Why do actors think we care about their opinions about politics?

Why do actors think we care about their opinions about politics?

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Why do you think we care about your opinion about politics?

Vigo is my king but that's a false equivalence. Not that Hillary is trustworthy exactly, but she is stable. Trump isn't.

is a decline any better because it's stable? i'm not going to defend trump personally because he's a joke, but a wildcard candidate could be better than one that promises to maintain the status quo when the status quo is slowly falling apart

If you think America will be stable with Hillary, we truly are the next roman empire.

Knowing Jill stein he probably didn't even say this, pretty sure I've seen her claim bernie was endorsing her too.

thank god the greens are so incompetent because if they actually had influence they'd be really dangerous

Greens need helicopter rides more than Democrats.

Viggo is and always has been a huge tryhard faggot who takes himself way too seriously.

Because I'm just a schlub like you.

We're in this together.

That said Vote Trump.

Convince me Trump is a good candidate for the president of the United States.

He's most likely to launch the nukes.

Because they have fans who hang on their every word. Viggo probably has at least 100 people who would vote against their own interests just because he asked them to, because they are grateful for the pleasure his work has given them. If you had that sort of power would you not exercise it?

If the majority of actors were republican you would not have made this thread.

vote for jill stein if you agree we should replace our healthcare system with crystals

He'll rip up the bad trade deals that hurt the working class.

The Wall.

Restore industry.

MAKE things again.

Stop getting ass-fucked in trade.

It's not rocket science.


Because retards like you obviously do care

You spent the time to download the image, upload it and make a post so I'm guessing because of shit like this?

Stable for who? Certainly not the working American.

She cant ever remain stable while walking to the car user.

Her VP says Bernie is a white supremacist kek

Has good intentions, but is a fucking idiot because of his moronic comments.

A more refined person could get the job done, but sadly, that's neither here nor there.

I remember reading an article about it. I'm pretty sure he was serious.

>It's not rocket science
>I'll just post a bunch of buzzword, bumper sticker feels and people will think I know what I'm talking about.

So you disagree with secure borders, strong trade deals, and productive industry?

What bad trade deals and how are they bad for the working class? Not to mention there's plenty of stories about him fucking over working class people during his entrepreneur days

>The Wall
How do you know he will actually build a wall and it's not an empty promise like Obama closing Guantanamo? How do you know it will actually stop illegal immigration?

>Restore industry.
What industries and how?

>MAKE things again
What things and how?

>Stop getting ass-fucked in trade
How is USA getting ass-fucked in trade?

Most importantly, how do you know he will actually do everything you say? Why do you blindly trust a politician just because he says what you want to hear? You're falling on the same trap as Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton supporters.


I'm voting for Trump. I'd vote for Jill if I thought she actually had a chance.


he'll make Cred Forums "left" again

I DON'T believe he will do everything he says. But voting for a man who says he'll make America strong and nationalist again is better than voting for a woman who says she'll import a million muslims a year, who'll naturalize all our illegals, and who will push common-core education.

TRUMP is actually acts like he's running to be President of a country that's $20,000,0000,000 in debt. There's a little urgency here, faggot. Can you feel it?

NAFTA that exported manufacturing jobs to Mexico(GM and Chrysler for example). TPP that will do the same except send them across the Pacific to a huge list of nations for easy child labor.

>The Wall.
waste of money
>Restore industry.
generic vague empty promise
>MAKE things again.
see previous statement
>Stop getting ass-fucked in trade.
if he actually tears up NAFTA I'll give you this one

He's not. He's a necessary evil and a protest vote against the neoliberal oligarchy that has destroyed the middle class.

Don't forget

Hillary Clinton in 2013 said she dreams of a “common market with open trade and open borders,” saying that economic opportunity in the U.S. would grow as a result.

Because I sure as hell know Hillary won't and what does Trump have to gain from being president? He is the only politician in my entire life to give me hope in a better future.

>hilary is a criminal, a retard and in the pocket of the banks
>still the best candidate thanks to GOP

this is USA 2016

based argie

>wanting a woman for president

Just no, you cock gobbling faggot.

>NAFTA that exported manufacturing jobs to Mexico(GM and Chrysler for example).
Except that's not true, on the contrary companies are moving out of Mexico.


>if he actually tears up NAFTA I'll give you this one


kelly is the last true conservative visionary

When did you stop beating your wife, user?

We need a war. Civil, World, Race, it doesn't matter.

you dont even know what youre saying, do you?

Arnold's not voting for him.

why did you post the shooped pic

Did you even read the articles? The third one says they're moving some small trucks back to the US because customers bitched that they were being made in Mexico. And they're not closing the factory in Mexico; they're just building other cars there.

And if we're cherrypicking articles, Ford just decided to move all small car production out of the US to Mexico:


anyone who thinks one candidate would be better president than the other is a legit retard.

that said, trump would be much funnier, so there's that.


Gee, Ben Garrison sure sees things for the way they are, huh?

Wow, didn't know Viggo was redpilled

Arnold is also a bonfide Californian, fuck his opinions

>but she is stable
Her track record proves otherwise. On the other hand, Trump can still be given the benefit of the doubt.

conan the barbarian would vote trump, tho.

who is ted?
