen to broadcast my comments. Had such a thing occurred before this week, I would have apologized as I am apologizing now.

I am sorry that they didn't. I am sorry that the mainstream and corporate-driven media chose to release such footage, footage I wasn't aware even existed, this week. I am sorry that the mainstream and corporate-driven media that I believed, even up until recently, was still populated by people with the highest measure of honesty and integrity, is not.

I am sorry that I lost any and all respect and trust I had remaining for the mainstream and corporate-driven media. The media that had once helped to make America the truly great nation it was, is and still can be.

What I am NOT sorry about, however, is that the releasing of this footage at this particular time by a wholly corrupt mainstream media, could be what ultimately costs the Presidency, a Presidency that this nation's citizens have so desperately longed for and thoroughly deserve.

For that I will not apologize.

>pig and dog
Damn RDN I thought you have better argument or even vocabulary than this.

It looks like he is actively destroying everything he built in the past

Yeah no, this guys a fucking hack whose lost his mind, old man time for a home

>never talk to me or my wife's autistic sons again

>I hate the mean guy, but I'll vote for the war criminal because she is a dem with a vagina

Average Hillshill


Lmao this damage control
He's not fit for President, either mentally or physically. He'll probs have a heart attack in office.

He is a disgrace to all italians, he should follow the example of this guy

>It makes me so angry that this country has gotten to this point that this fool

kek, everyone else is pissed too and hillary is an equally shit if not worse choice

His father is rich and famous and that's the best he has in his wardrobe? I've seen retarded people dress better.

>evades taxes for decades
>this is considered okay
You Americans are too much

The liberals both in the US and Europe all parrot the same basic argument "Trump hurt my fee fees".

Meanwhile, their candidate has actually done things that go against their principles throughout the years, but conveniently ignore it.

Lol he clearly did not write that. He would probably be incapable of coming up with a response that wouldnt exacerbate the situation

Nice, Donald should use that at a press conference

How retarded are you to still be supporting Trump after the presidential debate? I'd understand if you were completely unaware of who and what he is by now and were supporting him because you fell for the Cred Forums memes, but if you still support him after seeing him speak like a mentally deficient 4th grader and disrespecting all etiquette like a high school bully you must be as dumb as he is.

That makes him smart, he uses the system that has been corruped by libcucks for years

Is DeNiro /ourguy/?

>war criminal
One of my favorite Cred Forums propaganda memes

Meanwhile, Hillary can't even make it to her car.

As long as the Clinton Foundation continues to remain unexposed, I will support any and all opposing Presidential candidates, no matter what their personal preference or political stance.

Hillary must burn.

he's literally autistic

The argument against Trump is that he has no qualifications. No economic plan, a shit tier foreign policy, a trickle down tax plan. He's a joke of a candidate and the GOP knows it. Any other Republican would be beating Clinton but they got the worst possible choice.

you mess with trump you mess with me

Deniro's kind of borderline, hes been shit for the past decade+.

However, if Jack Nicholson says he doesn't like Trump if voting for Hillary

So if given the opportunity you would evade taxes yourself because every other rich guy does it?

>citing Colin Powell

fakeass alt right "conservatives" BTFO

colin powell run for pres when?

>literal evidence of several wrong-doings all over the web

Sasuga, lib-kun.

she's much worse than a war criminal

she destroyed multiple secular countries in support of Islamic terrorists

De Niro's done it now, one of his sons will be killed in a car accident or his wife will get diagnosed with terminal cancer very soon you just watch.

The Trump curse is real, insult him and you pay.

I'd rather have Tim Kaine than Trump or Pence.

jack nicholson is scum, fuck off

If it's legal why the fuck not?


Those loopholes exist because the republican controlled legislature blocks them you loon. The last attempt was Dodd Frank which was a democratic party bill

t. Bill Kristol

>he has a shit tier foreign policy

And yet the dems are bucking for a war against russia.

de niro could take an obese man as old he is probably

lol somebody let those Republican investigative commissions on hillary know about this

Taxation is theft. Why would I care? It's not like the government spends it on anything worthwhile. Paying 6 guys to fill a 3 inch pothole. Or throwing people in jail for victimless fantasy crimes.

Hillary probably evades tax too. Anyone with sense pays as little as they can.

Did he curse himself? Is that why he's doing so poorly in the swing states?

Tim Kaine was Pence's fucboi during the VP debate.

Kaine sounded like he was going off a script and didn't have much else other then "muh taxes".

Also, how the fuck can you be a big-time catholic and support abortion? Kaine is a mess, user.

Russia is bucking for a war against the USA, not vice versa. Trump is a Putin drone that would let Russia fuck over its people and the people of Eastern Europe because he has business interests in the Russian government.

so you want trump to just spread both cheeks and get ass fucked by the russkies?

what a cuck.

They support her

ever heard of a neocon?

You can be a big time catholic and support legal adultery and divorce

That doesn't mean adultery and divorce are supported by the catholic religion

Hillary was terrible, though. Trump did no debate prep, but it was pretty clear that a Trump on top of his game could have demolished her points. Considering they were all lies and ridiculous children's fairytales. Profit sharing and women's issues. Jesus. If you honestly believe that Clinton came out any better in that debate than Trump then you've drunk the Kool-Aid.

>all that Cred Forums brainwashing
Jesus Christ.

Jesus Christ.

Fucking hell, why don't people terminate such waste matter?

Probably because he's a democratic candidate who serves the interest of his electorate, instead of letting his religion prevent him from doing his duty which is also what gets him reelected

>it's ok to send Americans to their death over something that has nothing to do with America

>Russia is le threat

Only if you're retarded and actively try to start a war with them

like Shillary seems to want

>So if given the opportunity you would evade taxes yourself because every other rich guy does it?
What's the other option, donate fictional taxes that you don't owe?

Christ why are Donald Trump retards so fucking clueless - every single country of the rest of the world are laughing at you

You should be thankful.

Bash the fash comrade deniro

Yeah, it is.

Thank you for correcting the record. 5 dollars has been deposited into your account.

If by neocon you mean more hawkish than the green party, sure. If you're referring to economics you're a moron

>be reagan
>prepare for debates and be absolutely based at them
>be trump
>get BTFO by a near dead hag
>be reagan
>stand strong against disgusting russian commie scum
>be trump
>suck off disgusting russian scum

Ronnie is rolling over in his grave

Of course. We pay taxes because if we didn't force would be used against us. Only a slave willingly pays for what he can get for free.

I don't feel like paying a group of individuals with power for the privilege of existing. So yeah, I would.

>Hillary probably evades tax too.
Tax evasion is an actual crime though, that's not what anyone's talking about here. This is a perfectly legal thing that's been signed into law by Bill and has been used by both Hillary and the New York Times that broke the story.

>taxation is theft
You do realize that if this is truly what you believe, then you hate the idea of America's representative democracy, right?
Taxation without representation is tyranny. THAT is theft. Taxation without any sort of benefit from it is theft.
But if you want to benefit from America's infrastructure, if you want a public education system, if you want those police officers that BLM are giving so much shit to stay on the job, and if you want anything approaching modern western civilization to fucking exist, then you need to pay your taxes.

The fact that faux-conservatives on fucking Cred Forums could even say something like this is mind blowing. Real conservatives want a streamlined federal government, a less bloated federal government: they don't want everyone to stop fucking paying taxes. That's fucking treasonous and incredibly un-American. All it does is demonstrate that you don't know anything about our democracy and don't give a fuck about learning.

>that non-response

This isn't even a pol "thing" it's common knowledge in you pay attention to foreign policy. Hillary supported terrorists in Libya and Syria because "hurr Gaddafi and Assad are evil."

The neocons only disagree with her because they think they should invade Syria to topple Assad

Thank you for defending trump. 0 dollars have been deposited into your account.

>serves the interest of his electorate

And his pocketbook.

Do you really not understand that the anti-Putin thing is entirely and solely about keeping too big a competitor out of the market?

Is Cred Forums too stupid to know who in congress votes for expanding the military and who votes for reducing it? Honestly, are you guys comically disingenuous or frighteningly retarded?

I hope he has his one last great film before he dies (maybe with Scorsese.)

Try are user. The evidence in Eastern Europe and the Caucasus speak for themselves.
They hacked into DNC emails. What more evidence do you need that Trump is a Putin shill?


I love how letterman more or less said he's a novelty act - something NY needed an obnoxious bullheaded billionare with all the models and towers and everything is gold

No, I'm neither autistic nor a nigra. All nigras are made of fecal matter, but that one is fecal matter someone vomited onto.

neocons completely agree with Clinton on foreign policy you illiterate jackass

The media at the time thought Reagan was a basket case in the debates

Trump supporters, everyone.
Do you realize what would happen if people stopped paying taxes? Of course you don't, because in your endless stupidity you support a rich man not paying them while the rest of us suffer as a result. There's the trump supporter's essence- caring for no one but himself, unable to picture that anyone but himself is a human being.

>Is Cred Forums too stupid to know [insert question here]

the answer is always yes.

>democrats are responsible for the bloated defense budget
Do you know how Congress works? Do you know which party has the majority and has harpooned any attempt to reduce our defense costs? Do you know which party consistently works to expand our fucking defense budget while simultaneously complaining about our national debt and wasteful spending?

You guys are either rampant shitposters or complete retards.

No it isn't user. You'd only need to look into recent Russian history to see that that isn't the case.
He's an evil dictator.

>>Do you realize what would happen if people stopped paying taxes?
Sure, but what does that have to do with donating fictional taxes that you don't owe?

Yes, he votes the way his electorate wants and they vote for him to have a cushy career with lots of perks. Makes sense, doesn't it?

>But if you want to benefit from America's infrastructure, if you want a public education system, if you want those police officers that BLM are giving so much shit to stay on the job, and if you want anything approaching modern western civilization to fucking exist, then you need to pay your taxes.

No, I need the millions of defeated plebs without a choice to pay their taxes. You think like a child.

>it's common knowledge
It's Cred Forums "knowledge".
Rebels. There is not a single evidence that Clinton supports ISIS or other terrorist organizations.

>a mutt

like his children?

fuck off, I live in east yurop and it's US egging for war and tension and co-opting east yuropeen nations to turn them into arms of US foreign policy, you soulless shill piece of shit

I hope you get curbstomped by one of your vibrant neighbours

Trump is the lesser of two evils you fucking moron.

And those would be?

Grow up.

No, all taxation is theft. Representation doesn't matter. Democracy is the worst form of government.

And, no, I don't want public education, or police officers who enforce laws over protecting citizens, or shitty infrastructure. Mainly because the government is fucking terrible at doing the most basic things. Why should I pay for such a shit product.

I'm not a conservative, but thanks for the lesson.

>raising a niglet with autism

Lmao that's bull. What country are you from?
>what is Ukraine

Wow that really means Russia is a threat to the US since it is involved in politics with countries literally on its own border

Sure is was 1/20th of the US's GDP and 1/40 the military spending, but I'm sure Red Dawn will start up any second now

any second

>Russia is violent
>now excuse me I have to destroy Libya

>No, I need the millions of defeated plebs without a choice to pay their taxes. You think like a child.
I Hate America: the Post
If I think like a child, you think like fucking Saddam Hussein.

>he shills for free

Yeah, fuck America and fuck the people. The rich should prosper while the poor should die, it's their fault they're poor after all in our perfect meritocratic capitalism.

Still doesn't change the fact that he got destroyed in that debate.

You're in denial.
Putin's butthurt that these countries are moving towards the West instead of being in his traditional sphere of influence.

yes, what is Ukraine - a failed US op

If you don't want any sort of federal government infrastructure, if you don't want to participate in American democracy, then move to fucking Syria or some other great paradise where you can enjoy the fantasy-land of autocracy, you complete dipshit.

The ones that Trump is supposedly not paying?

When you get your tax return, do you ask them how much more should you donate this year to be a good goy or?

>hillary needs to pay people to defend her online


again you must be too autitic to understand the point

>Russia is a threat
>tiny percent of the US military budget

Every Sanders supporter knew it

Hillary's reign as secretary of state was disastrous

>There is not a single evidence that Clinton supports ISIS or other terrorist organizations.

You mean besides her explicit policy of arming terrorists

Yeah, we're probably get more prosperous. The government wouldn't have the funds to bankroll lame drug programs or blow money on foreign aid to overseas dictators.

>Do you realize what would happen if people stopped paying taxes? Of course you don't,

Yes, of course I do. I'm not talking about everyone. The basic inability of liberals to understand rank is what destroys them every time. Of course the majority must and will pay. Anyone bright enough to work out how to avoid it has even more of a moral right to keep the money.

Literally being invaded by Russians as we speak after being granted independence by them.

>Russia isn't a threat
It's like you don't even know what MAD is.


>it's a 2 or 3 assmad #Dildo4Hilldos sit in a thread, respond to every post and post 50 times until the thread gets deleted episode

Every. Fucking. Time.

Rebels. Find me a single piece of evidence she armed terrorist groups.

>muh feelings
>muh taxes

Has Trump actually done anything illegal, or assaulted anyone?

Is this all that Cred Forums libcucks have to back up their shit?

I fucking hope he will do The Irishman before he dies.

speak for yourself cuck man jew lover

where's the webm?

He has an old persons honest. I guess your ego starts to die when you're reaching the end.

Oh, the classic "move away" line. My favorite. Considering the USA is a Constitutional Republic and not a Democracy and any talk of what the people want in regards to guns or free speech is meaningless is worthless and treasonous. There is a whole segment of the nation that should move away. The founding fathers didn't fancy being slaves. I don't either. I have the right country. All you democratic shills can fuck off, though.

Your entire worldview is that of a child. There's no good or evil in the secular world, just people who win and people who lose. If Putin has the power to stop them from moving out of line, he will. He has. End of discussion. America getting those people killed to score some pathetic propaganda victory is foolish, and sociopathic.

>Has Trump actually done anything illegal
Many things

And they say Hollywood never lurks Cred Forums.

The hilldos parrot the same shitty arguments.

a synthesis of "never talk to me or my wife's son again", his classic quote and the fact his sons look nothing like him

a daring synthesis

>it's a 30 determined stormfags get BTFO continually and begin desperately memeposting as damage control episode
Every. Fucking. Time.

Brilliant. So now every rich fuck who was born into money and has enough money to pay someone else to work out how to pay the least amount of taxes is a genius? The more money you have the more talented you are? The better you are? A "moral right to keep the money"? Funny that people like you are so ready to accuse everyone around them of being degenerate while being deprived of the least of virtues.

>he does it for free

>hurr le Cold War

yes "moderate" FSA "rebels"

just ignore the beheading of children and massacre of non believers and the genocide of all the non Sunni

They always had him he's even a fan of brown sugar, he married one.

Meritocracy is an irrelevant notion. The best capitalists are the best capitalists. You want a better life under capitalism? Get better at capitalism. Attempts to prevent people from using the superior ingenuity they were born with are doomed from the start.

actors are fucking stupid

only millenials are dumb enough to listen to them and they hate hillary too

Finding legal loopholes that actively hurt society while not being strictly illegal is what a crook does, not a president.

Do you unironically believe people on Cred Forums are from some meme site like stormfront that probably gets 2k unique visitors a day?

Why did reddit start this meme

>no comeback
>lel i'll just post it again

oh and the literal cannibals

I'm glad millions of dollars of weaponry went to literal heart eating islamic terrorists

Bravo Shillary

If your family has been in the country for more than a generation and haven't figured out how to make money, you don't deserve it. It's your own fault.

you fail to realise shills have been kicked into high gear and are not only pushing their assigned narratives where opportunity presents, but actually starting threads

this thread is not a legit thread being shat full by shills, but a shill thread baiting for responses and stirring shit asit goes along

This just isn't true. Certain counties are more democratic, less totalitarian than others. Don't fool yourself into thinking that Russia are good goys who dindu nothing.
Obviously the USA has made horrible mistakes, but to say that this makes Russia's actions any better is extremely naive.
>moving out of line
What does that mean? Objecting to countries making their own choices? How is that not evil?

So, what is it exactly that you want? No government oversight? No public schools, no police, no federal government or local government as well? You want a fucking Constitution without the means to protect its guaranteed liberties? You want fucking anarchy?

You people are great at shitting on things that you believe are unfair but are incredibly handicapped when it comes to putting forth any kind of real vision as to what sort of country you'd like America to be, so humor me.


But it's ok to defend Hillary even though her husband is a sexual predator that she has defended in the past by silencing victims?

>he's still responding
>for no economic gain

both bill and trump are sexual predators.

>moderately cleansing Syria of Christians by beheading them

I'm so glad that these moderates are so moderate

>hurr le Cold War
The fuck are you talking about? I don't seem to remember Russia disarming all of its nuclear weapons. Do you really think the threat of nuclear war doesn't exist anymore because the Berlin Wall came down?
>he's started goreposting to try to make points
Jesus Christ, man.

Rouble devaluated, oil prices tanked, trust between neighbor countries destroyed, a full-blown war right at russia's doorstep. That's a very wrong definition of failure.

any bitch in the company of a wealthy and powerful man knows he wants that pussy and will try to get it so what the fuck do these cunts expect to happen, a fucking picnic and a tea party? I don't think so.

Is there a Trump here?

If today's capitalism is a system that promotes getting money under whatever means necessary over getting it through skill, talent and virtue then consider me fully against capitalism.

I won't have a better life under capitalism even if I would cheat the system and get wealth under whatever loophole or time-tested method of siphoning money without real work because that would mean there are millions of people who suffer because of the system that allows such a thing to happen in the first place.

>nuclear war doesn't exist anymore because the Berlin Wall came down?
It doesn't exist anymore because children of russian elite now live abroad, not in russia. In soviet times, there was no such thing, but now there is and there is no way they would kill their own children and their property abroad, threatening with nuclear weapons is just a show for masses.

How did it hurt society, kiddo? Could they only get 4 guys to fix that 1 inch pothole 25 miles outside of Phoenix instead of the usual 7 guys?

Could they only pay some Sub-Saharan African military dictator 1 million instead of 2 million?

Were they prevented from invading three more countries this last year?

Oh no, all that hurting. wtf I hate trump now

>maybe the foundation will give me a bonus

>I don't seem to remember Russia disarming all of its nuclear weapons

The Cold War ended long before you were born and the US won, the only way for there to be a nuclear war would be for the US to start one

>wahh gore

How could moderate rebels create gore? That sounds like a crazy conspiracy theory.

>believing everything you see on the internet
>So, how do you know if these people are USA-backed rebels?

>muh war crimes
Suddenly you care about middle-east countries?

Why would I need a government to guarantee me natural rights? I was born with them. I don't need anyone to give them to me or ensure them.

go to bed mister trump you gotta rest up as much as possible for sundays debate.

How will Trumplets ever recover from this?

Do you honestly believe this when so many STEM graduates today, even with experience, are unable to find jobs?

well, glad you're owning up to the US crimes in the region, from your perspective it must be a success

>Why would I need a government to guarantee me natural rights?
Because the government can kill you if it deems it necessary? Retard.

>vote the way I want you to vote
>because I say so
>the person I don't like is a meanie-head

>so I see you defend Trump online 24/7. He's a rich man, he must pay you well.
>actually I do it for free
>oh, i have to go right now

It is a success, because USA has a shitton of oil, no war at its doorstep and dollar is the world's currency. Now that's success.

Well then they have the right to, though personally I will never be deemed unnecessary much like how a poor person deserves to be poor, it's their own fault that they're poor and it's my natural inherent ability to be superior.

These things tickle my autism. Do some people honestly unironically and literally believe any presidential candidate of the most powerful country in the world can be "stupid" or are they just saying it? When I was a kid, probably the smartest kid in our school couldn't figure out this swing/rope system locked in a wall in P.E and everybody called him a retard. Is it like that?


No one is saying nuclear war is imminent but it is beyond retarded to say that a country with such a checkered past and access to such a gigantic nuclear arsenal is "not a threat."
>wahh gore
Nigger, this is a blue board. You can make your point without spamming gore.
>acting like Republicans have never funded crazy jihadis
al Qaeda/the mujahideen would like a word with you
The level of retardation in this post is mind blowing. You do realize that we had to fight a fucking war of Independence to ensure that everyone in our country could enjoy those natural rights, don't you? It was kind of a big deal.
>me and muh AR-15 can guarantee my personal liberty
You've got to tell your cousins to stop fucking each other.

You don't think those are Russian crimes? They invaded a sovereign nation because it was moving West. Why do you think they decided to invade after Yanukovich left, but not before?

De Niro has been doing commercials for brazilian ham.
This guy hit rock bottom.

How much does they pay you, user? Do they pay you by the post or by the thread?

Even taking Hillary aside, this is a man who's had an established business career since the 80s. Was the host and eventual non-host of a successful reality show that millions of Americans watched.

Such a drastic, vitriol response to his campaign and policies is more indicative of a change in the times rather than the subject matter.

>it is beyond retarded to say that a country with such a checkered past and access to such a gigantic nuclear arsenal is "not a threat."
I just told you why it's not a threat, did you just ignore my entire post? The only way russians can start the nuclear war is by getting hypnotized like in Red Alert.

>voting for the world's most famous cuckold

Can't make this shit up

>it's fake as long as you ignore all the evidence

>al Qaeda/the mujahideen would like a word with you

That policy began with Carter and Brzezinksi

It was a terrible idea, but the idiot neocons like you supported it and continue to support it

Except he pays property taxes because that is where his assets are instead of income taxes. Don't believe everything the media tells you you clueless idiot.

his faggoty autistic son drove him to this

see what you all do


That, and aging and/or washed-up actors are just using it as an opportunity to stay relevant in the hopes of landing a big role somewhere in (((Hollywood))).

>its another tump gets BTFO episode

stay tuned trumpfags, this is only the beginning


it makes all sense now.

Bronx Tale sucked btw

>a country with such a checkered past and access to such a gigantic nuclear arsenal is "not a threat."

This is the exact same """"""""""logic""""""""" used to invade Iraq "preemptively"

"Hey they might be a threat so lets start a war"

Chickenhawks like you are such scum

>a country with a nuclear arsenal large enough to burn the entirety of the planet's surface isn't a threat because they dont want to destroy their beach houses
I mean sure, if that gives you peace of mind.
It's kind of like saying a man with explosives strapped to his chest in a shopping mall won't detonate because he really likes the food court

>this will stop him says balding ctr cuck for the 2000th time this month

attaboy .2 cents has been deposited into your account

Ever heard of Mutually Assured Destruction? You'd have to be retarded to start a war BECAUSE a country is also in a possession of nukes.

>stay tuned trumpfags, this is only the beginning

>tfw the NYT still hasn't' released all of Trump's tax leaks

It's over folks. Time to remove Trump from the ticket and endorse Gary Johnson.

>wanting a meme president

>This is the exact same """"""""""logic""""""""" used to invade Iraq "preemptively"
Except for the fact that no one is suggesting that we invade Russia. Oh, and the fact that their "weapons of mass destruction" aren't imaginary. Oh yeah, and that Russia isn't a marginal power without any sort of capacity to do us harm.
Yes, I've heard of it. I mentioned it earlier in the chain of replies to which you're responding. I'm not saying that Russia is going to start World War 3. I'm just saying that any country in possession is such a gigantic nuclear arsenal has to be considered a threat by default.

>le doesn't like a dumb piece of shit like trump, must be a shill hehhe

>It's kind of like saying a man with explosives strapped to his chest in a shopping mall won't detonate because he really likes the food court
No, it's more like If the man with explosives strapped to his chest owns the shopping mall and his children work there, he won't detonate.

let's nuke Israel, China, and Pakistan too then

They all have checkered pasts and nukes and must therefore be attacked for the good of the world

You do realise Donald Trump is affiliated with some of the biggest Jews alive, right?

They paid an inflated amount of money (thanks to government making it so easy to get student loans) for a piece of paper to do some shit job not much more prestigious than the spics working McDonald's around the corner.

Yeah, it's their own fault.

Did the US know about their behavior? Are they that much worse than the Assad forces? I doubt it.

>That policy began with Carter and Brzezinksi
I agree, it was a mistake. But it all started because of the Soviet Union and their Afghanistan War.

Another reason it shouldn't exist. Giving people power to do illegal shit for zero benefit.

>No, it's more like If the man with explosives strapped to his chest owns the shopping mall and his children work there, he won't detonate.
Russia owns America and our country is filled with millions of Russian citizens? Because that's kind of what you're saying.
Again, I'm talking about acknowledging that a country is a threat, not nuking them. Learn to read.
Pakistan and China are definitely threats, though. Israel to a much lesser degree.

So we're gonna start a war where real people will actually die because of a pedantic threat in which theoretical people will die?

fuck off with your loaded language, you're describing some imaginary situation in terms that doesn't address what happened, what the US is doing and at the behest of who it is doing it, to the middle east and to east european nations that don't fall in line with globalist interests

my country isn't occupied by russians, it's occupied by the US, with propaganda to accompany their presence to fearmonger and dehumanise our neighbours and your kike government working their hardest to get their top patsy in office to make matters worse for everybody

you are liable, you shill cunt, but you've already made your peace with it, with comfort stories about how it's all for the good of the US and how all very patriotic and pragmatic you are, fuck off

>wanting a man who hates your nationality to become powerful
Now it this ain't a cuck statement I don't know what is
>p-please tread on m-me

>saying Russia is a threat means starting a nuclear war with Russia
What're the school systems like where you grew up?

What a sad time we live in when the thinkers of our country deserve destitution.

but what about the online polls rigged by Cred Forums?

surely trump is going to win?

"Illegal immigrant" is a nationality now?

Not him, but you sound less and less like a fence sitter when you spend all day/night going after trump supporters.

Wtf, that unabashed honesty just made me love De Niro again.

he's absolutely 100% right


Because they think? About what? If the market is oversaturated and they can't get hired, then they are not needed.

It's that simple.

Why the fuck would someone pay a STEM grad money for being a great important thinker when his fucking services weren't needed? That's dumb as fuck,

Point out to me exactly where I said "nuclear" war? Or do people not die otherwise?
And what you and by extension Hillary are propagating is a war started because of an alleged threat, even if a regular war compared to a nuclear one is not enough for you.

Hillary actually threatened Russia with military action. She said cyber attacks against the USA have to be treated as a declaration of war and even though there is zero proof that Russia had anything to do with the hacking, Hillary insists they did.

>Russia owns America and our country is filled with millions of Russian citizens? Because that's kind of what you're saying.
No, I'm saying that all wealthy russians own companies and various properties in the West including England, US and most of Europe and also their children work and live there, you shouldn't also forget that the west is where they go on vacation, because you really don't expect them to go on vacation in some commie block infested shitole, right? Besides, if the West is gone, who's going to play the role of external enemy for the average russian? Russian elite and the West need each other more than ever now.

>no one is suggesting that we invade Russia

Except you and your neocon butt buddies like Hillary

>Russia isn't a marginal power

Despite the fact they could barely fund a picnic much less a war with their GDP

>because of the Soviet Union and their Afghanistan War.

The USSR only invaded Afghanistan to stop the stream of terrorists being funneled into Central Asia funded by Carter and Brzezinski

The whole point of funding sunni radicals was to attack the USSR's soft underbelly (Central Asia)

try reading something other than facebook blog posts to get your history lessons

Yes he hates all spics except the ones that clean his house

>it's a hillshill thinks he's blowing everyone the fuck out but gets shat on instead episode

Racist Democrats somehow genuinely believe that all Hispanics and even Latin Americans identify with illegal mexican immigrants.

That's where you're mistaken. There is never a shortage of engineers and scientists, if they can't get work it's indicative of a larger problem in the system they live in, not the other way around.

>acknowledging that a country is a threat

It's not a threat to the US unless your decide you want to nuke RUssia for some retarded reason.

We're talking about WW3, dipshit

literally anything would be better than your idea of playing nuclear chicken because you don't like some country you've probably never been to.

But that's been America's official foreign policy for decades.

The only bad thing about Trump winning the election is that I'll have to find someone else to mow my lawn.

Then again, plenty of college kids are looking for jobs nowadays.


and it needs to end

I have not once heard him say anything negative about Mexicans nor about legal Mexican immigrants, let alone something that sounded like he hates them.

>its a trump is 5 points down in the polls and trumpfags start to unskew them like its 2012 episode

It's not imaginary, dipshit. This is really happening. Russia has invaded Ukraine because they removed a pro-Russian dictator. It happened in Georgia, it's happening in Ukraine right now and now he's bombed a fucking aid convoy in Syria. How blind are you? Are you brain dead?
I'm not even American, I'm just not a retard.
You mention propaganda, it's not like the Russians use that either is it? It's not like they completely rig their election results or interfere with elections in the USA is it? You poor delusional fool.

Why are you making yourself absurd for no reason? Deal with how the world is rather than talking about idealistic fictions.




>Colin Powell said it best

1. [citation needed]

2. There's certainly such a thing as too many engineers and scientists.

3. Contact the government about useless regulation that hogties business.

The world doesn't have to be accepted the way it is, it can change. Isn't this one of the main pillars of support for Trump? That he's supposedly unaffiliated with all the powers that be that maintain this horrible status quo?

So he's like even with Hillary now or something?

I see De Niro is still /ourguy/

Every generation needs an embarrassing landslide victory. Trump getting 1 electoral vote will be ours.

The USSR invaded Afghanistan to prop up a communist regime. They didn't give a fuck about Islamic extremism because it was never a threat to them.
I agree that the USA wanted to remove them so they funded the Mujahideen. Both sides are at fault here though.


nigga is losing as bad as romney

Democracy is neither good nor evil. Are you that same underage moron who was here the other day claiming that America has a 'moral high ground' in the world?

The countries aren't making those choices. Their governments are. Naivety is thinking there is any meaningful moral opinion to be expressed about the actions of governments.

Yeah, he hates Mexico so much that he visited this country to give his best impression and talk about the nature of his politics about how both countries had to have a clearly protected borders to even being called sovereing countries on the first place.

You a dumb democrat Hilldog, homie.

Who on earth pays more taxes than they are legally required to? The faggots of Cred Forums of course

Where? We know this is an uphill battle with the entire political establishment, the culture machine in hollywood, big banks and billionaires funding anti Trump superpacs and the media nonstop shilling against Trump.

>yeah man I'd rather vote for a murderous corrupt walk street shill like Hillary Clinton

Fuck this guy


US government made the announcement officially today, Russia was behind the hacks. And yes it's being treated as an act of war which it is. Russia fucked with America. Now Russia burns.

>>tfw no president bernie
Do you HONESTLY want to live in poverty and have your rights taken away from you?

Just die you horrible fucking people.

Democracy doesn't only allow for a government to be chosen by the people, it also allows the people more freedom and better lives. That is good.

>Russia has invaded Ukraine


Crimea is ethnic Russian majority territory that was only part of the Ukraine because of Soviet bureaucracy.

When the US funded a coup in Ukraine RUssia had to take back that land in order to keep their warm water port in the Black Sea operating. A shot wasn't even fired in that "invasion"

>It happened in Georgia

Georgia invaded Ossetia in an attempt to take over territory that had already wanted to secede.

>he's bombed a fucking aid convoy in Syria

And the US bombed Syrian troops during a cease fire leading to ISIS taking over a key city. But you don't seem concerned about that.

none of the above shows Russia to be a threat to the US in any way.

>nigga is losing as bad as romney

We haven't even seen the fall out yet. He might just drop out and the GOP have a write in campaign

>. Are you that same underage moron who was here the other day claiming that America has a 'moral high ground' in the world?
Well, the whole point of democracy is that it shows it's what the people want and not just the government. Obviously the Russian people get a raw deal with Putin. My girlfriend is Russian, she's anti-Putin because she's seen the actions his government has had on the average Russian. If Russia were a democracy people would be able to improve things, but it isn't regretfully.

>every single country of the rest of the world


de niro is a washed up has been anyway so who really cares about his opinion

But I thought Trump was not a real billionaire and was losing lots of money because he's such a shitty businessman and that's why he doesn't want to release his tax returns? In that case, he didn't need any loopholes at all to not pay taxes. Make up your mind liberals. Either Trump is every bit as rich and as great of a businessman as he says he is, so it's actually worth avoiding paying taxes, or he legitimately doesn't have to pay taxes because he keeps making a net-loss every year.

>Hillary is a war criminal

Trumptards are as bad as the "vote for Hillary cause she's a woman" types. You're all fucking idiots. America is hilarious.

So CTR is focusing all their efforts on this one thread? SAD!

You're talking in idealist fantasies that have no relationship to how goals are achieved or how people really are. I don't care what you're against, capitalism is not going to end. I don't care what virtue you imagine yourself to possess, you are finally impotent, which is why you resort to such nonsense.

>muh trickle down

Boy I love retarded economically illiterate leftist strawman arguments.

It's like the right calling you all communists.

You should probably kill yourself.

>The USSR only invaded Afghanistan to stop the stream of terrorists being funneled into Central Asia funded by Carter and Brzezinski
kek, no

>6 months before the Soviet invasion
Oh wow, so shocking. They were supporting the opposition of the communist pro-Soviet government of Hafizullah Amin. Yup, I wonder why they did this.

holy shit. My mate worked in America in a summer camp one summer and said Robert De Niro's kid came one day to enroll but freaked out and left. The whole time De Niro just sat in his car so my mate never saw him. This explains so much.

>Now Russia burns.

Including the rest of the world, you braindamaged liberal shithead. You can't have a war with Russia without it turning into a nuclear world war.

You mean the shit Shillary groveled and apologized for while licking the Goldman Sachs while doing privates

don't even try to fucking pretend, shill, that you're not a fucking american

the same thing that happened in Ukraine happened in Georgia, the US again trying to start shit up by creating a proxy conflict, a region that didn't have conflict before, for the benefit of fucking no-one, luckily contained

no, they don't rig their election, and no, they haven't interfered with elections in the US, an oft repeated lie pushed by Hillbill and those on her payroll, the media

I'm wasting my outrage at a fucking shill, repeating falsehoods out of a fucking playbook, fuck my life

Then we nuke Russia and let it burn. It's not like any of their weapons actually work.

>prop up a communist regime

which was only supported in order to limit the funnel of terrorists into Central Asia

>it was never a threat to them

Of course it was a threat.

Using Islam to push ethnic and religious conflict is always a threat in Central Asia, much like in Xinjiang today where the Chinese are in perpetual conflict with the ethnic Uyghur people

Capitalism has lifted billions of people out of poverty while socialism has only created poverty. You'd know this if you read one fucking book in your life

We need to start murdering leftists, throwing them out of helicopters etc

what will he do when he spergs out on some woman at the town hall debate?

rape ivanka as an act of desperation?

People defend the ideas that matter to them. You're repeatedly confirming your inability to understand intellectual integrity, which is an odd thing to be smug about.

Lib-cuck spotted

What terrorists? Please tell.

I always forget how underage, naive and liberal most of Cred Forums is.

Why do you presume I'm impotent? Because I may be poor? Because I don't have the power to change things? You're right, I alone don't have the power to change things, but I am representative of a growing unrest. If you don't believe that the people can change anything, how do you believe in the existence of America? How do you believe in history as a whole?
You're mistaking my faceless words for impotency while mistaking your own complacency and cynicism for superiority.

>Imagine how much more weight this statement would carry
Why? Actors are some of the lowest scum on earth, on the level of prostitutes and slaves.

>Russia was behind the hacks



The Muhajedeen ring a bell? Or let me call them by a name babby's recognize: the Taliban

It was part of a sovereign nation with a bullshit referendum assembled in two fucking hours. That's not legit. It's a violation of international law. 100%. Russia is acting like the world police that they condemn the USA for. Sad! This idea that the invasion of Crimea was justified is just not true. They've now started a civil war in the rest of the country.
>And the US bombed Syrian troops during a cease fire leading to ISIS taking over a key city. But you don't seem concerned about that.
Well that's not good either. But it doesn't detract from the point.

It's a threat for world security. Countries are divided ethnically, Putin needs to understand that.

I read this in Travis voice

He wasn't spamming gore, just bringing you face-to-face with the reality of Hillary Clinton. Which you refuse to acknowledge, of course, but you can't fault people for believing in your redeemable humanity, despite everything.

sad how much pol influences other boards
ad hominem

Who just literally groveled on national television?

Oh yeah, Trump

>world police of the country literally on their border
>but the US can invade countries 1000s of miles away and that's fine lol

Russia has allies, you retard. China amongst one of them.

Trump is for stop and frisk, DeNigros would get stopped and frisked so he's against Trump


You aren't even trying.

You just implied a guy saying Hillary's war crimes are far worse than trumps sexism was an "ad hominem".

Why can't you reply to actually arguments?

Please leave our board

>ad hominem
He's an actor controlled by them, just like the other libcucks that participated in the "PLEASE DONT VOTE FOR TRUMP, HE'S AN EEBUL RAYCISS"

Protip: If you're going to call someone a baby for not knowing a word. Make sure you spell the word right.


De Niro joins the JUSTice league

>never a shortage

Therefore too many, which is what user said.

>europeans getting beheaded, disembowled, ran over, and raped
>lel let more of them in

Yurocuck pls.

That's not fine either.

>You're repeatedly confirming your inability to understand intellectual integrity, which is an odd thing to be smug about.

That's what auto-correct gave me, blame you're precious data-mining Google you fucking libshit

>according to the NYP

Might as well cite the National Enquirer


any ctr cucks reading this how hard is it to join you?

im a neet with no morals so ill happily sell my soul and pretend to hate trump for pennies

This bothers me the most, this whole election is a fucking circus.
Here in Ireland there is a clear media biased against Trump because he is more entertaining to shit on because even though Hillary has done fucked up shit and lies through her teeth it is more boring compared to Trump shitposting on twitter.
I have heard someone say he is Hitler reborn.
Trump is not even that bad, fucking Hillary scares the shit out of me.

People look at me like I am nuts when I say Trump is probably the safer candidate.
I am not sexist but women tend to be shit tier politicians, a woman who wants to be president for the sake of being a women president is not the way to go.
You need a real cunt like margaret thatcher who will shit on everyone equally.

You don't know the history of Afghanistan. Why are you starting with the Soviet invasion? What about communist coups (supported of course by the Soviet Union) that happened before?

And how is this different than Soviet-backed rebels/dictators in South America or in Africa?

>there are people in this thread RIGHT NOW that will vote for Hillary Clinton

How retarded can you be, do you hate yourself and not care about your future?

Do you want to live in poverty and be overrun by violent savages?

No, it can't change. No, nobody who supports Trump does it because they think that he's an anti-capitalist.

I'm further right wing than you could ever dream to be.

I wasn't addressing his argument. I was addressing his unwarranted smug ass tone.

it's not because "it's more entertaining", it's that the media is ideologically bent

details of hillary's ill going ons are more lurid, more severe, more everything, but it's straight up ignored, done away with

getting old sucks

At least trump won't start world war 3 like Hillary

shillary pls go you have blood on your hands instead of vageen

>invading and destroying a secular country so Islamic radicals can take over and hundreds of thousands of people die with religious and ethnic minorities being wiped out is "not fine"
>and it's the exact same thing as taking back historical territory where no one dies

I love how neocons list what is and isn't acceptable behavior.

If Putin sneezed you'd call it a declaration of war.

>implying the NYT, LAT, and WaPo aren't Huffington Post tier now

Maggie didn't shit on everyone equally, which is why 3/4 of the UK celebrated her death like it was a national holiday.

She's still a better option than Clinton though.

>russian agent detected


>I'm further right wing than you could ever dream to be.
shills, always pretending to be right wing, disillusioned trump supporters, "one of us"

fucking rats

>war loving democrats calling anyone else neocons


he said over and over again that he loves the mexican people. He says they are smart. He always blames the US leaders for being stupid and

She won't start any big war. Trump is a sellout, a conman. He is like Schroeder, just another Putin shill.

carl that you?

I'm not even a yank.

Your right wing is like our furthest left wing. Get over yourself.

>trump is evil because he wants to cooperate with Putin
That's the EXACT reason why he won't start ww3 and she will you drooling brainwashed retard.

You brain dead wastes deserve to get nuked.

It's neither good or evil, as has already been said. There is nothing intrinsically good about a freer people, and the point of democracy is to keep order by putting the illusion of political influence into the hands of the people least informed and easiest to flatter.

Go back to /r/The_Donald, turbocuck

I don't presume it, your impotence is a fact. America is a country that we know, empirically, exists. Whig history is nonsense. There's no such thing as 'the people', there are only people.

>that secret operation [in support of Islamic fundamentalism] was an excellent idea. It had the effect of drawing the Russians into the Afghan trap and you want me to regret it? The day that the Soviets officially crossed the border, I wrote to President Carter. We now have the opportunity of giving to the USSR its Vietnam war. Indeed, for almost 10 years, Moscow had to carry on a war unsupportable by the government, a conflict that brought about the demoralization and finally the breakup of the Soviet empire

really makes you think

as crude as he is he's more real then pretending to be nice shillary, who actually managed to do a lot of bad shit and get a lot of people killed
getting people killed would be worst offense
then anything trump did, how can you not see that ?

>Trumpfags are so brainwashed they believe Hillary will start WW3
You guys belong in an asylum.

Me too, based De Niro.

>he said over and over again that he loves the mexican people. He says they are smart

Wow, he said he loves you. Better hide your pussy

It doesn't. It's a common knowledge and there is nothing wrong or weird about this.

I'm really not surprised, he's white but his kids aren't.

>Your right wing is like our furthest left wing
Hmm... Iran? Not him, just making a guess.

Literally nobody brought them up. I only mentioned the NYP


The only cucks in this race were the bernouts.

>nothing wrong or weird about this

I don't know if you noticed, but mediterranean sea is getting really crowded lately

>shit talking a mainly conservative paper and calling it the NE
>gets all but they when his leftists rags get compared to their NE equivalent


>wants to shoot down Russian planes in Syria

sounds like a recipe for success.

Mate I'm not even from the left. Everyone knows the New York Post is a rag

>the hillshill gets btfo again


I'm so far behind I don't know if mimicking normie loony right wing way of speaking is a meme or if Cred Forums really has fallen to the hillbillies now everyone has access to the internet

Now WikiLeaks has exposed Hillary, so it's over.

>I'm so far behind I don't know if mimicking normie loony right wing way of speaking is a meme or if Cred Forums really has fallen to the hillbillies

Pretty much. It's hillbillies, atheist edgelords, and 14-year-old boys in Pakistan on ancient computers espousing outdated social norms. Soon this place will be filled with posts about how arranged marriage is natural

>Soon this place will be filled with posts about how arranged marriage is natural

Doesn't the left support people that believe in arranged marriage now?

What are you doing here independent, harvard educated, high brow gentleman/woman/tranny?

I'm on the other side of Europe but it's the same here. Kind of annoying desu

See? There it is

Thanks, Habeeb

Sorry your computer overheats in the desert

This is how Trump looks all the time. Look at this fat fuck. Disgusting.