Play track 44

play track 44

Let's all love Lain

I want to lick her sweat

Delete that

boring shit anime

Let's all love lain

And you don't seem to unserstand.

Do her bear PJs have a butt flap?


It's a kigurumi

Saw it in Hulu and it was boring. Tried my best, nothing really happened.

Play Celery man.

No, SELain is the most unsexy show ever lol. It's just ambivalence layered on disturbing.

lain is sexy in a weird way

This came out in 1998 and looks better than most modern day anime

she's my laifu


anime animation quality peaked in the 90's desu

Well, it doesn't take too much for a work of traditional animation to look better than the CG-infused shitfest that is modern """2D""" animation.

Live adaptation when?

Lain is not for lewd.

Lain is for head pats.

Too old and ugly for lain

Good lain is for head pats, evil lain is for lewd.

Looks like an Ayy Lmao


My eyes!!! They burn!!! Hideous!