What is the "Baldur's Gate" of television and film Cred Forums?

What is the "Baldur's Gate" of television and film Cred Forums?

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lord of the rings

baldur's gate 2 is the hobbit

More like Boring Gate

"LOTR" or "Lost" I would say


Nope, Planescape: Torment is LotR
And Baldur's Gate is The Hobbit

Who was best girl?

>baldur's gate 2 is the hobbit
didn't know this was an unpopular opinion thread

Some meme shit, so Star Wars

dude holy fucking shit man .......

imoen, of course

This Lost.

>baldur's gate=two towers
>baldur's gate 2=fellowship
>planescape torment=two kings
>icewind dale=desolation of smaug
>icewind dale 2=unexpected journey

>The quality of the games match the films


not OP, dont like how v n tv are mixing but if Fallout is kinda Mad Max, Baldurs Gate is to the point LOTR even if we do have lotr game, but what would be Planescape Torment & Arcanum?

Cast him

idris elba

>Thouroughly enjoy this game on Gamecube
>no.2 not released for gamecube


pc version sucks too and im a pc guy,

>The Nameless One
Cast em

enhanced version sucks, old one was perfectly optimized with the sprites and UI

Reminder if your class for Baldurs Gate 2 wasnt a Wizard then you are literal pleb who should just stick to Call of Duty games

>What if we made a Dragon more compelling and brilliant than Smaug?
>Say no more senpai


arcanum isn't even the same world

I solo'd Baldurs Gate 2 as a wizard.
Really difficult at first bit seeing as you earn all the xp you get powerful really quick

wizard, I think you mean sorcerer senpai.

Firkraag was a master ruseman, literally how Smaug should've been

>not sorcerer

Fuck off nerd.

Idk, LOTR is way too boring to be considered BG. BG was fun as fk.

>Planescape: Torment

i believe op meant kinda kino/flix tier comparision
Ok,ill try
Pst=citizen kane
Bg=matrix(started an new fad, was great but went to shit later on similar to bioware)

Is there a good television and film equivalent of this?

It's unfilmable sadly.

>picking Fall-From-Grace as your waifu
>not even listing Deionarra
You monster

But it is. It's just that noone will ever bother.

>HBO presents: Baldur's Gate (2x the Game of thrones budget)

Nameless One - Mads Mikkelsen
Annah - Rose Leslie
Dak'kon - Jet Li
FFG - Cate Blanchett
Ignus - Iwan Rheon

What is the God Hand of television and film?

>opening scene
>"Ah, the child of Bhaal has awoken. It is time for more...experiments"
>10 minutes of rape and nudity