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only a low iq autist would see this as a 'negative' thing

he has black fans?
I didn't think young black guy would even know who deniro is

That's his wife's son

his son you idiot

Who is this mulignan

no it isn't, it looks nothing like him

do you mean he is adopted?

This is why I could only ever impregnate a white woman. Some black women are hot as shit, but the risk of producing a male halfbreed is too great.

italians are already mixed



jesus christ what a failure as a man

Why are black genes so strong?

stupid genes override smart genes, it's an evolutionary mechanism

They aren't. People are just too pessimistic.


You can breed the nigger back out within a couple of generations. Pic related's grandfather was a black Nigerian, and his father is mixed. Of course, the women involved were English, so he also looks like an ugly, inbred mongoloid like all English people, but you get the point.

>muh beautiful mixed race babies

Many mixed kids turn out pretty good. DeNiro is a result of TINY WHITE-genes combined with strong and ugly black genes.


Jesus, into the oven it goes

i almost puked

Are Trumplrinas still this mad because he said bad things about their meme clowns?

>deniro says mean things about trump
>suddenly, dozens of threads hating on deniro
just a coincidence

>Many mixed kids turn out pretty good.

Mixed women can be insanely beautiful

>Only a low IQ autist would have reservations about mixing with a race that has an average IQ of 85.


he's a hack anyway

>Many mixed kids turn out pretty good

what is every male hapa ever

That's what you get when breeding with niggers. Your children won't even resemble you and another nigger might as well have cucked you and you will never know it.
If you breed with niggers you basically throw your own gene pool into the trash, being lost forever.

Lies, the average IQ of the race is around 95-100.

>falling for the HAPA meme
Enjoy your Elliott Rodgers sons.

>You're a mutt, Trump.

you're saying all mixed boys look good?

Krager to the rescue of the lesser races

>muh Trump

Most mixed guys look weird/terrible. Only mixed girls are attractive.

For those who don't already know, there absolutely IS an objectively measurable IQ gap between people with ancestors from different geographical areas (aka "races", which is the term I will use from here on out).

Psychologists don't debate this fact. The gap is well known and has been well known for decades. IQ test scores break down like this: on average, East Asians score higher than whites, who score higher than hispanics, who in turn score higher than blacks. The average scores are:

Asian-Americans -106, White Americans - 103, Hispanic Americans - 89, African-Americans - 85.

This means more than one in five American blacks have an IQ below 75; whereas around one in twenty whites have an IQ below 75. An IQ of 70-75 is considered "borderline retarded" by psychologists.

Studies also show there are some significant differences in what is called the structure of mental abilities. For example, if you took a sample of black and white children, all of whom had scored around 100 on the WISC-R (the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children—Revised) meaning the black kids in the sample were well above the black average -- you would find significant black-white differences on six of the thirteen subtests. The average black child would do better on Arithmetic and Digit Span; where the average white child would do better on Comprehension, Block Design, Object Assembly, and Mazes.

The gaps are not limited to the United States either. European whites average - 100, East Asians from Asia - 106, and Sub-Saharan Africans - 70.

I live in purely white country, so it won't happen to me. Still I can appreciate dark skinned women with white facial features

if you mix shit with ice cream it'll taste like shit

de niro's son is nina simone?

>I live in a purely white country
I'll gladly switch places with you.

Would you drink a glass of wine with a single drop of sewage?

Why refer to the black race as sewage?

>When those italian genes pop up

Name a positive contribution from Africa.

>Looks like a downy version of
Lenny Kravitz

Oh boy I'm waiting for the WE BUILD PYRIMADS, WE WAS KANGZ AND SHIT.

One drop rule, the example fits because of American values. The glass of wine is no longer wine because of that drop of sewage. All half castes, quadroons and octocoons identify as black, keeping the tradition going.

All Americans are mutts to me, but visibly darker people will always call themselves negroes.

Because your race is a drain on society.


The human race.

It has a lot of space to put africans.

deniro is literally the CLASSIC NIGGA

What's with all the racist threads about DeNiro's son? Did he shit on Trump or something?

Kid's just young and fat faced anyway, he'd probably look alright once he gets older/works out.

I think mother nature would disagree.

>point out DeNiros kid is racemixed


>this ogre
>ever looking alright

black people movies about italian mobsters.

That dosent explain darkies though.

There is no reason for there to be two threads about it.

Trumpfags keep proving that they are easily triggered like tumblr.

His kid is an autistic retard, he's beyond saving and has to look like a downy Shaq on top of that.

You do know the Venus figurines were unearthed in Europe, right?

This honestly

what the fuck? don't talk to me you tripfag piece of shit

grow up and leave the tripfagging you dumb nigger

His eyes look like duelling magnets.

>Tfw I'm Amhara

>I can never do this to a white lineage

>My cousin has 2 kids with a Belgian woman and both are white as snow, one with blonde hair and blue eyes

I hate having HOA recessive genes

>trump is Le racisss meme

Contrary to what Reddit enforces, he's probably the least racist candidate.

It's like you guys conviently forget the times where Bernie sanders said "if you're white, you don't what it's like to be on a ghetto, experience poverty", or when Hillary called black people "super predators" and the Nigger


You mean you're a nigger? Don't specify yourself here snowflake you're simply a nog.

>Contrary to what Reddit enforces, he's probably the least racist candidate.

I mean he is racist

Thats why I'm voting for him, don't be a cuck and hide behind "Be non raycis" meme

>hundreds of thousands of years ago the smarter humans decide africa is complete shit and decide to explore the rest of the world
>meanwhile the dumber ones stay behind

africa always was and will always be a shithole.

Name one thing he's said that racist.

Except several successful civilizations spawned from it

Not sure if the Anglo gene is much better, he looks like a fucking barbarian.

Name three

Sub Saharan Africans had not invented the wheel before Europeans showed up.

So he's the least racist candidate, but his supporters on this site choose to shit on DeNiro for having a mixed race kid for "some reason." I never even got an answer about why there's now two threads about this. I'm going to assume he did in fact say something mean about Donald Trump.

ok, northern africa was less shit

Other than posting fake crime stats on blacks with them wearing bandanas and holding a gun sideways?

Other than agreeing with several white supremacists on twitter?

Other than being sued for racial discrimination several times?

Other than calling blacks genetically lazy?

Other than having nearly every white nationalist/supremacist on his side?

I guess not much

Well, I'll agree with you that the two racist threads on Deniro right now are abhorrent and wrong, but to randomly jump to Trump is reaching.

It's probably the same guy that got triggered by other user's from a time before today

Axumites, Nubians, and the Somali clans had all used wheels for a long time.


Literally in the Wiki page

>Stats be racis and shiettt.

Your entire race is garbage that brings everything around them down. Those are the facts.

>randomly jump to Trump is reaching


Guess it isn't a very far reach.


what a violent animal. must be that nigger blood in him.