Devin Faraci

was he our guy?

Other urls found in this thread:

No, he's a complete prick and always has been.

Is he finished? Is this karma for his bullying of James Rolfe

he's a fat cuck. plain & simple

Did he kill himself already?

He looks like the kind of person who would sexually assault a woman, forget about it and then only remember it once she brought it up to him.

apparently he's also a rapist now, I'm expecting him laying off BMD by the end of the week

BUT what if he did nothing wrong? what if the woman was just lying and all shit happened thanks to one tweet? /devindidnothingwrong/

last time I checked he was full-on SJW cuck

No, he's an asshole. All these male feminist types are the same. Predatory creeps that pretend to care about women's issues because it gets them geographically closer to their vaginas.

I'm certain even the most outspoken pedos on Cred Forums don't actually go around molesting people.

I don't care if he's done nothing wrong honestly. The guy is a huge asshole SJW who's done plenty wrong. He deserves this

Well, if she's lying he did himself no favours by not denying it. He just said he didn't remember.

>I'm certain even the most outspoken pedos on Cred Forums don't actually go around molesting people.


He's an idiot who couldn't decide to go with the "I don't recall" defence or the "apologise profusely" defence. So he said both while meaning neither.

If he wasn't an SJW he would deny it. But now his ideology prevents him from doing that. He put himself in this situation

By apologizing he essentially admitted to it.

This is the funniest part: because of his absurd ideology, he must believe the accusations of rape from any female at face value, that they cannot lie about this for any reason. Failure to do so is tantamount to positing that women can falsely accuse men of rape. Any given counter example is sufficient to disprove this thought construct wholesale. That's all it would take to completely break the narrative central to a burgeoning online religion that he touts.

So instead of trusting his own mind, his own memories, he chooses what he knows needs to be true instead of what is true. And then he tweets it without questioning twice.

Unless he did do it. In that case lol.

That's why he's probably finished in the industry

your incoherent rambling aside, I'm pretty sure he did things like that and I'm basing that solely on the fact that he's a huge asshole

tl;dr I'm saying if he says he didn't do it, he's by extension saying women can lie about being rape victims, so he's trapped

Who the fuck is he? I thought he was just some guy.

>le block everyone on Twitter for differing opinions man

but women CAN lie about being rape victims.
only in this case he seems guilty as fuck

The guy has always been a huge asshole stereotype of a nerd. I'm pretty sure the only reason he doesn't remember doing it is because he was drunk.

I just know him from some youtube vids and some articles on his ""blog""
maybe I'm too quick to judge, but he strikes me as a huge dick

But SJW doctrine says otherwise: "hear and believe"

>but women CAN lie about rape
Not in this guy's ideology. He actually believes women can't lie about stuff like this.

I am so psyched for whatever Film Crit Hulk posts in response to this. It's going to be a masterpiece of cognitive dissonance.

>SJW doctrine

you're probably an idiot, too
step out of the internet now and then


I really don't think you get who this guy is or what he does. I'll excuse the rudeness.

He's gonna avoid it completely. Same with Moviebob

Google "hear and believe"

This guy is totally on point you double nigger

maybe not
really don't care too much about these biased "critics"
sometimes it's just funny to read their rambling

The SJW doctrine is very real. Outside the internet it's rampant on some campuses

Amy Nicholson probably doesnt want him on Canon anymore kek

It's "listen and believe"

Why are SJWs so vile?

maybe in America
I'm not from the US of A

He rolled on Devin almost immediately.

Unless it's about Trump and the timing was just a coincidence.

Literally every other film critic who isn't employed by him hates this guy.

See, he wasn't lying, this shit is canonized

also kek fpbp

no other site is going to hire him after this, he's gonna have to start a site of his own

this is some real brainwash shit

Nah, his loyal fanbase has so adopted his woke viewpoints that they'll never come back after this. He dug his own grave.

Film crit hulk is the worst gimmick ever, I refuse to believe people actually have the patience to read his stuff

And then there's people who say "Once you get past the gimmick he's really good!" no he's not. He's a bullshitter who pretends to know way more than he does and acts like his pet theories are immutable laws.

If someone lied about being raped by this cuck he would gladly go to prison

He's literally the exact opposite of being "our guy"
Cred Forums talks shit about women on the internet but doesn't do anything in real life
He acts like he cares about women on the internet but treats them like shit in real life

I remember during that whole James Rofle Ghostbusters video debacle, he wrote an edgy article saying that even though there wasn't anything sexist in Rofle video, he was still sexist subconsciously. On top of accusing him of being a manchild

If making a video about a movie makes you subconsciously sexist, what does fingerbanging unwilling girls in bar while virtue signaling on twitter makes you?

Devin was projecting

But it was 10 years ago! He was only a foolish young man of 38 back then!

A big guy

>acts like his pet theories are immutable laws.
Ok I've read a few hulk articles and like 90% of the time he prefaces his theories by saying "this is more a guideline than and actual rule" and describes a situation where Tarantino did the exact opposite.

Yeah but then he does stuff like write a chapter about Shakespeare in his screenwriting manual with his own ill-informed opinions being put in the mouths of fictional "experts" because he knows no one who reads him is gonna check.


If anyone deserves this, it's him.

Thanks, I hadn't seen that. Honestly I feel like he's better at talking about why he likes movies on a personal level and not how they work.

Well, that's proof enough for me. Lock him up and have him chemically castrated.

>hates when people say "grab that pussy"
>actually grabs pussy

I enjoy the podcast but he's usually pretty annoying, wouldn't mind if someone else took his place.

He's a piece of shit and another reason to celebrate 2016, which is a gift that won't stop giving.

Can't wait to see who stabs him in the back and takes his job.

Money is on McWeeny.

James Rolfe should do a 0.5 Monster Madness addendum this year dedicated to Rape Revenge flicks.

Then the poetic justice is even sweeter.

>apparently he's also a rapist now,
knowing Devin, he probably had a wank and is accusing himself because hes a white male.

The twitter thread is funny as hell.

If he doesn't remember why did he say she was telling the truth and apologize for the "vile thing I did"?

Not according to Faraci.

Hence the irony,

That "listen and believe" doctrine and "rape culture" attacks on guys who use sleazy pick up lines on girls etc is exactly what this gentleman trafficked in.

He has his own site.

His SJW fanbase will forgive him.

Everyone who writes for Birth Movies Death is very pointedly not mentioning this. Except for one guy I saw who said he still deserves credit for making a feminist website. Yeah dude, reporting on every press release from Disney is enough of a public service to balance out the sexual assault.

That whole groip are conspicuously quiet.

Except Drew McWeeny who thinks it's great because it shows even the best can Do Better. Always.

Max Landis also had an underhanded remark to make about Closeted Creeps.

He doesn't get capekino, so no.

Yeah the silence is weird, I guess they just know where their bread is buttered.

> Maybe it will all just go away...p-please...

This guy refused to go on Screen Junkies Movie Fights because SJ as owned by Defy media who also owns The Escapist which allowed for Gamergate discussion on their forums. I bet Screen Junkies are glad he didn't go on their show now

He called a happily married father a limp dick loser, while demonstrating his sexual prowess via rape.

I don't think common sense is something he posseses in great amounts.



I hope Devin kills himself, I think it would be better for him and the world.

Faraci is scum. I hope James is seeing this and laughing

People ragging on Faraci never gets old.

Where is Joe Swanberg now that we need him more than ever?


Just a dumbass film critic who became sanctimoniously "feminist" about 3 years ago and has now been accused of sexual assault in the past.

How do you guys find the time and inclination to keep up with all this stuff? Like I don't know who any of these people are, even a little bit.

God I love when this shit happens to male feminists.

And it happens constantly.

hes a leftie doormat
never been anyone's "guy"

He's filming Kate Micucci's tits in his latest kino, so in a way he's still helping


turbocunt, glad this will destroy him

It's hard not to if you go on Film Twitter.

Not surprised. The guy's always been a little bully.

One of his contributors defending him, all the others are on radio silence.

Can't wait for the mental gymnastics from Film Crit Hulk.

>woman lies about sexual assault
>can't call her out because: "a woman is always telling the truth when it comes to sexual assault you victim blaming shitlord"
>you are cannibalised by the SJW hordes you pandered to for clicks and are helpless to stop it

Fucking hell mates, this is glorious. Why did we never think of pulling shit like this. Just make a fake twitter account with some slut's picture and start claiming that sjw's raped us.

Fuck that other guy; your deconstruction of the sjw mind illness was eloquent and overall spot on.

Kek that's pretty accurate. Why the fuck does he think people should take him seriously with his shitty gimmick?

I heard someone say once that Film Crit Hulk probably sends his female followers pics of his dick painted green he's so committed to the character.

Still no comment from his employer.

Tim League posted on twitter he took Faraci offline which meams he cant post on BMD I think?

Its over. He's finished.

I don't see him working in film criticism or any kind of public facing job ever again. He'll either have to get a shitty desk job or kill himself.

He's been here longer than most of the board current user base so yes

No, fuck him. I hope he never works again