Let's discuss the difference between enjoying a movie, and thinking a movie is good...

Let's discuss the difference between enjoying a movie, and thinking a movie is good. Apparently a lot of people don't know the difference.

What are some movies you really enjoyed, but still realize are hot garbage from a film making standpoint

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Zack Snyder was born to direct a stand alone batman movie. Shame well never see it.

Imagine a Zack Snyder directed batman film with joker? Imagine that insane visual art styles and action sequences and pure kino that would come from that?

>Imagine a Zack Snyder directed batman film with joker?
All memes aside, this would actually be good.

I like Snyder's approach of a psychologically distraught Bruce who suffers from nightmares.

We could have seen some really good scenes. I just hope Joker will be in the Batman movie otherwise I am not going to be that interested.

I mean, you hype people up with Joker but you only include him in a side role in Suicide Squad?

Crazy Jared and angry annoyed Affleck would be fucking fantastic together on screen! If we never see this, then DC has no idea what they are doing...

I completely agree that everything Snyder's done seems to be the perfect resume for an AMAZING Batman movie. I have no earthly idea why in the hell they had him make the Superman movie, that's coming from somone who liked MoS pretty well

Snyder did a great job with MoS's first act.

The over-use of CGI later on is what weakened it

Why should I care about film making?

The only difference I can make is this one:
enjoyng a movie x enjoying scenes of a movie.

Most bad movies have at least one good scene

BvS is high art that plebs, atheists, and redditors will never understand for the rest of eternity

I enjoyed Avatar: The Last Airbender, and The Phantom Menace. Although the latter has been dissected online so much that its hard to watch uncritically anymore.

I did enjoy Batman vs Superman too, but its a deeply, deeply stupid movie.

Mfw this makes so much sense. Batman was literally goat in bvs

I just watched BvS again last night and enjoyed it even more than the first time I saw it. I'm not saying that makes it objectively great or anything, but I can't get what it is that's supposed to make it objectively bad, either.

It's got tons of stunning visuals, interesting depictions of how the world is changing in response to the existence of Superman and all he represents, incredible fight scenes, and a villain so smart that he doesn't give a shit if you understand his plan or not.

And for those who like to argue that Snyder and his writing team are just making Supes into Dr. Manhattan, pic related alone craps all over that notion. Superman's figuring out his true place in the grand scheme of things - a safety net, humanity's shepherd and protector.

Manhattan would have been too far up his own ass to care, putting in a perfunctory appearance at that space capsule's destination, most likely because his government handlers thought it would be good PR, all while apathetically oblivious to how his very existence undermines the very concept of human achievement.

And it's done with one brief 10-second scene. To me, that's subtle and brilliant.

I can see all the things wrong with this movie, but I still love it.

Nice pasts

Pic very much related.

I enjoyed Avatar (saw it 10 times). Best 3D film to date but EXTREMELY generic. It has some of the most cringeworthy dialogue in film history. Still an enjoyable movie though.

Wtf? What was wrong with it

Hello sheep

Nothing is wrong with it. It perfectly conveys the differences between Manhattan and Superman. One is a symbol of hope and humanity's future, the other as a symbol for humanity's obsolescence and the utter futility of our achievements.

The topic of this thread is "bad" movies that you enjoyed i just want to know what the hell was wrong with watchmen

It was related to the point I was making in .


Superman as safety net.


Check out 1:39. Listen to the swell of the angelic choir. He catches us when we fall. Tell me that isn't the message.

Yeah, I sort if liked that one, too, despite its flaws.

The smallville fight scene was fucking great

>film making standpoint
because everyone here has made movies before and can therefore weigh in on that.

fuck you retard

Why did it get so many bad reviews then. Retard

Ever picked up a drink thinking it was one thing when it was actually something else? It's sort of like that.

Now imagine you went on a verbal tirade in social media proclaiming that grapefruit juice as the shittiest orange juice ever and your ego was so fragile that you obstinately refused to admit your mistake even when people pointed out it was right there on the carton it was poured from, insisting that it should be made a different color or the packaging should have been more clear, and in extreme cases, even stating that the fact that the fruits from which it was made came from a grapefruit tree and went into a container clearly marked as grapefruit juice were just coincidental.

It's like that, too.

No mather how much you try to make it look good it will never be for normal person.
When watching capeshit people want fun and that is it, because by definition you wont find anything deep in superman.
DC films just get too far up in its own ass with dark broody athmosphere in film about guys in tights fighting each other

>Junkie XL returning for Justice League

Yes user,e very single person who disliked the movie hated it because it wasn't what they wnet in expecting. Never mind that MoS had a similar tone and in fact got better reviews, or plenty of people have stated that they don't mind the idea of a dark Superman movie as a concept buyt they disliked this version on a writing level that had nothing to do with tone.

The Snyder fanbase needs to stop acting like a cult who refuses to acknowledge a single fault with BvS if they want to be taken seriously. You're the new Matrix sequel fanboys.

If you unironically try and argue the movie does not have a single fault and literally every single person who disliked it don't have opinions who count, you will end up as punchlines and in fact hurt the reputation of the movie by association. This is an inevitability.

I'd love to see it.

Your insistence that the medium is inherently vapid speaks more to a lack of profundity on your part than it does of the source material.

His best stories all revolve around problems that don't go away if you punch them hard enough.

I will never argue that it's perfect. There are some pacing issues and scene placement that I find questionable. Strangely, they're seldom mentioned by any of the people that didn't like the film. Instead, they talk about things that, often, were actually explained overtly in the film or at least very heavily implied.