*quips internally*


samefagging this hard


fuck off faggot



Is Capt the bottom?

What's the point of doing that when Tony can just shoot them directly?


To make him look useful.

Captain America's shield imbues the beam with freedom and thereby makes it twice as powerful

Honestly, only hulk, thor and Iron Man were useful during the final battle.
The others probably killed less than 50 combined.

screenshotted, uploaded to all my favorite subreddits, upvoted, commented, reddit gold, bazinga. good post sir, you win the internet.

This meme died when he kicked Tony's ass in the new one.

What's funny is that the shield is not supposed to deflect attacks. It's vibranium, it vibrates to completely nullify all momentum. Anything that hits the shield is supposed to just drop and none of the force is released or transferred to Cap. It's why Cap can block hits from guys like Thor without being smushed into the ground. But this is conveniently ignored. Sometimes people hit his shield and he gets knocked back, sometimes it deflects shit.

Even Spidey acknowledged the science behind the shield is retarded as fuck.

Only because:

1. Tony was holding back.
2. He kept ignoring Cap, going after Bucky instead, letting Cap get cheap shots on him.
3. They were fighting in a confined space, ideal for close combat but not ideal for a flying cannon.

the captain betamerica meme will always be better than laughing evans.

If only Tony didn't wear papermache armor...
>Mark 3 can take tank shells no prob
>Mark 42 can't take literally FUCKING PUNCHES

Your idea of "can take" and "can't take" is retarded. The tank shell knocked Tony out of the sky while he was flying at high speed and his armor was charred and dented afterwards. The punches pushed Tony back a few inches.

It was mostly the shield and Bucky's arm that was fucking him up. Although it doesn't make sense that Bucky's arm is stronger than Iron-Man's arm and simultaneously weaker than Spider-Man's arm.

>Tony was holding back
>Fighting fuelled by the rage about his dead parents
Pick one.

>The tank shell knocked Tony out of the sky while he was flying at high speed
Exactly and he fucking walked away without a single """contusion""".
And no matter how strong Cap is, he ain't the Hulk or Thanos or Thor, he can never punch as hard a tank shell.
So no, my idea of "can take" and "can't take" is not retarded, the Marvel screenwriters are, or the whole franchise if you want.

There was at least one instance where Tony could have killed Cap. Watch the fight. Tony knocked Cap on his ass and was standing over him while Bucky was running away. Instead he just flies after Bucky instead and Cap takes a pot shot at Tony's leg repulsor.

Prioritising a target is not the same as "holding back". Are you dense?

>have chance to kill Cap

Yes, that's called holding back.

No. It isn't. Again, he was prioritising a target. Having a chance to shoot Goebbels and not taking it because you're aiming for Hitler doesn't mean you're going easy on Goebbels.

Yes it is :^)

>I'm disabled
Thanks for letting us know.

It's just you, there is no us.

>You misunderstand
>I was just letting YOU know that I'm disabled


because is like SOO COOOL XD


he didn't want to kill cap
he wanted to incapacitate cap long enough to kill bucky

Why would he want to kill Cap?

Yes, that's called holding back.


It's actually made out of convenientanium.

poor little cap

Back when Cap skipped leg day. And torso day.
Jesus I can't take him seriously with that Halloween pajamas.

Cap was holding back too, he's more than capable of taking apart armor if he's not worried about killing the person inside, even in his weaker MCU form.

where did this meme come from

>using my OC

you have to pay for that shitlord


>even in his weaker MCU form.

If anything, his MCU form is buffed.

Watch it Capn