David Cross' wife and actress Amber Tamblyn detail past sexual abuse from ex

>“Without going into all the of the details, I will tell you that my ex did show up, and came up to me in the crowd. He’s a big guy, taller than me. The minute he saw me, he picked me up with one hand by my hair and with his other hand, he grabbed me under my skirt by my vagina— my pussy?— and lifted me up off the floor, literally, and carried me, like something he owned, like a piece of trash, out of the club. His fingers were practically inside of me, his other hand wrapped tightly around my hair. I screamed and kicked and cried.”

>“That part of my body, which the current Presidential Nominee of the United States Donald Trump recently described as something he’d like to grab a woman by, was bruised from my ex-boyfriend’s violence for at least the next week,” she wrote. “I had a hard time wearing jeans. I couldn’t sleep without a pillow between my legs to create space.”


>He’s a big guy

How desperate does one have to be for attention?
This is pointless.

>He’s a big guy

funny how no one thought they were a victim until Donald admits to liking pussy

Why is there so much sexual abuse in Hollywood? and don't use Cred Forums's go to answer

Being a victim has been in vogue for at least a decade and profitable for several, there are already entire industries dedicated to capitalizing on your victimhood.

Same reason so many rapes and shit get committed by college/pro athletes and then get covered up. They're rich and powerful and know they can get away with anything and people will generally back them up because they're famous, so they like to exert that social dominance and indulge in despicable behavior


>somebody hurt me
>everybody whos said they would like to hurt somebody should feel bad

The city of women logic.

The Gentiles

Wouldn't mind grabbing her by the pussy of you catch my drift.

Less than zero isn't fiction

How does an actress being carried away in a crowded show by a violent ex not make the news?

I can fap to this.

Jews have convinced most americans to mutilate the penises of infant boys AND consider it normal.

Donald Trump simply states that his fame and wealth cause women to allow him to do what he wants to them. He never mentioned anything like what this insane whore is implying.

At this point They are so desperate they are now saying that Trump is a hetrosexual man.

I'm pretty sure all this did was make a few dudebro types like him more.

She's afraid to name names, but it was her ex, Cravid Doss

>I'm pretty sure all this did was make a few dudebro types like him more.

You're a bunch of republican politicians dropped their support of him and called hi out for it , right?

i'd fucking abuse her

>a bit guy

It's like a hidden message.

Dear David

Your wife is a complete faggot

Kill yourself

Actually, I wonder if that's really the point.

>she won't name who it is
>insufferable asshole boyfriend is more famous and better connected to studios
>"It was my ex. Get me? [wink]"

kek as if david cross could pick her up from her pussy

About as desperate as the women who accused bill. Except in this case the guys on record saying he actually does sexually assault women because he feels he can

The only ex I saw when I looked her up was Jason Ritter, and he's only two inches taller than her at 5'9.

She's probably lying about the big guy part. Just lie she's lying about the part where it wasn't David Cross.

What surprises me most about this article is discovering David Cross is into women.
I always just assumed we like to suck ethnic cocks to quench his insatiable spermthirst

you know several of the women accusingy bill did not want to come forward and were forced to by other victims after they met to support eachother? i dont remember which one but she has nothing to gain from coming out and has held the same story for 30 years

>David Cross is into women.

Into them enough to assault them in a crowd and threaten them into blaming it on somebody else, apparently.

She's using her public profile to bring the issue out in the open to raise awareness about violence against women and create a dialogue. Just try and imagine if your mom was treated this way.

And that is gonna hurt him? They have sown that they are 100% for the globalist agenda shittery represents.

I actually hope he loses and america can have a taste of what is happening to germany, sweden and all those other countries that went 100% globalist.

I guarantee that if any male was raped they would cry about it and demand the world listen to their ordeal in an attempt to change society.

The same cuckservatives who have been opposed to him since day one

>Trump saying crude shit in private is worse than actual sexual abusers and rapists

alrighty then

or she is exploiting the news cycle with an anecdote to call attention to her vagina
my mom would be smart enough to report it when it happened, not bring it up during political discourse to shame a rival party nominee for something completely unrelated to political policy

No wonder she's sleeping with David Cross, her vagina is swollen shut and only his gherkin can fit in it.

Hey, when your sexually abusive celebrity husband is threatening you into silence, waiting til it's topical and blaming it on somebody else may be your best hope.

David isn't her ex... He's her current... Wtf are u fags on about?

It was really him that did it. He'll ruin her or possibly harm her her if she name drops him or leaves.

Best hope for what getting the most attention for your vagina?

What makes you say that?


Especially after he assaults her in clubs.

>Americans could literally let the locker room talk most men say affect the entire future of the country

She's using a recent tape leak to both share her story but also attack Trump. What's the point of mentioning Trump when he didn't literally mean grab her by her vag.

No, justice and shelter from your hipster doucebag rapist husband.

I would love to abuse Russ Tamblyn's daughter Amber. It makes me hate myself.

Most men don't talk like that.

10% do.

But of the other 90%, maybe 3 of them have ever told the sexually aggressive weirdos to chill out on their "pussy" talk.

Sexual aggressiveness isn't questioned. It's made fun of behind it's back.

You're a lot more likely to hear men say "well that guy clearly isn't getting laid" the moment the creeper leaves the room.

He's a douchebag asshole with manlet syndrome.

And he's done it before. Why don't you think that girl from Mr. Show had a career after she broke it off with him?

Trump jokes about grabbing random women's vaginas, but Bill Clinton actually does it.

If Hillary wanted to shelter herself from him she would have sought justice decades ago.

I meant David Cross, not Bill Clinton.

Are you telling me you read OP and thought that David Cross was the big guy who carried women by the vagina?

Anyone else watching Hause on TCM?

>I have a video of Amber Tamblyn getting dragged out by a violent ex at a show, you guys want it?
>TMZ: Who?
>You know, that chick from Joan of Arcadia?
>TMZ: The fuck is that?
>Sisterhood of the Traveling pants?
>TMZ: Nigga are you making up movies now?
>She was in Two and a Half Men?
>TMZ: The crazy neighbor?
>No, Charlie's daughter
>TMZ: Charlie had a daughter?
And that's why it didn't make the news

i disagree. i wouldnt say what he said but i dont think it's really outrageous if it had been between good friends. i dont think he actually knows the guy well hes talking to in the tape though

Yes. I think she mentioned the big guy part to throw off that it was him. Are you telling me you don't think a smarmy hipster would treat his wife like shit?


Sad, but fair. If you didn't have a Joan of Arcadia fetish, you should be dead anyway.

fuck that man
i once saw a bit where they were pestering that asian dude with the small dong that was nude in the hangerover's parents at an airport

Quick, tune to TCM.

Your statement is only accurate if you insert Bill Clinton.

Imagine a bowl of M&Ms. There's 1 M&M that will grab your pussy. Do you want to take that chance?


I waited 20 minutes in an alley and finally knocked on Cross's tourbus after his show in Louisville last year and he answered the door himself.

"Feel free to say no, but is there any way you'd sign my jacket?"

He said, "Well, with balls that big..." and came out and signed my jacket. He was super nice to me. And as a long time fan, I was very relieved that I get to continue enjoying his work.

Not his cash cows. But his stand up and sketches.

I don't think David Cross can lift a large bag of rice over his head let alone a grown woman.

You mean like Monica did?

He's incapable of it. It's a matter of physics.

I now want porn of this

Doesn't mean he didn't try.

I worked in a fast food restaurant for several years, and that's exactly my experience.

Most dudes say shit like "she's hott" and "I'd fuck her" but once in a blue moon you'd get that one guy who just had to cross the line and start describing shit. "I'd tie her to a fucking bedpost and shove my hand up there"

Cue awkward laughter from every other guy in the room.

You should. I want Joan of Arcadia pron.

>without going into details because it will show how much of a fucking liar i am, here is a rape fantasy me and David like to act out which i have used as a story to get sympathy from people in light of illegally recorded convosations trump had

So her ex boyfriend picked her up by her throat the proceeded to fist her and treat her like a sock puppet, spinning her round in a room full of people?

Doesn't mean he couldn't seriously hurt her pussy trying to.

Mary Lynn Rajskub was Chloe on 24... She also did Mysterious Skin and Punch Drunk Love. She is picky about her parts, bro. And I don't blame her.

Between Mary Lynn and David, only one of them has to sit on their deathbed knowing they did terrible movies just for the money.

Did she share this story so I could masturbate to it? Because I am now going to masturbate to it.

No he couldn't. His skinny Jew arms would snap.

And only one of those beds will have 3000 threadcount egyptian cotton sheets.


And it's the same one who has to sit on their deathbed knowing they assaulted their wife.

Is "Pussy Grabbed" the hot new victimhood for this month?

Gavin Mcinnes has mentioned that David Cross is fucking passed out girls and sexually assualting them all the time

>hes a domcrat

Oh....so trumps lierally hitler

The article says the ex was successful, not just that he tried, in carrying her completely out of the club.

Am I only person who thinks if you weren't held down while screaming and crying, then you shouldn't get to call it rape?

I always wanted to grab Joans's pussy, but I didn't want to hurt her.

Only one of them has to worry about getting salted for being a snail and giving Frank a handy under the breakfast table.

As far as Joan Of Arc based television series go, Wonderfalls was much better.

Man, you must really be a fan of this shithead, huh?

I fucking knew it.

people marry their exes sometimes

I bet Dave will use this as an excuse to take a shot at religion.

Also, what Trump said was just guy talk. Women wouldnt understand it. What I dont get is,why certain men are railing against this when they've most certainly said things that are more vile and disgusting

So she was dating Devin Fetacinni?

It's gonna be the new jimmies rastled for sure.

Like when Donald Trump called Weiner a pervert that is incurable?

I think the phenomenon you speak of is Pot/Kettle.

Sure, I guess if thinking he can't lift rice and is too gay to touch a pussy makes me a fan.

No it wasn't. Different, but not better.

>He's a big guy

Well, shit, then why defend him? If you think he's that pathetic, at least pretend to agree that he did it.

Bryan Fuller Brilliant But Canceled... Not better than WB / CW 90s era vapid bullshit?


What a stupid woman.

I am not defending him, I am attacking your claim that he can lift a full grown woman or touch a vagina without crying.

Fair. They were both cheese, but Mary Steenburgen pushed me over the edge.

>Standards of celebrity
Pick one

I guarantee a woman just posted this.
An ignorant woman at that.
Mean do get raped.
They do report.
Sexist clowns like you deny it happens.


It's not really that outrageous when you consider that offered corroboration that he's done despicable shit in the past. And what I'm saying is, if you think he's that pathetic, what do you care if he's branded a rapist (as he rightly should)?


Nah. It's different.

Men would understand this.

Anyway, after stumbling onto thay latest Cartel "Funky Town" video I am unable to take millionaires complaining about sore pussies seriously anymore.

In fact, I'm not sure I can take life seriously anymore.


When did Trump film him self jerking off and talking about destroying some 12 year old girl's pussy?

Insert David Chapelle stand up routine here.

Because to tie that branding to his wife's claims, you have to make a gigantic leap of logic and it makes him being a rapist even more unbelievable.

Have you never heard of prison where men regularly get raped to death?

Oh, come on. He's an unfunny hipster douchebag. It's not like he isn't deserving of it.

Deserving of what a free rape pass because stupid bitches like you have made so many unbelievable provably false claims that no one will believe?

No, deserving of the opposite: Actual punishment.

>Cartel "Funky Town" video
Shit nigga, you actually watched that? I turned pale just reading about it, and I thought I was desensitised.

This isn't crime stopper, dipshit, you sound retarded, you know if you tried spinning that yarn to actual police for an actual punishment you would be arrested for false reports and libel.

My mom's a cunt so I don't care

Yeah. I thought I was desensitized too.

Aftet that I wish I really was.

Really puts things in perspective.

Man they're really getting desperate aren't they?

Which is why she needs to fess up to what he does to her. Only she can put him behind bars.

But she is the one who drags him around clubs by his mangina, I saw her show she has arms like old hercules statues.

>My pussy?

Why is it a question? I fucking laughed my ass off.

My mum knows a woman who was raped by a black guy, no joke.

>men would understand this
We both know you're a neet manchild

>he's a big guy
,>big guy

Are you saying you wouldn't just go along with it if David Cross were arrested for sexual assault and thus couldn't produce any more "comedy?"

Fine. People with dicks who are forced to interact sometimes exclusively with other people with dicks.

Man A. Bragging about how he can grab a chick by her pussy and get her to go home is seen as a braggart or a liar. He's someone you roll your eyes at.

Man B. Who sends pictures of his dick to children on the internet and tries to groom them for sex is someone you pretend you don't know or bash in the showers.

I don't really understand the question, but Woody Allen, Roman Polanski, Nate Parker, and the like had no problem producing movies after being charged with sexual assault.

If he actually did get charged and his career being ruined was a real possibility, would you be this quick to voice that he couldn't have done it?

>If something physically impossible happened and reality was completely different, would you be my straw man

The guy who runs TMZ is gay, so yeah he wouldn't have a Joan of Arcadia fetish.

What does that have to do with anything though?
>not using skittles or tic tacs for your metaphor

>physically impossible

He's done that shit before. Maybe he hasn't picked a woman up by her vagina, but there's an abundance of accounts that he's assaulted women in the past.

And even if he hasn't, (which he has), I wouldn't be complaining if he got charged for it because he's an annoying dipshit and I wouldn't mind seeing his act shut down. Based on what you've said about him, I'm pretty sure you feel the same way.

Why didn't she go to the police when it happened instead of saving the story for when it would get her the most attention and push a political narrative?