Why didn't the US just order a hit on him?

Why didn't the US just order a hit on him?

It's not like it's beyond the US to order assassinations outside their borders

Because communism.

Who's going to carry out the hit?

Hillary Clinton wasn't in charge

The had to find him first, that was the problem.

You may as well ask, why didn't the Colombians just arrest him?


There are several parts (at least in the show), where they literally know where he is, but can't do anything.

Hell, he even enters the parliament at one point in broad daylight.


Isn't the meme that the US allowed him to operate so they could secure funds in the name of the "war on drugs"?

When drug lords are killed a power vacuum is created and people will often go to war over who is gonna control the drug market? After pablo was killed a lot of trouble started to fill in the gap he left behind. I believe the Colombian government knew that and tried to avoid an civil war among crminials. They also knew if pablo was killed in prison a lot of shit would go down because he had huge support in the underclass groups.

They dont want to ruin their relation with colombia

Ordering a hit on such a personality in a foreign country is a delicate matter

Who'd know it was them, though.

Might as well be another cartel

>tfw this show keeps telling the lie CIA IS EVIL LMAO AMERICANS ARE EVIL LMAO
>tfw not a single proof of any CIA misdeed in other countries
>tfw kids will think it's true because they saw a shitty piece of leftie propaganda on Netflix that shits on war on drugs

There's always a risk and pablo was hardly worth it, despite being a celebrity

Anyway I think the real problem is that they underestimated how strong a druglord could be and how weak the columbian state was

"Ordering a hit" is messy and doesnt solve the problem, Pablo was either too popular or well hidden
Their solution of supporting a far-right group to demolish his empire worked wonder

the show also portrayed Pablo as a family man to an extreme degree

because they secretly were working with him


>CIA conducting operation in foreign country depict it as a "bad light"
Are you retarded
This is quite litteraly the only purpose of the CIA and their role in SA is common knowledge

>Secrectly working with the man who allied itself with the communists fighters the first chance he got
Tell me more

You should read the book Killing Hope

It's an encyclopedia of CIA interventions in the third world.

I wish this show was like pic related. Can anyone recommend a series like this movie?

how's it different, other than being in another time period

Not as gritty or suspenseful

not in that moment, but america has a really long history of fucking things in south america

There's a theory that because the search bloc couldn't get Escobar, either because of incompetence or corruption, the CIA after localizing him sent a group of Delta Force operators that killed him.
After that they called the Colombians and the DEA that arrived for the photos.