About to watch Event Horizon. What am I in for?

About to watch Event Horizon. What am I in for?

Horror kino.

What would happen if a ship brought back a demonic warp presence.

A pretty decent horror movie, has it's cliche's, but what 90's movie doesn't.

the desire to play dead space afterwards.

It's not as good as you probably think it's going to be, just a heads-up.

haunted house movie in space 6/10

Pretty good movie. Lots of jumpscares, but for this movie it actually works for me for some reason.

inb4 40k theories

Why was it so negatively received with critics?

Humanity's first encounter with the Warp in Warhammer

Horror kino

also leave this thread b4 someone spoils it for ya

Because it's shit.

It's really not that great. The 90s CGI is horribly dated, but it has s cool concept

3 second flashes of real horror, then 2 hours of watered down censored shit.

close your eyes, they're unnecessary

A somewhat decent movie

oh man that's perfect. Do this OP, jump right into DS2

Its alright.
Couple scenes are scary.
Def worth the watch, but its not great.

event horizon is an amazing movie. the OP's scene is legend

a very good first 20 minutes and premise which then turns to shit because it had to try to be hellraiser in space.

seriously, awesome set-design and everything but the plot ruins it completely. so much lost potential with that cast.

You can watch it without worrying about quality
It's perfectly safe

what happened to your eyes?