Do you really need to trigger Cred Forumsacks?

do you really need to trigger Cred Forumsacks?

¿Qué quiso decir con esto?

Do you think if he said that about another race he would still have a job?



>not "¿A qué se referia con esto?"


False equivalency. Come back and make that argument when 90% of film in Hollywood isn't white dudes

Shouldn't be long now, actually

Out of the three main characters in Pacific Rim, one was a black man and the other was a japanese woman. Nothing is really changing in the sequel.

I hope it's like The Strain where every cholo has a heart of gold.


>mean = referir

gringo/google translate detected

fuck this cuck

idk i like both desu i was just meming

>Come back and make that argument when 90% of film in Hollywood isn't white dudes

Looking at the top-grossing movies this year:

>Finding Dory
>Avengers 3
>Secret Life of Pets
>Jungle Book
>Batman v Superman
>Suicide Squad
>Jason Bourne
>Star Trek

So 3 animal movies, 3 ensemble casts, 1 about an Indian kid, and 2 movies that just focus on a white dude.

A fact is a false equivalency? If he said he didn't want a black guy as the main a twitter hashtag would soon follow.

Its how he said it though. Less whites is a good thing?

*3 movies that just focus on a white dude

Forgot about Deadpool

oh u

Back to tumblr with you

Black are actually overrepresented in hollywood . Since they are only 12 % of the population so only 1 / 10 movie character should be black.

>another latino weeb

But I can't even right now

It's 2016 shitlord



Wrong, of the two groups of stars in Pacific Rim one was Giant Robots and the others were Monsters. It would be like saying Godzilla's star is white because Michael Cranston was in it


mexicans in the other hand are under-represented (save for the oscars top kek get rekt negros) yet they never complain because theyre not giant pussies like black people

Nor is victimization a core part of Hispanic culture

I've learned that Mexicans hate blacks just as much as everyone else. They're big on family and respect. The race seems to have alot of potential, but we need to watch them for awhile longer.

he i white, his family never mixed with the natives in Mexico. look at him if he goes to spain he will be lost

>mexicans in the other hand are under-represented (save for the oscars top kek get rekt negros) yet they never complain because theyre not giant pussies

No. Mexicans and latinos in general don't complain because a significant percentage of us are white and see no real difference between ourselves and Italian-Americans. Also, a lot of us who are mestizo or mulatto have deluded ourselves into thinking that we're white. And the darkest ones, the blacks and the ones who are indios in all but name, are far too busy working to whine about the Oscars on twitter.

>giant pussies
>not whites

Go to Cred Forums or /tg/ and watch the trigger wars start by bringing up steven universe. Only lesbian cartoon around and it gets complaints because not enough white males/hetros.

Those complaints are mostly made by bored white liberals.

Why would they cast a black guy as main lead the audience they are aiming for this time is China?
Why not just cast a Chinese actor?
Why make the chances of this bombing even harder then the original even higher?

How can anyone defend what Del Toro said?

Has to be bait. He said some fucked up shit that would get him cast out of Hollywood if it was about a different race.

It's weird how some people think that having a spanish name=non-white. I've heard people call Antonio Banderas a "person of color". If pic related was an actor somebody would have made him president of the Nonwhite Actor's Association

Nobody cares about your shit language. Now go clean my toilet

well duh

kek ironically I do work as a janitor irl

Thats fucked up.

That's because people judge words by context, not simply their literal meanings

Antonio Banderas isn't white though...

>I'm happy the main isn't white

Sounds fucked up to me.

Brilliant Del Toro!

Then when the film bombs like the first one, you can blame it on racism!

I really do not care about that shit actor from Attack on the Block and SW:TFA.

He has zero charisma. Absolutely zero.

All I need to know is if Hannibal Chau, Newt, and Herman are gonna be back?

Ok so pick a white guy that isn't an Anglo-Saxon, you have plenty of groups to choose from.

Shit Guillermo, 90% of people who look at you would say you're white, just get a dude that is you but in better shape.

>That's because people judge words by context, not simply their literal meanings

Oh how I wish that was true.

It's funny that up until the late 1970s, "hispanic" as a term was essentially nonexistant in the US when it came to ethnicity. People instead just looked and you and called you either white or american indian descent depending on which you looked more like.

Because that's how it's supposed to work. Ethnicity is not race and people shouldn't equate that. Hell even in census forms it asks you if you're specifically a "non-white hispanic", they know that most latinos that come here are either white or mestizo.

But he would not say that about another race, that's the point you fucking retard. Most leading men are white.

>Batman v Superman
>top grossing
DCuck detected.

And most people in the USA are white

Media reflects the society it is made in

>white anglo saxon = the only whites in existence

I'd take an Italian.

That wasn't Polish you dumb shart

You already did that with several of your movies. Notably Pan's Labyrinth, Hellboy 2 and Pacific Rim.

>a perons skin colour doesnt matter unless its white

You are a complete fucking moron......

even Taco Jews are puppets of Soros

>top kek get rekt negros

was speaking like an underaged redditor part of your plan?

Hideo Kojima?