ITT: Old movies your dad likes

ITT: Old movies your dad likes


lmao underage much


my dads favourite movie is blade runner

can't wait to see what he will think of current year remakes that hollywood is shitting out

>dog day afternoon

isn't it time for preschool little jimothy?

my dad doesn't talk much but he once said he went to watch jaws when it was out



your dads have good taste


Boy, get started on the Rocky movies

My dad's favourite



My dad died when I was six so I have no idea what movies he liked.

Pretty sure I watched some Clint Eastwood movies with him. Like Dirty Harry.

Three Days of the Condor
Gosford Park

I like it too.

I excepted a lot more casual racism from this movie. There ended up being none.

Let's be honest, most of our dads know for about 12 movies from their youth and that's it.

Face it, your dad is a normie pleb.



To be fair, my dad is so old that most of his favorite movies aren't available on Blu-Ray, and in fact, not on DVD in general.

I'm sorry user, I think your dad may be autistic. My condolences.


Some film starring Cleopatra. I don't know the name.


same with my dad

He made me watch this when I was about 6. The ending made me cry fucking eyes out

Don't know what he likes the best, but I've seen him watching Silence of the Lambs several times throughout the years

The Good the Bad and the Ugly

Can you imagine this came out EVEN BEFORE IRON MAN? It's ancient, I was like 4 back then lol xD

>lol xD
Also that movie is fucking awful

My dad went to director's school. He has mostly high end Cred Forums core tastes.

this really is the worst board

I remember the torture scenes from this rather vividly, that wheel people were strapped to that would rotate into the fire below

Never saw that one. It's good?


My dad's favorite movie.

you go watch that movie right now young man

The dirty dozen
Kelly's heroes
The longest day
His "Trilogy"


and you're part of it

>Every film I ever watch with my Dad he falls asleep
>Whenever I'm home I show him some of my favourite films
>Llweyn Davis, Dr Strangelove, Fargo etc.
>Always falls asleep then complains he didn't understand them
>His choice to pick a film
>Pic related
>Never rated it much myself
>I've never seen my Dad laugh more than watching Robin Williams chase the Vietnamese girl on a bike with no tires
>Literal tears down his face
>I'm just watching him in awe at this point
>Tfw he'll be gone some day
>Feels good to know I'll always have that memory of him laughing like an 8 year old at pic related